When you throw all jobs against the wall of cushiness, only one will stick to it. Politicians have the cushiest jobs around.
A politician has only one mandatory obligation, and that is to get him/herself re-elected. And, their world is full of perks. They get to set the rules for everybody else. And of course spend other people's money. Spending other people's money is a fun sport that helps them with the only mandatory part of their job - getting re-elected. The challenge to a politician is to figure ways to keep a handy money supply to spend in order to convince the folks back home that he/she has the voters back.
I don’t know how much you have thought of the many ways that you pay the government. You can filter the ways you support the politicians with one simple sentence. If you earn money, buy anything, enjoy anything, own a home/property, transport yourself anywhere, or own a business, then you pay taxes.
The politicians have crafted taxes to make the taxes look like they are not taxing you. Gaining new revenue for the politicians is an art form. For instance, a city can levy hotel taxes to raise money and claim that the additional money comes from out-of-town visitors. Targeted taxes always have the appeal to the majority. It is always somebody else who has to bear the burden of those additional taxes. The result is that the politician has successfully increased revenues to the state/city/county, leaving himself unblemished as a tax-hiker. He can then go to the voters and make the claim proclaiming his fiscal responsibility.
Politicians play the property-tax game in most areas. No politician wants to go on record for recommending a higher property tax. What do they do? They make the appraisal process automatic so that the value of your property increases (for taxing purposes) every year. Again, the politician can claim that he hasn't raised taxes.
Politicians can and do sponsor a lot of projects in their districts/state/city. All it takes is money, and raising that money is an art form. The sleight of hand they use to make it look like the project is free and that somebody else is paying for it is what keeps the politician in office. Most of these projects would never get off the ground if the politicians were honest and let the citizens in his district/state/city decide for themselves with their money whether the project would be worth paying for.
By dividing us into groups, it is a relative easy process to set one group against another. We all come into one of those groups. These groups include the drinkers, smokers, drivers, property-owners, purchasers of goods and purchasers of certain goods, toll road users, travelers, lottery players, and casino patrons and casinos. I may have left some out, but the idea to take home from this is that as long as you are not in the group from which the tax is proposed, then somebody else will have to pay the tax - not you.
As stated above, separating you from your money is an art form. It doesn't matter which group that you are in, you will always be in one of the groups hit with a special tax. The taxes themselves take many forms. Taxes take any of the following forms - license fees, sales taxes, lotteries, income taxes, inheritance taxes, business taxes, gambler's winnings, and other creative ways that hide a politician's involvement in additional taxes. Remember, for every pleasurable vice that you have, a smart career politician will figure out a way to tax it.
Governments do have responsibilities, but making sure politicians get re-elected at our expense is not one of them. Pork hurts all of us, - even if we are on the receiving end of government largess, we have to pay for other groups in other states. There is no free lunch! The citizens of a local area should tend and finance all local projects that they find worthy. Higher government involvement in a local issue is purely political and designed for the benefit of the politicians.
Yes, a politician is the one job that a man can get into with modest means and leave a rich man. It is the cushiest job in town. In the next election, the public needs to take back control from the thieves of the night and vote them out of office. Incumbency should become a thing of the past with strict term limits imposed. Put term limits as one of your priorities when selecting the candidate that you want in office, regardless of governmental level.
Email Comment to Robert
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Wants and Needs
What a topic! Both 'wants' and 'needs' are motivators. Needs are the essential things that are basic to survival. For instance, we need food, shelter from the elements, and it could even mean a blanket on a cold night. Needs are the things that are essential for existence. To satisfy our needs in today's society, we can earn money, depend on charity, or become a criminal and just take what we need. One way of the other, we have to satisfy our needs or we will die.
Needs also means a lot of different things like companionship and cooperation with others. Fulfilling those needs are accomplished by grouping together into a society. Loosely translated, a society is a group of like minded people bound by a common thread of beliefs, goals, language, and traditions. Every society has their particular institutions and values that clearly define who they are. Until lately, the different societies divided into different geographical areas defined as countries. But mass transportation has allowed mass movement of individuals from and into different countries resulting in a blurring of how we define those societies. Since the late 1800's, the indigenous peoples of the geographical countries have seen their majorities shrink and their political power shrivel.
Because of immigration, birth control, and exodus of people around the world, the threads of these indigenous societies are weakening and will probably dissolve within this century. The new majorities are redefining 'needs'. Our evolving definition of life's necessities is altering both our political landscape and our interactions with each other. This writer just hopes that the conflicts of the 'needs' definition will get resolved peacefully - but there are indications that it will not.
We all meet our needs first. After meeting the essentials, we may decide that other things may make our life a little better. Those other things come into the category of 'wants'. Having wants is that peculiar human trait of not being satisfied. This trait is responsible for human progress. After all, the most primitive of people meet their needs, but it is our desire for the things that are not essential for life that drives the engine of progress.
Our wants drive us to heights above just meeting our needs. It might be that new large house, new car, or even a designer gown that catches our fancy. Our wants provide the incentive to be more productive so we can acquire the things we desire and in the process, establish industry and retail businesses to supply those things.
How badly we want to satisfy our wants is an individual thing. Some have an insatiable appetite that recognizes no limits. But most of us settle on a level that feels comfortable, and we tend to remain within a set of self-imposed boundaries. In this society, it is not a Liberal or Conservative imposed boundary, but a boundary decided by the individual as to how much is enough. Motivated individuals start businesses and in the process make it possible for others to make their way in the world.
Industries recognize the stratification of these boundaries and produce items suitable for each strata of human endeavor. A person can buy from the category that he can afford - everything from common fish-roe to Russian sturgeon caviar. What you buy depends on your self-imposed boundary of income level.
Wishing for more income does not produce diddly. If you fall into the category of a person who is envious of those who have more than you do, then you have exhausted your ability to reach higher. A person must meet certain requirements for advancing in a profit-motivated society. Education is always a good place to start. Education whether formal or from life's experiences when properly applied, will generally return good results for those seeking to satisfy their wants. There are no free lunches; it takes a lot of effort to succeed. We should admire those who reach their goals; not be envious of them. Most successful people have a lot invested in their success. We depend on those who demand better in life. Else, we would not have the industrial products, stores, and restaurants we enjoy. Our society would slowly decline to third world status if the Statist and Socialists have their way. Stifling competition only leads to mediocrity. Competition leads to the 'better mousetrap' that keeps the economy moving. Competition provides that incentive for the one-up-man-ship that drives commerce and innovation.
All of our progress depends on the wants of individuals. Your effort to satisfy those wants is up to you. Effort can overcome adversity, but waiting for someone else to do it for you will only accumulate cobwebs. I leave you with this thought. - The best apples need to be picked from the tree and therefore takes effort to get. Bottom feeders that are not particular wait on the ground for one to fall.
Email comment to Robert
Needs also means a lot of different things like companionship and cooperation with others. Fulfilling those needs are accomplished by grouping together into a society. Loosely translated, a society is a group of like minded people bound by a common thread of beliefs, goals, language, and traditions. Every society has their particular institutions and values that clearly define who they are. Until lately, the different societies divided into different geographical areas defined as countries. But mass transportation has allowed mass movement of individuals from and into different countries resulting in a blurring of how we define those societies. Since the late 1800's, the indigenous peoples of the geographical countries have seen their majorities shrink and their political power shrivel.
Because of immigration, birth control, and exodus of people around the world, the threads of these indigenous societies are weakening and will probably dissolve within this century. The new majorities are redefining 'needs'. Our evolving definition of life's necessities is altering both our political landscape and our interactions with each other. This writer just hopes that the conflicts of the 'needs' definition will get resolved peacefully - but there are indications that it will not.
We all meet our needs first. After meeting the essentials, we may decide that other things may make our life a little better. Those other things come into the category of 'wants'. Having wants is that peculiar human trait of not being satisfied. This trait is responsible for human progress. After all, the most primitive of people meet their needs, but it is our desire for the things that are not essential for life that drives the engine of progress.
Our wants drive us to heights above just meeting our needs. It might be that new large house, new car, or even a designer gown that catches our fancy. Our wants provide the incentive to be more productive so we can acquire the things we desire and in the process, establish industry and retail businesses to supply those things.
How badly we want to satisfy our wants is an individual thing. Some have an insatiable appetite that recognizes no limits. But most of us settle on a level that feels comfortable, and we tend to remain within a set of self-imposed boundaries. In this society, it is not a Liberal or Conservative imposed boundary, but a boundary decided by the individual as to how much is enough. Motivated individuals start businesses and in the process make it possible for others to make their way in the world.
Industries recognize the stratification of these boundaries and produce items suitable for each strata of human endeavor. A person can buy from the category that he can afford - everything from common fish-roe to Russian sturgeon caviar. What you buy depends on your self-imposed boundary of income level.
Wishing for more income does not produce diddly. If you fall into the category of a person who is envious of those who have more than you do, then you have exhausted your ability to reach higher. A person must meet certain requirements for advancing in a profit-motivated society. Education is always a good place to start. Education whether formal or from life's experiences when properly applied, will generally return good results for those seeking to satisfy their wants. There are no free lunches; it takes a lot of effort to succeed. We should admire those who reach their goals; not be envious of them. Most successful people have a lot invested in their success. We depend on those who demand better in life. Else, we would not have the industrial products, stores, and restaurants we enjoy. Our society would slowly decline to third world status if the Statist and Socialists have their way. Stifling competition only leads to mediocrity. Competition leads to the 'better mousetrap' that keeps the economy moving. Competition provides that incentive for the one-up-man-ship that drives commerce and innovation.
All of our progress depends on the wants of individuals. Your effort to satisfy those wants is up to you. Effort can overcome adversity, but waiting for someone else to do it for you will only accumulate cobwebs. I leave you with this thought. - The best apples need to be picked from the tree and therefore takes effort to get. Bottom feeders that are not particular wait on the ground for one to fall.
Email comment to Robert
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Heading to a New Low
Is nothing sacred? Freedom of speech was once the hallmark of America. But Obama has other ideas. The thugism as practiced by Obama is putting out the light of freedom of expression.
True to his roots, Obama has brought Chicago style politics to Washington. Threats and bullying has been the trademark of power hungry leaders since man's history began. Even though they always lose in the end, they are capable of doing great damage to a society. Because of the way Obama is leading this country, polarization of the American people is growing to a swell that may not be resolved peacefully. His rhetoric is empty, his lies are many, and by appointing the many czars to do his bidding, he nimbly sidesteps the constitution. Operating beyond the consent of congress, these czars have power not granted by the constitution.
Freedom of expression: Obama has sought to get Glenn Beck off the air by urging the boycott of his sponsors. Read the article:
Obama Official Linked to Racially Charged Boycott of Glenn Beck
by Michelle Oddis
A racially charged activist group called “Color of change" founded by Van Jones, a special advisor to the Obama Administration, is trying to silence popular radio and Fox News personality Glenn Beck by calling for a boycott of Beck’s TV advertisers.
On July 28th, Beck made a comment on the Fox & Friends morning show about Obama’s reaction to the arrest of Dr. Henry Louis Gates Jr. During the discussion of “Professor-Gate,” Beck connected the President’s past association with Rev. Jeremiah Wright to Obama’s comment that Cambridge police officer, Sgt. James Crowley, acted stupidly. Though Beck acknowledged most of the Obama administration is in fact white, he concluded that the President’s world experience made him a “racist.”
Now “Color of Change” has bullied at least five of Beck’s big advertisers -- SC Johnson, Progressive Insurance, Geico, Procter & Gamble and Nexus Lexis -- to pull their ads from Beck’s national cable program. Jones, the founder of “Color of Change,” was named Special Advisor for Green Jobs at the White House Council on Environmental Quality -- a key administrative post -- this past March.
States Desperate for Money now Exploit our Young
Ohio guidelines would set legal age for slots at 18
Proposed guidelines released by the Ohio Lottery Commission would lower the legal age for playing slot machines to 18 at the state's new racinos. The commission is expected to approve the guidelines for the racinos, which are combination horse tracks and slot parlors, next week and forward them to the governor for approval. Four other states have set the legal gaming age at 18, according to the American Gaming Association. Read the full story here Akron Beacon Journal (Ohio) (8/13)
These are sad social notes on American greed. Obama and his thirst for power and an unquenchable thirst for more money by our governments - local, state and Federal. The new legal age for slot players is especially vexing because the allure of the slot machine can be overpowering to an eighteen year old. Where do you think an 18 year old will get his/her money? Most of our young do not realize the value of money other than for something you use to acquire life's baubles.
The debt that Obama has accumulated in the first 6 months of his presidency cannot be repaid by the private sector within the next 3 generations. Obama is gambling on the notion that those generations will not have emergencies of their own to take care of. Where does the spiraling debt end? Pinning hopes on Obama's "green jobs" is farcical. To begin with, his scheme's foundation of anthropogenic global warming is another false claim. Obama is going to be desperate to pay for all his grand, childish, and naïve ideas. Be very careful about your desire for Nirvana. That quest can lead to a very different place than the one you imagine.
The health care plan that the House of Representatives have proposed will kill good health care for Americans. Exceptionalism of care will only be in the province of the few elites in government who are exempt from the plan they write for you. Everybody else will fall under the statistical probabilities of remedy and expense. In other words if the cure is too costly or your age too advanced, be prepared to receive a "pain pill" and "end life counseling".
Government run healthcare is an appetizing looking morsel, but it carries an arsenic center. Be very vocal to your representatives in the House and Senate. Let them know that you do not want what they are offering. You are being lied to on a grand scale about the wondrous results that will result from government run health care.
Fact: Mayo Clinic Says Government-Run Health Care Will Force Doctors To Drop Patients
I leave you with this thought - The American military is the only thing standing between you and having to face Mecca five times a day. Protecting our free society is the only obligation that the government really has, not the nationalizing of private companies and intimidating political opposition. But this president sees things differently. His idea is to confiscate your freedom and bow to the rest of the world. What have we voted into office?
Cheers - I think,
True to his roots, Obama has brought Chicago style politics to Washington. Threats and bullying has been the trademark of power hungry leaders since man's history began. Even though they always lose in the end, they are capable of doing great damage to a society. Because of the way Obama is leading this country, polarization of the American people is growing to a swell that may not be resolved peacefully. His rhetoric is empty, his lies are many, and by appointing the many czars to do his bidding, he nimbly sidesteps the constitution. Operating beyond the consent of congress, these czars have power not granted by the constitution.
Freedom of expression: Obama has sought to get Glenn Beck off the air by urging the boycott of his sponsors. Read the article:
Obama Official Linked to Racially Charged Boycott of Glenn Beck
by Michelle Oddis
A racially charged activist group called “Color of change" founded by Van Jones, a special advisor to the Obama Administration, is trying to silence popular radio and Fox News personality Glenn Beck by calling for a boycott of Beck’s TV advertisers.
On July 28th, Beck made a comment on the Fox & Friends morning show about Obama’s reaction to the arrest of Dr. Henry Louis Gates Jr. During the discussion of “Professor-Gate,” Beck connected the President’s past association with Rev. Jeremiah Wright to Obama’s comment that Cambridge police officer, Sgt. James Crowley, acted stupidly. Though Beck acknowledged most of the Obama administration is in fact white, he concluded that the President’s world experience made him a “racist.”
Now “Color of Change” has bullied at least five of Beck’s big advertisers -- SC Johnson, Progressive Insurance, Geico, Procter & Gamble and Nexus Lexis -- to pull their ads from Beck’s national cable program. Jones, the founder of “Color of Change,” was named Special Advisor for Green Jobs at the White House Council on Environmental Quality -- a key administrative post -- this past March.
States Desperate for Money now Exploit our Young
Ohio guidelines would set legal age for slots at 18
Proposed guidelines released by the Ohio Lottery Commission would lower the legal age for playing slot machines to 18 at the state's new racinos. The commission is expected to approve the guidelines for the racinos, which are combination horse tracks and slot parlors, next week and forward them to the governor for approval. Four other states have set the legal gaming age at 18, according to the American Gaming Association. Read the full story here Akron Beacon Journal (Ohio) (8/13)
These are sad social notes on American greed. Obama and his thirst for power and an unquenchable thirst for more money by our governments - local, state and Federal. The new legal age for slot players is especially vexing because the allure of the slot machine can be overpowering to an eighteen year old. Where do you think an 18 year old will get his/her money? Most of our young do not realize the value of money other than for something you use to acquire life's baubles.
The debt that Obama has accumulated in the first 6 months of his presidency cannot be repaid by the private sector within the next 3 generations. Obama is gambling on the notion that those generations will not have emergencies of their own to take care of. Where does the spiraling debt end? Pinning hopes on Obama's "green jobs" is farcical. To begin with, his scheme's foundation of anthropogenic global warming is another false claim. Obama is going to be desperate to pay for all his grand, childish, and naïve ideas. Be very careful about your desire for Nirvana. That quest can lead to a very different place than the one you imagine.
The health care plan that the House of Representatives have proposed will kill good health care for Americans. Exceptionalism of care will only be in the province of the few elites in government who are exempt from the plan they write for you. Everybody else will fall under the statistical probabilities of remedy and expense. In other words if the cure is too costly or your age too advanced, be prepared to receive a "pain pill" and "end life counseling".
Government run healthcare is an appetizing looking morsel, but it carries an arsenic center. Be very vocal to your representatives in the House and Senate. Let them know that you do not want what they are offering. You are being lied to on a grand scale about the wondrous results that will result from government run health care.
Fact: Mayo Clinic Says Government-Run Health Care Will Force Doctors To Drop Patients
I leave you with this thought - The American military is the only thing standing between you and having to face Mecca five times a day. Protecting our free society is the only obligation that the government really has, not the nationalizing of private companies and intimidating political opposition. But this president sees things differently. His idea is to confiscate your freedom and bow to the rest of the world. What have we voted into office?
Cheers - I think,
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Health Care Dilemma
My email box is overflowing with viewpoints on the proposed health care plan before congress. Most of what I receive is opposed to the plan, but there are people out there who want this all-encompassing package to pass.
One conclusion that I have drawn is that all sides of the argument are genuine. The Liberals that read my column are not power-hungry mongrels as portrayed by talk radio and elsewhere. No, even though their point of view is very narrow, they feel like the system we have now, is faulty and that the government is the only thing big and tough enough to get relief to the poor and others without health care.
Political patronage and misrepresentation of this bill is what kills the current health care proposal for me. Examination of the bill reveals a real horror story. It really doesn't do anything but add to the already burgeoning deficit. But that is only the start of what is wrong with this bill.
If you really believe that we are going to provide coverage for millions of additional people and save money in the process, then you are certainly a Kool-Aid drinker.
Several of you railed against the profit motive as being the bad guy. C'mon, you people have brains. General Motors just declared bankruptcy because of 'no profits'. Do you think that by removing profitability that things would actually improve? Profits motivate progress. Progress cannot be mandated. Just look at any Socialist / Communist country. If mandates from the governments of those societies had worked, those countries would be the envy of the world, not wallowing in third world status.
There was a time in American history when unbridled Capitalism almost destroyed the underpinnings of this country. But the people fought back spawning new labor laws and just compensation. But the pendulum has moved too far left and we are again at the precipice of destruction. We have squeezed out most of our industry with over taxation. Our manufacturing base has dwindled from one job out of three, down to one job out of ten. You people do remember manufacturing don't you?
Manufacturing is where you take relatively worthless components/resources and turn them into something of value. Manufacturers set up shop because there might be a profit in doing so. But the governments (State, Federal, and Local) have literally stolen any opportunity for profits through taxation and regulation, so they just moved and took their jobs to a friendlier environment.
In a related issue closer to home, I used to enjoy going to the casinos and playing the slot machines. Most of the time it was a losing effort, but until the last few years I always thought that I had at least a small chance of winning. As you wandered through the casino, you heard 'yippee! and wahoo!' as lucky people hit good on the machines. But that has all changed now. Government squeeze on casino profits has put a damper on your ability to win playing a slot machine. You have to be extremely lucky to get a good hit anymore. Why? Because the local and state governments saw the casinos as easy pickings and started taxing the bejesus out of them. They take their slice off the top and casino operators are left to sort out how to keep the customers happy. One mechanism that casinos employ now is by way of the 'slot club'. Slot clubs allow the customers to accumulate points that can be redeemed for meals, rooms, or cash. It takes a lot of slot play to get any benefits and those benefits usually come with a very high price tag. Winning at the slots is now a rare event.
I tell you this story about the casinos to illustrate the point about profits. Casino customers are no different. The customers really don't go to the casino to see the bright lights, nor to hear the ruckus of the slot machines, no, they go there because lady luck might shine on them and they will win. So lo and behold, when that opportunity was removed and replaced with just a few very costly baubles, the customers started to stay away from the casinos. Casinos are now losing money. Greed, whether in the private or public sector spawns ruination.
The same is true for our manufacturing base, health care, or trade unions. - Something that very few of you know about me is that I am a retired union member. I even draw a retirement pittance from my union. My membership dates back to the sixties, and over time, the union has changed. We used to hear comments from our union leaders such as, "A day's work for a day's pay", and "You have to make the man money so he can afford to hire union labor". Construction locals fought hard to maintain their contractor base - but the unions got greedy. The more they demanded from those contractors, the more those contractors deserted the unions.
The world has always been like that. There is always that segment of the population that cannot and does not want to compete for standing. Instead, they make demands of those who have invested their time, effort, and money into succeeding. Demands from our governments with their tax policies hurt all of us. Heavy-handed governments always lead to ruination, always have, and always will. Ruination follows when any of life's participants get greedy. Greed at the dinner table even causes misery - either immediately after a big meal or later in life after you get fat. The piper is always there to collect his dues. There are no free lunches.
Certainly, there are issues that need addressing such as that young woman from Alvin, TX who found out she has cervical cancer. Her insurance required several thousand dollars deductible before they would approve coverage. It is indeed a sad tale. I certainly hope for this young woman's sake that she will soon raise the money. All people facing catastrophic health issues should have a way to get help whenever there are circumstances such as this young woman is going through. But, and I will repeat, the answer is not to be found with a total takeover of our health care system. We should address the bad in the system and make those corrections to the best of our ability without screwing up the world's finest health care.
I don't believe in altruism. If the government starts to regulate the pay for doctors, our medical system will take a quality hit. The government opens the door to mediocrity when they don't allow the market to dictate the cost and profits earned by doctors. Put yourself in the shoes of a young college student just entering medical school. The odds are that you will not put in all that extra time and work trying to be the best you can be. Why should you? The party hounds who don't work and learn will make the same amount of money as you and not have to expend the effort that is required to be a top notch doctor. To know that this is true, all we have to do is look at those countries where 'single-payer' systems exist. The number of doctors' drop because of the loss of profit potential. Doctor loss puts even more pressure on health care system, i.e. medical rationing becomes necessary because the system can't physically take care of the volume.
What you want to remember is that in today's medical schools, only 25% of the graduating doctors finished at the top. 75% graduated as middle of the road or worse. The top 25% worked extra hard to earn the rankings that they received. Lumping all doctors into the same income category would destroy the incentive for the extra effort that yields to the system our top-notch doctors. Eventually, the only doctors that will be available will be mediocre doctors. The profit incentive is what drives those students to make that extra effort to be the best. If you value freedom, you will reject this bill. We cannot afford a heavy handed government run health system.
Glaringly absent in this legislation is any mention of tort reform, incentives for increasing the number of doctors, or any guidelines as to the quality of the care you receive. There are no appeals to the decisions made by the boards and commissions set up by the government. Whatever they decide is it! Finito, end of story.
This bill, over time, puts the government in charge of the health care industry. If we force the private insurers into competition with a government, it will mean certain doom for the private insurance companies (and all of those jobs). This puts the insurance companies in a no win situation.- Plus, with the government's ability to just print money, and not have to make a profit assures that the playing field is not level. Private industry does not have those luxuries. Those American businesses that provide health care for their workers will gladly unload the expense of health care to the government. Who will pick up that added expense? This bill does not address how they will pay for this boondoggle.
The democrats are already proposing ideas for new taxes. The idea that just the rich will pay is patently ridiculous. All costs filters down to everybody either through higher prices, taxes on the things that you like, license fees, penalties, or other artistic and creative devices for separating you from your money. If they do not raise the income tax, you can count on stealthy means of getting your money. Politicians like collecting money through the back door; it gives them cover.
It is the same sick way local and state governments use to increase property tax collection. Property appraisals increase automatically with no accountability. The politicians can maintain their innocence by stating that they have not raised taxes. The result is the same though - it cost you more money.
Eighty percent of Americans now have insurance coverage. Sixty-eight percent of those are happy with their coverage. Some parts of our system need tweaking and I am all for fixing the bad parts. But the total takeover of one of the finest medical systems in the world is not an answer.
Have you read what's in this bill? Below is a brief that I received from someone who has read the bill and interpreted it. Have a look at this brief - is this what you really want from your government? Note of admission - I checked some of these interpretations and they looked okay to me - but I am not an attorney so read the bill for yourself if you want to test these interpretations. The bill is posted on- The Huffington Post
In the bill, you will find these goodies:
• Page 22: Mandates audits of all employers that self-insure!
• Page 29: Admission: your health care will be rationed!
• Page 30: A government committee will decide what treatments and benefits you get (and, unlike an insurer, there will be no appeals process)
• Page 42: The "Health Choices Commissioner" will decide health benefits for you. You will have no choice. None.
• Page 50: All non-US citizens, illegal or not, will be provided with free healthcare services.
• Page 58: Every person will be issued a National ID Healthcard.
• Page 59: The federal government will have direct, real-time access to all individual bank accounts for electronic funds transfer.
• Page 65: Taxpayers will subsidize all union retiree and community organizer health plans (read: SEIU, UAW and ACORN)
• Page 72: All private healthcare plans must conform to government rules to participate in a Healthcare Exchange.
• Page 84: All private healthcare plans must participate in the Healthcare Exchange (i.e., total government control of private plans)
• Page 91: Government mandates linguistic infrastructure for services; translation: illegal aliens
• Page 95: The Government will pay ACORN and Americorps to sign up individuals for Government-run Health Care plan.
• Page 102: Those eligible for Medicaid will be automatically enrolled: you have no choice in the matter.
• Page 124: No company can sue the government for price-fixing. No "judicial review" is permitted against the government monopoly. Put simply, private insurers will be crushed.
• Page 127: The AMA sold doctors out: the government will set wages.
• Page 145: An employer MUST auto-enroll employees into the government-run public plan. No alternatives.
• Page 126: Employers MUST pay healthcare bills for part-time employees AND their families.
• Page 149: Any employer with a payroll of $400K or more, who does not offer the public option, pays an 8% tax on payroll
• Page 150: Any employer with a payroll of $250K-400K or more, who does not offer the public option, pays a 2 to 6% tax on payroll
• Page 167: Any individual who doesn’t' have acceptable healthcare (according to the government) will be taxed 2.5% of income.
• Page 170: Any NON-RESIDENT alien is exempt from individual taxes (Americans will pay for them).
• Page 195: Officers and employees of Government Healthcare Bureaucracy will have access to ALL American financial and personal records.
• Page 203: "The tax imposed under this section shall not be treated as tax." Yes, it really says that.
• Page 239: Bill will reduce physician services for Medicaid. Seniors and the poor most affected."
• Page 241: Doctors: no matter what specialty you have, you'll all be paid the same (thanks, AMA!)
• Page 253: Government sets value of doctors' time, their professional judgment, etc.
• Page 265: Government mandates and controls productivity for private healthcare industries.
• Page 268: Government regulates rental and purchase of power-driven wheelchairs.
• Page 272: Cancer patients: welcome to the wonderful world of rationing!
• Page 280: Hospitals will be penalized for what the government deems preventable re-admissions.
• Page 298: Doctors: if you treat a patient during an initial admission that results in a readmission, you will be penalized by the government.
• Page 317: Doctors: you are now prohibited for owning and investing in healthcare companies!
• Page 318: Prohibition on hospital expansion. Hospitals cannot expand without government approval.
• Page 321: Hospital expansion hinges on "community" input: in other words, yet another payoff for ACORN.
• Page 335: Government mandates establishment of outcome-based measures: i.e., rationing.
• Page 341: Government has authority to disqualify Medicare Advantage Plans, HMOs, etc.
• Page 354: Government will restrict enrollment of SPECIAL NEEDS individuals.
• Page 379: More bureaucracy: Telehealth Advisory Committee (healthcare by phone).
• Page 425: More bureaucracy: Advance Care Planning Consult: Senior Citizens, assisted suicide, euthanasia?
• Page 425: Government will instruct and consult regarding living wills, durable powers of attorney, etc. Mandatory. Appears to lock in estate taxes ahead of time.
• Page 425: Government provides approved list of end-of-life resources, guiding you in death.
• Page 427: Government mandates program that orders end-of-life treatment; government dictates how your life ends.
• Page 429: Advance Care Planning Consult will be used to dictate treatment as patient's health deteriorates. This can include an ORDER for end-of-life plans. An ORDER from the GOVERNMENT.
• Page 430: Government will decide what level of treatments you may have at end-of-life.
• Page 469: Community-based Home Medical Services: more payoffs for ACORN.
• Page 472: Payments to Community-based organizations: more payoffs for ACORN.
• Page 489: Government will cover marriage and family therapy. Government intervenes in your marriage.
• Page 494: Government will cover mental health services: defining, creating and rationing those services.
Email Your comments to Robert
One conclusion that I have drawn is that all sides of the argument are genuine. The Liberals that read my column are not power-hungry mongrels as portrayed by talk radio and elsewhere. No, even though their point of view is very narrow, they feel like the system we have now, is faulty and that the government is the only thing big and tough enough to get relief to the poor and others without health care.
Political patronage and misrepresentation of this bill is what kills the current health care proposal for me. Examination of the bill reveals a real horror story. It really doesn't do anything but add to the already burgeoning deficit. But that is only the start of what is wrong with this bill.
If you really believe that we are going to provide coverage for millions of additional people and save money in the process, then you are certainly a Kool-Aid drinker.
Several of you railed against the profit motive as being the bad guy. C'mon, you people have brains. General Motors just declared bankruptcy because of 'no profits'. Do you think that by removing profitability that things would actually improve? Profits motivate progress. Progress cannot be mandated. Just look at any Socialist / Communist country. If mandates from the governments of those societies had worked, those countries would be the envy of the world, not wallowing in third world status.
There was a time in American history when unbridled Capitalism almost destroyed the underpinnings of this country. But the people fought back spawning new labor laws and just compensation. But the pendulum has moved too far left and we are again at the precipice of destruction. We have squeezed out most of our industry with over taxation. Our manufacturing base has dwindled from one job out of three, down to one job out of ten. You people do remember manufacturing don't you?
Manufacturing is where you take relatively worthless components/resources and turn them into something of value. Manufacturers set up shop because there might be a profit in doing so. But the governments (State, Federal, and Local) have literally stolen any opportunity for profits through taxation and regulation, so they just moved and took their jobs to a friendlier environment.
In a related issue closer to home, I used to enjoy going to the casinos and playing the slot machines. Most of the time it was a losing effort, but until the last few years I always thought that I had at least a small chance of winning. As you wandered through the casino, you heard 'yippee! and wahoo!' as lucky people hit good on the machines. But that has all changed now. Government squeeze on casino profits has put a damper on your ability to win playing a slot machine. You have to be extremely lucky to get a good hit anymore. Why? Because the local and state governments saw the casinos as easy pickings and started taxing the bejesus out of them. They take their slice off the top and casino operators are left to sort out how to keep the customers happy. One mechanism that casinos employ now is by way of the 'slot club'. Slot clubs allow the customers to accumulate points that can be redeemed for meals, rooms, or cash. It takes a lot of slot play to get any benefits and those benefits usually come with a very high price tag. Winning at the slots is now a rare event.
I tell you this story about the casinos to illustrate the point about profits. Casino customers are no different. The customers really don't go to the casino to see the bright lights, nor to hear the ruckus of the slot machines, no, they go there because lady luck might shine on them and they will win. So lo and behold, when that opportunity was removed and replaced with just a few very costly baubles, the customers started to stay away from the casinos. Casinos are now losing money. Greed, whether in the private or public sector spawns ruination.
The same is true for our manufacturing base, health care, or trade unions. - Something that very few of you know about me is that I am a retired union member. I even draw a retirement pittance from my union. My membership dates back to the sixties, and over time, the union has changed. We used to hear comments from our union leaders such as, "A day's work for a day's pay", and "You have to make the man money so he can afford to hire union labor". Construction locals fought hard to maintain their contractor base - but the unions got greedy. The more they demanded from those contractors, the more those contractors deserted the unions.
The world has always been like that. There is always that segment of the population that cannot and does not want to compete for standing. Instead, they make demands of those who have invested their time, effort, and money into succeeding. Demands from our governments with their tax policies hurt all of us. Heavy-handed governments always lead to ruination, always have, and always will. Ruination follows when any of life's participants get greedy. Greed at the dinner table even causes misery - either immediately after a big meal or later in life after you get fat. The piper is always there to collect his dues. There are no free lunches.
Certainly, there are issues that need addressing such as that young woman from Alvin, TX who found out she has cervical cancer. Her insurance required several thousand dollars deductible before they would approve coverage. It is indeed a sad tale. I certainly hope for this young woman's sake that she will soon raise the money. All people facing catastrophic health issues should have a way to get help whenever there are circumstances such as this young woman is going through. But, and I will repeat, the answer is not to be found with a total takeover of our health care system. We should address the bad in the system and make those corrections to the best of our ability without screwing up the world's finest health care.
I don't believe in altruism. If the government starts to regulate the pay for doctors, our medical system will take a quality hit. The government opens the door to mediocrity when they don't allow the market to dictate the cost and profits earned by doctors. Put yourself in the shoes of a young college student just entering medical school. The odds are that you will not put in all that extra time and work trying to be the best you can be. Why should you? The party hounds who don't work and learn will make the same amount of money as you and not have to expend the effort that is required to be a top notch doctor. To know that this is true, all we have to do is look at those countries where 'single-payer' systems exist. The number of doctors' drop because of the loss of profit potential. Doctor loss puts even more pressure on health care system, i.e. medical rationing becomes necessary because the system can't physically take care of the volume.
What you want to remember is that in today's medical schools, only 25% of the graduating doctors finished at the top. 75% graduated as middle of the road or worse. The top 25% worked extra hard to earn the rankings that they received. Lumping all doctors into the same income category would destroy the incentive for the extra effort that yields to the system our top-notch doctors. Eventually, the only doctors that will be available will be mediocre doctors. The profit incentive is what drives those students to make that extra effort to be the best. If you value freedom, you will reject this bill. We cannot afford a heavy handed government run health system.
Glaringly absent in this legislation is any mention of tort reform, incentives for increasing the number of doctors, or any guidelines as to the quality of the care you receive. There are no appeals to the decisions made by the boards and commissions set up by the government. Whatever they decide is it! Finito, end of story.
This bill, over time, puts the government in charge of the health care industry. If we force the private insurers into competition with a government, it will mean certain doom for the private insurance companies (and all of those jobs). This puts the insurance companies in a no win situation.- Plus, with the government's ability to just print money, and not have to make a profit assures that the playing field is not level. Private industry does not have those luxuries. Those American businesses that provide health care for their workers will gladly unload the expense of health care to the government. Who will pick up that added expense? This bill does not address how they will pay for this boondoggle.
The democrats are already proposing ideas for new taxes. The idea that just the rich will pay is patently ridiculous. All costs filters down to everybody either through higher prices, taxes on the things that you like, license fees, penalties, or other artistic and creative devices for separating you from your money. If they do not raise the income tax, you can count on stealthy means of getting your money. Politicians like collecting money through the back door; it gives them cover.
It is the same sick way local and state governments use to increase property tax collection. Property appraisals increase automatically with no accountability. The politicians can maintain their innocence by stating that they have not raised taxes. The result is the same though - it cost you more money.
Eighty percent of Americans now have insurance coverage. Sixty-eight percent of those are happy with their coverage. Some parts of our system need tweaking and I am all for fixing the bad parts. But the total takeover of one of the finest medical systems in the world is not an answer.
Have you read what's in this bill? Below is a brief that I received from someone who has read the bill and interpreted it. Have a look at this brief - is this what you really want from your government? Note of admission - I checked some of these interpretations and they looked okay to me - but I am not an attorney so read the bill for yourself if you want to test these interpretations. The bill is posted on- The Huffington Post
In the bill, you will find these goodies:
• Page 22: Mandates audits of all employers that self-insure!
• Page 29: Admission: your health care will be rationed!
• Page 30: A government committee will decide what treatments and benefits you get (and, unlike an insurer, there will be no appeals process)
• Page 42: The "Health Choices Commissioner" will decide health benefits for you. You will have no choice. None.
• Page 50: All non-US citizens, illegal or not, will be provided with free healthcare services.
• Page 58: Every person will be issued a National ID Healthcard.
• Page 59: The federal government will have direct, real-time access to all individual bank accounts for electronic funds transfer.
• Page 65: Taxpayers will subsidize all union retiree and community organizer health plans (read: SEIU, UAW and ACORN)
• Page 72: All private healthcare plans must conform to government rules to participate in a Healthcare Exchange.
• Page 84: All private healthcare plans must participate in the Healthcare Exchange (i.e., total government control of private plans)
• Page 91: Government mandates linguistic infrastructure for services; translation: illegal aliens
• Page 95: The Government will pay ACORN and Americorps to sign up individuals for Government-run Health Care plan.
• Page 102: Those eligible for Medicaid will be automatically enrolled: you have no choice in the matter.
• Page 124: No company can sue the government for price-fixing. No "judicial review" is permitted against the government monopoly. Put simply, private insurers will be crushed.
• Page 127: The AMA sold doctors out: the government will set wages.
• Page 145: An employer MUST auto-enroll employees into the government-run public plan. No alternatives.
• Page 126: Employers MUST pay healthcare bills for part-time employees AND their families.
• Page 149: Any employer with a payroll of $400K or more, who does not offer the public option, pays an 8% tax on payroll
• Page 150: Any employer with a payroll of $250K-400K or more, who does not offer the public option, pays a 2 to 6% tax on payroll
• Page 167: Any individual who doesn’t' have acceptable healthcare (according to the government) will be taxed 2.5% of income.
• Page 170: Any NON-RESIDENT alien is exempt from individual taxes (Americans will pay for them).
• Page 195: Officers and employees of Government Healthcare Bureaucracy will have access to ALL American financial and personal records.
• Page 203: "The tax imposed under this section shall not be treated as tax." Yes, it really says that.
• Page 239: Bill will reduce physician services for Medicaid. Seniors and the poor most affected."
• Page 241: Doctors: no matter what specialty you have, you'll all be paid the same (thanks, AMA!)
• Page 253: Government sets value of doctors' time, their professional judgment, etc.
• Page 265: Government mandates and controls productivity for private healthcare industries.
• Page 268: Government regulates rental and purchase of power-driven wheelchairs.
• Page 272: Cancer patients: welcome to the wonderful world of rationing!
• Page 280: Hospitals will be penalized for what the government deems preventable re-admissions.
• Page 298: Doctors: if you treat a patient during an initial admission that results in a readmission, you will be penalized by the government.
• Page 317: Doctors: you are now prohibited for owning and investing in healthcare companies!
• Page 318: Prohibition on hospital expansion. Hospitals cannot expand without government approval.
• Page 321: Hospital expansion hinges on "community" input: in other words, yet another payoff for ACORN.
• Page 335: Government mandates establishment of outcome-based measures: i.e., rationing.
• Page 341: Government has authority to disqualify Medicare Advantage Plans, HMOs, etc.
• Page 354: Government will restrict enrollment of SPECIAL NEEDS individuals.
• Page 379: More bureaucracy: Telehealth Advisory Committee (healthcare by phone).
• Page 425: More bureaucracy: Advance Care Planning Consult: Senior Citizens, assisted suicide, euthanasia?
• Page 425: Government will instruct and consult regarding living wills, durable powers of attorney, etc. Mandatory. Appears to lock in estate taxes ahead of time.
• Page 425: Government provides approved list of end-of-life resources, guiding you in death.
• Page 427: Government mandates program that orders end-of-life treatment; government dictates how your life ends.
• Page 429: Advance Care Planning Consult will be used to dictate treatment as patient's health deteriorates. This can include an ORDER for end-of-life plans. An ORDER from the GOVERNMENT.
• Page 430: Government will decide what level of treatments you may have at end-of-life.
• Page 469: Community-based Home Medical Services: more payoffs for ACORN.
• Page 472: Payments to Community-based organizations: more payoffs for ACORN.
• Page 489: Government will cover marriage and family therapy. Government intervenes in your marriage.
• Page 494: Government will cover mental health services: defining, creating and rationing those services.
Email Your comments to Robert
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Low Birth Rate
There is a short video at the end of this post.
Are you obsessed with politics? Well, politics are important only to a secure nation. But our failure to maintain a sustaining birthrate is more of a threat than worrying about the politics of the day.
The pill, women's rights, and abortion have put the United States, as we know it, in an untenable position. First, I do not write this from any moralistic viewpoint, so please interpret this analytically.
Our society is happily pursuing self-gratification with no regard for the consequences of not maintaining a sustaining birthrate. When pregnancy does occur, a quick snip and flush easily takes care of the problem. But it is also a big fly in the soup. Our European descended population is decreasing while our 'other-than-European' population increases. The world is changing.
All Christianized western societies have slowed their birthrate while the Muslim population has maintained a high birthrate. Slowing our birthrate is fine under any civilized standard of measure because overpopulation also has its concerns. However, with a democratic system, the majority sets the rules. Elections have consequences. Do you suppose that a Muslim majority would oppose the transfer of power to a Muslim type of government? If you think it would be fine, then all you have to do is hang on for a few years and you will be able to see it happen if nothing changes.
There is no attempt here to be a Muslim alarmist. But there are some fundamental differences between a Muslin regime and a non-Muslim regime. A close examination between the two is very revealing. We cherish the freedom of being able to worship or not worship as we see fit. With that attitude, we don't look upon another faith as an entity that wants to usurp our way of life, but if our birth rate continues to decline, it will happen.
Under Muslim rule, the first sacrifices will be those who profess no faith - Atheists. Under our system, a person has the right to be an Atheist. Muslims summarily execute infidels. Women will become person's non-grata under a Muslim regime and destined for male domination. Women can also forget about an education and having the independence they enjoy now. In other words, everything about this country that we cherish will be lost.
The European nations and the U.S. have burgeoning Muslim populations, and if the present trend continues, Muslims will be in the majority by 2050. Our petty politics of today will not matter a whit if we do nothing to curtail this trend.
Not all is lost though. Our population has been enjoying the influx of immigrants from Central and South America. Like them or not, these people share most of the same values as we. This group of immigrants has sustained us because of their similar value system. There are a few missing ingredients however. The first, and most glaring of which is that so many of these immigrants do not go through the normal immigration system. They come in their millions without having to learn our language, customs, or about our institutions. In other words, we don't allow these people be integrated into our society.
In order for us to reap the full benefits of having these people among us, and they are necessary for us to maintain our culture, is to mandate their having to go through the proper immigration process and learn what makes America the greatest country in the world. I do not advocate sending these people back to their country of origin unless they want to return to them. That decision is not a political decision, but instead, one that faces the reality of our declining European stock population.
Next, we should restrict the Muslim population to its current percentage of the total population. We could accomplish this using the Chinese model of restricting the number of births and curbing the Muslim immigration rate. Minority Muslim populations are very peaceful, productive citizens.
I am not anti-Muslim, as long as I am not subjected to their way of life. That said, what they do is fine by me - with the exception of using their religion to overrun other countries. The history of the Muslims is not good. Most of their gains came through forced conversions of the indigenous peoples that they overran. Western democratic governments with an ambivalent attitude about religion invite takeover unless they control the makeup of their populations.
Email Comment to Robert
This short video will illustrate the population problem.
Are you obsessed with politics? Well, politics are important only to a secure nation. But our failure to maintain a sustaining birthrate is more of a threat than worrying about the politics of the day.
The pill, women's rights, and abortion have put the United States, as we know it, in an untenable position. First, I do not write this from any moralistic viewpoint, so please interpret this analytically.
Our society is happily pursuing self-gratification with no regard for the consequences of not maintaining a sustaining birthrate. When pregnancy does occur, a quick snip and flush easily takes care of the problem. But it is also a big fly in the soup. Our European descended population is decreasing while our 'other-than-European' population increases. The world is changing.
All Christianized western societies have slowed their birthrate while the Muslim population has maintained a high birthrate. Slowing our birthrate is fine under any civilized standard of measure because overpopulation also has its concerns. However, with a democratic system, the majority sets the rules. Elections have consequences. Do you suppose that a Muslim majority would oppose the transfer of power to a Muslim type of government? If you think it would be fine, then all you have to do is hang on for a few years and you will be able to see it happen if nothing changes.
There is no attempt here to be a Muslim alarmist. But there are some fundamental differences between a Muslin regime and a non-Muslim regime. A close examination between the two is very revealing. We cherish the freedom of being able to worship or not worship as we see fit. With that attitude, we don't look upon another faith as an entity that wants to usurp our way of life, but if our birth rate continues to decline, it will happen.
Under Muslim rule, the first sacrifices will be those who profess no faith - Atheists. Under our system, a person has the right to be an Atheist. Muslims summarily execute infidels. Women will become person's non-grata under a Muslim regime and destined for male domination. Women can also forget about an education and having the independence they enjoy now. In other words, everything about this country that we cherish will be lost.
The European nations and the U.S. have burgeoning Muslim populations, and if the present trend continues, Muslims will be in the majority by 2050. Our petty politics of today will not matter a whit if we do nothing to curtail this trend.
Not all is lost though. Our population has been enjoying the influx of immigrants from Central and South America. Like them or not, these people share most of the same values as we. This group of immigrants has sustained us because of their similar value system. There are a few missing ingredients however. The first, and most glaring of which is that so many of these immigrants do not go through the normal immigration system. They come in their millions without having to learn our language, customs, or about our institutions. In other words, we don't allow these people be integrated into our society.
In order for us to reap the full benefits of having these people among us, and they are necessary for us to maintain our culture, is to mandate their having to go through the proper immigration process and learn what makes America the greatest country in the world. I do not advocate sending these people back to their country of origin unless they want to return to them. That decision is not a political decision, but instead, one that faces the reality of our declining European stock population.
Next, we should restrict the Muslim population to its current percentage of the total population. We could accomplish this using the Chinese model of restricting the number of births and curbing the Muslim immigration rate. Minority Muslim populations are very peaceful, productive citizens.
I am not anti-Muslim, as long as I am not subjected to their way of life. That said, what they do is fine by me - with the exception of using their religion to overrun other countries. The history of the Muslims is not good. Most of their gains came through forced conversions of the indigenous peoples that they overran. Western democratic governments with an ambivalent attitude about religion invite takeover unless they control the makeup of their populations.
Email Comment to Robert
This short video will illustrate the population problem.
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