Monday, June 30, 2008
Liberal Weapon: Sex
I can remember when a visiting pastor holding a revival at our church held a 'Pack the House Night' with the come on, free ice cream. Pack the house night was the night that you invited and urged your friends to come to the revival and get free ice cream. Well it worked, especially with the young. They would dutifully sit through the sermon just to get at the ice cream that followed.
Using bait is also how we fish. We promise a good meal to the fish and when the fish takes us up on the offer, we spring our 'hook' surprise.
Liberal philosophy needs equality among the masses. Individualism is the antithesis of Liberalism. To the Liberal, everyone must be a smoke grey in color (no distinguishing characteristics). Everyone will depend on the national government for their welfare. In the Liberal world, only those in the Government would yield any power or say so.
The question was how were they going to mollify the public and at the same time destroy their individualism? Their answer was 'sexual freedom'. But sexual freedom in a moderately straight-laced society had many obstacles. The largest of these obstacles was Christianity, closely followed by the family unit represented by a strong father figure at its head.
The Liberals would attack both using various methods. Among the earliest of these was the Liberal Supreme Court that threw out school prayer. After all, God was a competitor for leadership of the people. The tactic worked. The kids grew up in schools that no longer demonstrated that there was something greater in life. That one decision was a knife in the heart to Christianity. No longer would Christianity be a threat to the sovereignty of the State. The State, not God became the arbiter of right and wrong.
To combat the strong family units, popular TV shows like "All in the Family" made the head of the household look like a buffoon. The era of family shows with a moral theme ended. Television played a major role in convincing the general population that a family unit designed around a strong father figure was foolish. The threat of leadership by family fathers was also under pressure from the Feminist. The bra-burnings and free love era of the sixties forever changed the landscape of the family unit. Sexual freedom was at hand.
The Liberals wanted everyone out enjoying sex. The 'pill' could now manage unwanted pregnancies so that accidents were not likely anymore. And sex was no threat to the Government. Sex kept the public interested in self-satisfaction instead of directing their abilities at achievement.
The Liberals gained a foothold in our schools with the Supreme Court Decision on school prayer, and solidified it by unionizing the teachers. The takeover by Liberals was now almost complete. In addition to a large segment on the population depending on the Government, they now had control over our schools.
The dichotomy of sex in our schools is laughable and typical of liberals. They encourage our young to be sexually active. Sex education, condom distribution, and even school day care for the students who have children are commonplace. Our young are out there banging away with each other, having children, with the Government picking up the tab for this madness. The family no longer has any say in the matter. The only taboo that Liberals seem to enforce is that of a person over the age 18 having sex with someone under 18. What is the reasoning behind this dichotomy? Clearly, sex is encouraged by the Liberal establishment. The answer is simple. The mature women do not want the competition of these young hotties. So God help any poor soul who enjoys the fruit of one of these sexually active young girls.
In short, sex is everywhere. Liberals have concluded that you would rather be self indulgent than succeed. So far, their gamble has paid off.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Quit Crying: Support McCain
Get over it! McCain is going to be the Republican Candidate. Maybe not the candidate wanted by the conservatives, but he is all we have.
If you needed an eye opener, the last three Supreme Court decisions should have brought the point home. Americans came within one vote of losing their 2nd amendment rights to possess and own a gun. As Rush Limbaugh is fond of saying, "We might as well not have a congress with an activist Supreme Court." To Hell with the Constitution, let the ideologues in black robes decide the rights of the people. We are supposed to have three equal branches, each with a particular role to play in the governance of America. In particular, the legislative branch, it is supposed to be the body that codifies the issues of our time. The Supreme Court, through the litigation process, decides if the issue is in accordance with the Constitution. That is their power, although strong and important, it is not given to them the ability to 'make law'.
The makeup of the Supreme Court is very important. When there are a majority of Justices on the court who put their feelings about issues first and the words of the Constitution last, our liberty is very much in danger. The Scalia - Breyer debate demonstrated that the liberal Justices use the court decisions of socialist countries to support their decisions when they cannot find any U.S. decisions that agree with their opinions. Breyer says that looking at foreign law is very 'instructive'. And no doubt, if they search in enough places, they will find some foreign decisions that agree with their opinion. The Liberal justices feel like they need not have to use the Constitution as a guide. It is their position on the issues that guide them.
Any vote for candidate X,Y,Z, or just not voting is a vote for Obama. McCain is not a conservative ideologue but he will not nominate justices who will steal your freedoms. So quit crying about having McCain as our standard-bearer and support the man. He needs both your vote and donations. It is the least we can do to prevent a takeover of the government by a bunch of lefties. Support the under card candidates on the ballot. Do not fall for the tactic of Democrats saying conservative things. If you do choose to elect a Democrat because of the wonderful things he says, as soon as he gets to Washington, he will have to abide by the edicts of the party and party leader.
If it was in my power to change our candidate, I would. But that is not possible. Even if you do not like McCain, give your support to him and the Republican candidates on the ballot.
If you needed an eye opener, the last three Supreme Court decisions should have brought the point home. Americans came within one vote of losing their 2nd amendment rights to possess and own a gun. As Rush Limbaugh is fond of saying, "We might as well not have a congress with an activist Supreme Court." To Hell with the Constitution, let the ideologues in black robes decide the rights of the people. We are supposed to have three equal branches, each with a particular role to play in the governance of America. In particular, the legislative branch, it is supposed to be the body that codifies the issues of our time. The Supreme Court, through the litigation process, decides if the issue is in accordance with the Constitution. That is their power, although strong and important, it is not given to them the ability to 'make law'.
The makeup of the Supreme Court is very important. When there are a majority of Justices on the court who put their feelings about issues first and the words of the Constitution last, our liberty is very much in danger. The Scalia - Breyer debate demonstrated that the liberal Justices use the court decisions of socialist countries to support their decisions when they cannot find any U.S. decisions that agree with their opinions. Breyer says that looking at foreign law is very 'instructive'. And no doubt, if they search in enough places, they will find some foreign decisions that agree with their opinion. The Liberal justices feel like they need not have to use the Constitution as a guide. It is their position on the issues that guide them.
Any vote for candidate X,Y,Z, or just not voting is a vote for Obama. McCain is not a conservative ideologue but he will not nominate justices who will steal your freedoms. So quit crying about having McCain as our standard-bearer and support the man. He needs both your vote and donations. It is the least we can do to prevent a takeover of the government by a bunch of lefties. Support the under card candidates on the ballot. Do not fall for the tactic of Democrats saying conservative things. If you do choose to elect a Democrat because of the wonderful things he says, as soon as he gets to Washington, he will have to abide by the edicts of the party and party leader.
If it was in my power to change our candidate, I would. But that is not possible. Even if you do not like McCain, give your support to him and the Republican candidates on the ballot.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Al Gore: The Prophet of Doom
It is certain that this blithering idiot has had a profound effect on this country. His dire predictions about man made global warming resonate with well meaning people who do not want the planet destroyed. Like most, these people are very trusting, and just know that Al Gore would not tell them anything but the truth.
The truth is that Al Gore has found a way to reinvigorate both himself and his pocketbook by being an advocate for the idea of man made global warming. Global warming is one of those leftists' positions that takes aim straight at the downfall of our Nation, and even Al Gore has swallowed the idea. Al Gore is not anti American. At worst, he is a closed-minded man who chooses to be blind to the truth about global warming.
By making CO2 the fall guy for man made global warming, the leftists take aim at the heart of our economy. The crusade against CO2 rips right at our way of life.
The truth about CO2 is much more interesting than what Al Gore raves about it. CO2 is indeed a greenhouse gas. However, it is a very minor greenhouse gas. CO2 indeed captures a small part of the infrared spectrum, but the heat only stays captured briefly as convection carries the heat away almost instantaneously.
Al Gore has it backwards about CO2. He reasons that as CO2 builds up, then the temperature goes up. He even has charts to show the relevancy between CO2 and the Earth's temperature. But hold on Mr. Gore. The vast majority of CO2 comes from the oceans. CO2 discharge increases with ocean temperature. Conversely, the cold oceans absorb CO2 out of the atmosphere. The rising CO2 level is a result of ocean warming, not the cause of it.
The Sun does most of the heavy lifting at warming the oceans. However, there are other forces at work. Do you realize that there are more than 1000 (yes thousand) sub sea volcanoes? The sub sea volcanoes do account for some heating of the oceans and a source for the CO2 that gets absorbed into the water.
Why is the Sun warming the Oceans? That is a fair question. It has everything to do with cloud cover. When the Sun has a lot of sunspots, which are huge magnetic storms on the Sun, they create greater solar winds that interfere with the Earth's ability to create clouds. Less cloud cover means more of the radiant energy from the Sun is able to reach the Earth. Please test this out this coming winter. The sunspot activity for the last year has been very low and the coming winter is going to be colder than the winter of 2007-2008. But do not take my word about the sunspot activity, go to, they have data about sunspot activity for many years. You should do the research and learn what is not being told to you by the leftist leaders and press.
If I lived in the northeast, I would be stocking up on heating oil now before its price goes to record levels from the demand of the hard winter to come for 2008-2009.
Al Gore, please do the decent thing and educate yourself so that you can tell the Nation the truth about global warming.
The truth is that Al Gore has found a way to reinvigorate both himself and his pocketbook by being an advocate for the idea of man made global warming. Global warming is one of those leftists' positions that takes aim straight at the downfall of our Nation, and even Al Gore has swallowed the idea. Al Gore is not anti American. At worst, he is a closed-minded man who chooses to be blind to the truth about global warming.
By making CO2 the fall guy for man made global warming, the leftists take aim at the heart of our economy. The crusade against CO2 rips right at our way of life.
The truth about CO2 is much more interesting than what Al Gore raves about it. CO2 is indeed a greenhouse gas. However, it is a very minor greenhouse gas. CO2 indeed captures a small part of the infrared spectrum, but the heat only stays captured briefly as convection carries the heat away almost instantaneously.
Al Gore has it backwards about CO2. He reasons that as CO2 builds up, then the temperature goes up. He even has charts to show the relevancy between CO2 and the Earth's temperature. But hold on Mr. Gore. The vast majority of CO2 comes from the oceans. CO2 discharge increases with ocean temperature. Conversely, the cold oceans absorb CO2 out of the atmosphere. The rising CO2 level is a result of ocean warming, not the cause of it.
The Sun does most of the heavy lifting at warming the oceans. However, there are other forces at work. Do you realize that there are more than 1000 (yes thousand) sub sea volcanoes? The sub sea volcanoes do account for some heating of the oceans and a source for the CO2 that gets absorbed into the water.
Why is the Sun warming the Oceans? That is a fair question. It has everything to do with cloud cover. When the Sun has a lot of sunspots, which are huge magnetic storms on the Sun, they create greater solar winds that interfere with the Earth's ability to create clouds. Less cloud cover means more of the radiant energy from the Sun is able to reach the Earth. Please test this out this coming winter. The sunspot activity for the last year has been very low and the coming winter is going to be colder than the winter of 2007-2008. But do not take my word about the sunspot activity, go to, they have data about sunspot activity for many years. You should do the research and learn what is not being told to you by the leftist leaders and press.
If I lived in the northeast, I would be stocking up on heating oil now before its price goes to record levels from the demand of the hard winter to come for 2008-2009.
Al Gore, please do the decent thing and educate yourself so that you can tell the Nation the truth about global warming.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Quotable Quotes
1.) "Should we ever lose pride in who we are, or fail to teach our children of their roots, then we as a freedom loving people are doomed to become what we are fighting in Iraq. Secularism helps to remove our national pride and identity. The Muslims have shot a cannon ball across our bow and if we don’t respond, it is only a matter of time before calamity visits this country. Democrats are the unwitting consorts for the destruction of this nation with their support for Secularism. Loss of moral fiber, and allowing our schools to fall prey to political correctness, bring us closer to calamity."
2.) "The USA is also guilty of allowing in 'undocumented Laborers' for cheap labor. Not in measured amounts, but in large numbers. This large block of people without being culturally assimilated have no roots in our culture, our language, or in our institutions. If the Democrats have their way, they will grant amnesty to these illegal immigrants just for their votes. The enclaves that 'Illegals' live in now are patterned after the only system they know, the one they left before coming to America."
3.) "Liberal tactics are directed toward keeping the poor in poor conditions. Liberals are well aware of the past, and what happens to political loyalties when people are allowed to succeed. Success must be thwarted at all cost. Maintaining victims as victims is the only way that liberals can keep their political power."
4.) "Before the world makes this change, (to hydrogen powered cars) we would like assurances that the consequences of spewing out vast quantities of water vapor by millions of cars has been thoroughly thought out, and we don't enter the world of unintentional consequences. You know ---ooops!"
5.) "I ask you to just listen to what these liberals are saying. You never hear 'winning' or 'victory' come out of their mouths. Their predominant themes are retreat, leave, withdraw and now, defund. You also never hear any solutions. What is the strategy Democrats would employ if the Islamists succeed in taking over Iraq."
Quoted from
2.) "The USA is also guilty of allowing in 'undocumented Laborers' for cheap labor. Not in measured amounts, but in large numbers. This large block of people without being culturally assimilated have no roots in our culture, our language, or in our institutions. If the Democrats have their way, they will grant amnesty to these illegal immigrants just for their votes. The enclaves that 'Illegals' live in now are patterned after the only system they know, the one they left before coming to America."
3.) "Liberal tactics are directed toward keeping the poor in poor conditions. Liberals are well aware of the past, and what happens to political loyalties when people are allowed to succeed. Success must be thwarted at all cost. Maintaining victims as victims is the only way that liberals can keep their political power."
4.) "Before the world makes this change, (to hydrogen powered cars) we would like assurances that the consequences of spewing out vast quantities of water vapor by millions of cars has been thoroughly thought out, and we don't enter the world of unintentional consequences. You know ---ooops!"
5.) "I ask you to just listen to what these liberals are saying. You never hear 'winning' or 'victory' come out of their mouths. Their predominant themes are retreat, leave, withdraw and now, defund. You also never hear any solutions. What is the strategy Democrats would employ if the Islamists succeed in taking over Iraq."
Quoted from
Monday, June 23, 2008
The Great Greenhouse Scam
I am sure by now that everybody has heard of the "greenhouse effect" and how it is threatening to destroy the earth. But what exactly is this "greenhouse effect"? Let us look at a greenhouse.
Above all else, a greenhouse is a heat trap. A greenhouse is a useful heat trap that enables us to produce vegetation whenever it is still too cold outside for the plants to flourish. We have improved greenhouses to the point that we have control over humidity as well as temperature, and methods of storing up daytime warming to be useful during the night. In short, greenhouses are an integral part of food and plant production. Greenhouses work on a very simple principal.
Greenhouse enclosures admit radiant energy, which excites the molecules inside of the greenhouse into a higher energy state. This higher energy state of the physical world inside of the greenhouse then gives off additional "heat". (All matter that is above absolute zero gives off heat) The heat is trapped because we have built a physical wall to prevent its escape. The heat that escapes from the greenhouse does so by conduction. So to recap, we allow the radiant energy inside of the greenhouse to excite molecules inside of the greenhouse into giving off additional heat. We then prevent the heat from escaping by the physical barrier of the greenhouse walls and ceiling, so temperature rises within the greenhouse. Increasingly, greenhouses are made of much more efficient materials with higher insulating properties that prevent a lot of the heat loss by conduction.
Earth has no physical boundaries to trap the excess heat generated by the radiant energy of the sun. There is no evidence to suggest that any additional greenhouse effect is affecting the Earth's temperature. If more gases are preventing heat loss from Earth, then land surface temperatures would have to be increasing, they are not. In fact, the land surface temperatures have shown a slight decrease, not an increase.There would also have to be increased heating in the troposphere, it is not. Troposphere temperatures also have shown temperature decreases. So what has caused the approximately 1 degree of temperature rise over the past 100 years? Why is there an increase in CO2? There are as many theories as there are scientists, but one thing you can count on is that the increased heat is not because of increased greenhouse effect.
One of the Earth's natural chemicals is carbon dioxide. CO2 comes from a lot of sources including living mammals and decaying vegetation. But the largest supplier by far is from the Oceans. In addition to the radiant heating by the Sun of our Oceans, there is natural heating from the tectonic plate boundaries. Why? The Earth Crust Plate boundaries found in both the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans are teeming with sub sea volcanoes. In fact, there are over a thousand of them. Two of the byproducts of these Volcanoes are CO2 and heat. Cold Ocean water circulates through the many cracks and fissures on the sea floor, is heated and circulated back to the Oceans. As Ocean water is heated, it surrenders more CO2 into the atmosphere. The properties of CO2 absorb a very minor amount of heat. Convection rapidly transfers the heat back into the atmosphere.
Clouds are a wonderful thing. They reflect an enormous amount of radiant energy, and at the same time give us a cooling shade in the daytime. At night, the moisture in clouds tends to block some of the radiated heat from the earth and as a result, we retain some of this heat. But remember, that during the day, they are preventing a lot of radiant energy from reaching Earth. A good case can be made that clouds are more beneficial as umbrellas than greenhouse traps. Further, there is good evidence that increased sunspot activity inhibits cloud formation in the atmosphere because of strong solar winds created by the intense magnetic storms on the Sun. Any decrease in cloud formation means more radiant energy from the Sun is getting to the earth and creating more heat than normal.
Please do your own investigation about these matters. Do not take to heart the rants of those who preach "Global Warming" as a man made phenomenon or "Greenhouse Effect". It is not! Put some time into your quest to find out all sides of this story before you decide.
Above all else, a greenhouse is a heat trap. A greenhouse is a useful heat trap that enables us to produce vegetation whenever it is still too cold outside for the plants to flourish. We have improved greenhouses to the point that we have control over humidity as well as temperature, and methods of storing up daytime warming to be useful during the night. In short, greenhouses are an integral part of food and plant production. Greenhouses work on a very simple principal.
Greenhouse enclosures admit radiant energy, which excites the molecules inside of the greenhouse into a higher energy state. This higher energy state of the physical world inside of the greenhouse then gives off additional "heat". (All matter that is above absolute zero gives off heat) The heat is trapped because we have built a physical wall to prevent its escape. The heat that escapes from the greenhouse does so by conduction. So to recap, we allow the radiant energy inside of the greenhouse to excite molecules inside of the greenhouse into giving off additional heat. We then prevent the heat from escaping by the physical barrier of the greenhouse walls and ceiling, so temperature rises within the greenhouse. Increasingly, greenhouses are made of much more efficient materials with higher insulating properties that prevent a lot of the heat loss by conduction.
Earth has no physical boundaries to trap the excess heat generated by the radiant energy of the sun. There is no evidence to suggest that any additional greenhouse effect is affecting the Earth's temperature. If more gases are preventing heat loss from Earth, then land surface temperatures would have to be increasing, they are not. In fact, the land surface temperatures have shown a slight decrease, not an increase.There would also have to be increased heating in the troposphere, it is not. Troposphere temperatures also have shown temperature decreases. So what has caused the approximately 1 degree of temperature rise over the past 100 years? Why is there an increase in CO2? There are as many theories as there are scientists, but one thing you can count on is that the increased heat is not because of increased greenhouse effect.
One of the Earth's natural chemicals is carbon dioxide. CO2 comes from a lot of sources including living mammals and decaying vegetation. But the largest supplier by far is from the Oceans. In addition to the radiant heating by the Sun of our Oceans, there is natural heating from the tectonic plate boundaries. Why? The Earth Crust Plate boundaries found in both the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans are teeming with sub sea volcanoes. In fact, there are over a thousand of them. Two of the byproducts of these Volcanoes are CO2 and heat. Cold Ocean water circulates through the many cracks and fissures on the sea floor, is heated and circulated back to the Oceans. As Ocean water is heated, it surrenders more CO2 into the atmosphere. The properties of CO2 absorb a very minor amount of heat. Convection rapidly transfers the heat back into the atmosphere.
Clouds are a wonderful thing. They reflect an enormous amount of radiant energy, and at the same time give us a cooling shade in the daytime. At night, the moisture in clouds tends to block some of the radiated heat from the earth and as a result, we retain some of this heat. But remember, that during the day, they are preventing a lot of radiant energy from reaching Earth. A good case can be made that clouds are more beneficial as umbrellas than greenhouse traps. Further, there is good evidence that increased sunspot activity inhibits cloud formation in the atmosphere because of strong solar winds created by the intense magnetic storms on the Sun. Any decrease in cloud formation means more radiant energy from the Sun is getting to the earth and creating more heat than normal.
Please do your own investigation about these matters. Do not take to heart the rants of those who preach "Global Warming" as a man made phenomenon or "Greenhouse Effect". It is not! Put some time into your quest to find out all sides of this story before you decide.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Bill O'Reilly: Stunning Ignorance
Bill O'Reilly continues to rail against the oil companies. High gasoline prices, according to O'Reilly, must be because of nefarious tactics and greed by the oil companies. He caterwauls about Bush not doing something about these high prices. Then, just to make his tirade look fair and balanced he includes some of the past presidents.
He completely forgets that we have a market-based economy. The people that need the petroleum buy 70% of the futures contracts. The bidders for those future contracts are people like the airline industry, trucking contractors, and other downstream users whose businesses depend on having an uninterrupted energy supply. The oil companies are not holding back the supply of oil Bill, there just isn't enough to satisfy everybody. The economics of a limited oil supply goes like this. If your business can survive with the cost of energy that is available, then you will bid/use that energy for the available price. If the available price is too high then you either go out of business, or just don't use so much of the high priced stuff. And let me iterate a point here, at the prices we are paying now, using less is only available to some of the people. Most, like the carriers who bring our products to market and commuters have no choice in the matter. Using less for most of them is not an option.
Supply, not more government is the answer. The government created this problem and if they would just get out of the way, the problem would mend. Bush is not a dictator, and cannot wave a magic wand that will get congress off their duffs to rebalance the market. Choking off supply will give these results every time. The congress has forced us to use the foreign oil that has put our economy in such jeopardy. Congress limited offshore drilling, not the oil companies. Congress prohibited nuclear energy, not the oil companies. It was not enough to regulate how the oil companies went about their business. No, making sure that the oil companies drilled in a responsible manner would have been the responsible thing for congress to have done. But they opted to kill exploration instead of just being stewards of the land.
Another straw dog that O'Reilly didn't refute was the idea that the oil companies were not drilling on the leases that they hold. The oil companies, if you listen to the Democrats, are sitting on big tracts of leases and refusing to drill. How ridiculous! The airheads that say things like that certainly know nothing about the oil industry. I personally have property that over time, I have leased the mineral rights out to different oil companies. The oil companies will come in and 'doodlebug' (doodlebug is a term for seismic work) the area and move on. They are not going to spend millions drilling where there is such a low percentage of a return on their investment. Offshore Texas and Louisiana, the oil companies do seismic work to determine where oil might be found. They do seismic surveys all over the gulf. This tells the oil companies which properties that they want to lease. They are not going to pay for leases and drill in areas if there is no prospect of a return on investment. In other words, they are not going to spend millions on a dry holes intentionally. The Democrats keep throwing up this available, non-productive land to enhance their position. Where were you Bill when your guest threw up that argument?
If you are going to have a segment about oil and oil production, either learn something about it or just don't do it. We also note that you never have anybody on your show who actually knows anything about the oil industry.
He completely forgets that we have a market-based economy. The people that need the petroleum buy 70% of the futures contracts. The bidders for those future contracts are people like the airline industry, trucking contractors, and other downstream users whose businesses depend on having an uninterrupted energy supply. The oil companies are not holding back the supply of oil Bill, there just isn't enough to satisfy everybody. The economics of a limited oil supply goes like this. If your business can survive with the cost of energy that is available, then you will bid/use that energy for the available price. If the available price is too high then you either go out of business, or just don't use so much of the high priced stuff. And let me iterate a point here, at the prices we are paying now, using less is only available to some of the people. Most, like the carriers who bring our products to market and commuters have no choice in the matter. Using less for most of them is not an option.
Supply, not more government is the answer. The government created this problem and if they would just get out of the way, the problem would mend. Bush is not a dictator, and cannot wave a magic wand that will get congress off their duffs to rebalance the market. Choking off supply will give these results every time. The congress has forced us to use the foreign oil that has put our economy in such jeopardy. Congress limited offshore drilling, not the oil companies. Congress prohibited nuclear energy, not the oil companies. It was not enough to regulate how the oil companies went about their business. No, making sure that the oil companies drilled in a responsible manner would have been the responsible thing for congress to have done. But they opted to kill exploration instead of just being stewards of the land.
Another straw dog that O'Reilly didn't refute was the idea that the oil companies were not drilling on the leases that they hold. The oil companies, if you listen to the Democrats, are sitting on big tracts of leases and refusing to drill. How ridiculous! The airheads that say things like that certainly know nothing about the oil industry. I personally have property that over time, I have leased the mineral rights out to different oil companies. The oil companies will come in and 'doodlebug' (doodlebug is a term for seismic work) the area and move on. They are not going to spend millions drilling where there is such a low percentage of a return on their investment. Offshore Texas and Louisiana, the oil companies do seismic work to determine where oil might be found. They do seismic surveys all over the gulf. This tells the oil companies which properties that they want to lease. They are not going to pay for leases and drill in areas if there is no prospect of a return on investment. In other words, they are not going to spend millions on a dry holes intentionally. The Democrats keep throwing up this available, non-productive land to enhance their position. Where were you Bill when your guest threw up that argument?
If you are going to have a segment about oil and oil production, either learn something about it or just don't do it. We also note that you never have anybody on your show who actually knows anything about the oil industry.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Congressional Sleaze
It was supposed to be the new Congress. The one that wasn't tied to corruption and scandal. However, we are learning that this Congress is anything but a scandal free governing body.
As the details of sweetheart loans to those in the Congress get unearthed, one Congressman, Representative Jeb Hensarling, Republican of Texas, chairman of the Republican Study Committee, called for hearings on Monday to delve into the matter. His calls for the probe fell on deaf ears though because neither party wanted to find out where the trail of shady loan dealings went. Senator Dodd and others have already been called out for their loan dealings with Country Wide.
It is particularly interesting about Senator Dodd because he claims that he wasn't aware of anything other than a VIP loan. He claims not to have known about his points and other loan details. Mortgage loaners go over all such details before making a loan. Mr. Dodd had to know what he was getting into, and to think he was a candidate for President.
Then we have the Congressman from Louisiana William Jefferson who was caught red handed with $90,000 concealed in his freezer. He is awaiting trial for his misdeeds (Bribery) but is running for re-election regardless of his problems.
The Republicans are just as guilty of scandal, remember the public gay sex solicitation by Senator Larry Craig, R-Idaho in a public restroom at the airport.
Nancy Pelosi and her husband' s portfolio show part ownership of the luxurious CordeValle Golf Club in San Martin, CA, which they were granted a permit to build in 1996 only if they created natural habitats for several local endangered species. To date, these habitats still have not been built. The golf course has also been cited for polluting groundwater. They have hired lobbyists to fight the regulations. Yep, no point in fulfilling an agreement when you have political power on your side.
Harry Reid worked his magic in Nevada and was caught without a disclosure on real-estate deals that netted him $700,000 in profit. Just an 'oversight' according to Reid.
Ahh, the sweet life of the powerful. This is just a short list of what is happening with our elected officials. The idea here was just to get you to understand how corrupt things are in Washington.
In short, the list is long and it is very apparent that there is just as much sleaze in Washington with the Democrats as there was under the Republicans. Nothing has changed except the taxes you pay and that will increase if the Dems win more seats during this election cycle.
A serious effort to 'throw the bums out of office' sounds good to me. If not a complete throughout of the bums, a real effort to institute term limits would help.
As the details of sweetheart loans to those in the Congress get unearthed, one Congressman, Representative Jeb Hensarling, Republican of Texas, chairman of the Republican Study Committee, called for hearings on Monday to delve into the matter. His calls for the probe fell on deaf ears though because neither party wanted to find out where the trail of shady loan dealings went. Senator Dodd and others have already been called out for their loan dealings with Country Wide.
It is particularly interesting about Senator Dodd because he claims that he wasn't aware of anything other than a VIP loan. He claims not to have known about his points and other loan details. Mortgage loaners go over all such details before making a loan. Mr. Dodd had to know what he was getting into, and to think he was a candidate for President.
Then we have the Congressman from Louisiana William Jefferson who was caught red handed with $90,000 concealed in his freezer. He is awaiting trial for his misdeeds (Bribery) but is running for re-election regardless of his problems.
The Republicans are just as guilty of scandal, remember the public gay sex solicitation by Senator Larry Craig, R-Idaho in a public restroom at the airport.
Nancy Pelosi and her husband' s portfolio show part ownership of the luxurious CordeValle Golf Club in San Martin, CA, which they were granted a permit to build in 1996 only if they created natural habitats for several local endangered species. To date, these habitats still have not been built. The golf course has also been cited for polluting groundwater. They have hired lobbyists to fight the regulations. Yep, no point in fulfilling an agreement when you have political power on your side.
Harry Reid worked his magic in Nevada and was caught without a disclosure on real-estate deals that netted him $700,000 in profit. Just an 'oversight' according to Reid.
Ahh, the sweet life of the powerful. This is just a short list of what is happening with our elected officials. The idea here was just to get you to understand how corrupt things are in Washington.
In short, the list is long and it is very apparent that there is just as much sleaze in Washington with the Democrats as there was under the Republicans. Nothing has changed except the taxes you pay and that will increase if the Dems win more seats during this election cycle.
A serious effort to 'throw the bums out of office' sounds good to me. If not a complete throughout of the bums, a real effort to institute term limits would help.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Aggravated with PUR Filters
Pretty nifty idea huh! A filter that attaches to your faucet so that you can enjoy water that taste good, knocks out all of the baddies, and is self alarming whenever the filter is getting past its prime.
The PUR faucet filter does all of that. Even though their filters are on the expensive side, the investment is miniscule compared to the benefits you receive from having a water filter. It even makes the coffee taste better.
All of the benefits aside for a moment. Changing that filter is an ordeal. There is no way to grip the end of the cartridge housing to unscrew it. I have used a rag to no avail, and there is no place to grip the thing with pliers. Enough force has to be used to dislodge the cover to replace the filter that you risk tearing up the faucet with the torque.
After I changed the first filter on that contraption, I put some edible lubricant on the O-Ring to smooth out changing the filter the next time. However, it did not work. The filter does such a good job on the water, cleaning up its taste and smell, that I am loathe to buy a competing product. Okay, so I decided to contact PUR and tell them of my dilemma and maybe they had a solution to the filter-changing problem.
Their website was just as aggravating. The website for PUR at has no way to contact the company. They prefer to remain insulated from their customers and not have to deal with those who use their products. Their website has endless ways to order a PUR filter or faucet attachment, but you cannot contact for comments about their product.
Wal-Mart may or may not refund my money for the thing, but a refund still does not solve the problem. In good faith, I wanted to convey to PUR my experiences with their product. This blog will have to suffice because of the arrogance of a company that evidently does not want to hear from its customer base. Since there are 2 more filters to use in the package, I will struggle with that filter housing until those are used up. My next move will be for an under the sink reverse osmosis/filter unit.
The PUR faucet filter does all of that. Even though their filters are on the expensive side, the investment is miniscule compared to the benefits you receive from having a water filter. It even makes the coffee taste better.
All of the benefits aside for a moment. Changing that filter is an ordeal. There is no way to grip the end of the cartridge housing to unscrew it. I have used a rag to no avail, and there is no place to grip the thing with pliers. Enough force has to be used to dislodge the cover to replace the filter that you risk tearing up the faucet with the torque.
After I changed the first filter on that contraption, I put some edible lubricant on the O-Ring to smooth out changing the filter the next time. However, it did not work. The filter does such a good job on the water, cleaning up its taste and smell, that I am loathe to buy a competing product. Okay, so I decided to contact PUR and tell them of my dilemma and maybe they had a solution to the filter-changing problem.
Their website was just as aggravating. The website for PUR at has no way to contact the company. They prefer to remain insulated from their customers and not have to deal with those who use their products. Their website has endless ways to order a PUR filter or faucet attachment, but you cannot contact for comments about their product.
Wal-Mart may or may not refund my money for the thing, but a refund still does not solve the problem. In good faith, I wanted to convey to PUR my experiences with their product. This blog will have to suffice because of the arrogance of a company that evidently does not want to hear from its customer base. Since there are 2 more filters to use in the package, I will struggle with that filter housing until those are used up. My next move will be for an under the sink reverse osmosis/filter unit.
Monday, June 16, 2008
High Executive Pay
The flap over executive pay is getting louder. There are those that grumble about bad CEOs cashing in. The complainers would give compensation only those executives who do a good job while at the helm of a company.
One problem needs resolution before executive salaries can come down to an Earthly standard.
One of the biggest problems is what the CEO knows about the company. Good CEOs are tempted to competitors because of their skill at running a company. A competitor would gain an edge by hiring the successful executive.
That prospective executive knows all about the business from the old company. He knows the production costs, and limitations of the company. In short, he knows where all the bodies are buried. If allowed to set up shop with a competitor, he could possibly ruin the business with just his intimate knowledge of the inner workings of his previous company.
Most boards would rather meet or beat the competitors offer just to prevent havoc to the business. Remember, bad CEOs possess that same intimate, inner working knowledge of a company. It is by far cheaper to retire the executive with a golden parachute than to have an ex-CEO sharing what he knows with another company.
It is not a reward for doing poorly as an executive. It is a way of getting rid of an executive that will not hurt the business.
In short, these guys are bought off because of what they know rather than anything to do with business performance.
One problem needs resolution before executive salaries can come down to an Earthly standard.
One of the biggest problems is what the CEO knows about the company. Good CEOs are tempted to competitors because of their skill at running a company. A competitor would gain an edge by hiring the successful executive.
That prospective executive knows all about the business from the old company. He knows the production costs, and limitations of the company. In short, he knows where all the bodies are buried. If allowed to set up shop with a competitor, he could possibly ruin the business with just his intimate knowledge of the inner workings of his previous company.
Most boards would rather meet or beat the competitors offer just to prevent havoc to the business. Remember, bad CEOs possess that same intimate, inner working knowledge of a company. It is by far cheaper to retire the executive with a golden parachute than to have an ex-CEO sharing what he knows with another company.
It is not a reward for doing poorly as an executive. It is a way of getting rid of an executive that will not hurt the business.
In short, these guys are bought off because of what they know rather than anything to do with business performance.
Friday, June 13, 2008
U.S. Supreme Court Flavors
The tricky part is interpretation. The Constitution itself is a straightforward document that details how we are to govern this country. It describes the three branches and the jurisdiction of each. It has a bill of rights to delineate the rights of the citizenry. The constitution is amendable whenever it becomes necessary.
But amendments are not a slam-dunk even when the proposed amendment has passionate support. Amendments need three-fourths of the states to ratify a proposal. This requirement makes it difficult to get an amendment passed. The diversity of experiences by the citizens of each state, make it difficult to amend the Constitution. Any proposal needs the ratification of 38 of the fifty states.
However, there is a work-around. Our Supreme Court Justices act as seers. They know that the Constitution does not specifically address all issues. So they take it upon themselves to divine meaning in the Constitution. It is in the divination of the meaning of the Constitution where the Court flavor comes into being.
When an issue comes before the Court that the Constitution does not specifically address, the Justices can rule one way or the other or they can refuse to hear the case. They write their opinions in that magnanimous legal jargon that is supposed to convey omnipotence.
The decisions passed down by the Supreme Court are 'flavored' by the makeup of the Court. Politically left justices tend to rule in favor of issues that favor Liberal causes, while politically right justices tend to rule in favor of Conservative causes.
If the Constitution does not address an issue, their decision sets a precedent that serves as a guideline for future courts to use. Justices from the right or the left would not dare send an issue to Congress for a decision by the people using the amendment process. The Supreme Court Justices reserve the power to amend the Constitution through their decisions. That is why their makeup is so important politically.
In a perfect world, the Supreme Court would only decide issues addressed by the Constitution. Amendments that clarify the position of the will of the people on the social issues of our times should be proposed. For instance, if you think abortions should be legal, put the proposal through the amendment process. If the proposal gets 38 states to ratify it, then it becomes the law of the land. If not, then the people have spoken, abortion would not be granted status. You might ask: "Why would we need an amendment for this issue?" Well, if Congress passed a law allowing abortion, it would be challenged and go to the Supreme Court. Since the Constitution does not mention abortion, we would be leaving the decision of rewriting of the constitution to 9 men in black robes instead of the will of the people.
It is time to utilize the amendment process. The people need to decide the social issues of our times. The beauty of the amendment process is that if the people make a mistake, they can undo it with an amendment. Let the Justices decide on those cases covered by the Constitution and not have the power to continually rewrite it through decree.
But amendments are not a slam-dunk even when the proposed amendment has passionate support. Amendments need three-fourths of the states to ratify a proposal. This requirement makes it difficult to get an amendment passed. The diversity of experiences by the citizens of each state, make it difficult to amend the Constitution. Any proposal needs the ratification of 38 of the fifty states.
However, there is a work-around. Our Supreme Court Justices act as seers. They know that the Constitution does not specifically address all issues. So they take it upon themselves to divine meaning in the Constitution. It is in the divination of the meaning of the Constitution where the Court flavor comes into being.
When an issue comes before the Court that the Constitution does not specifically address, the Justices can rule one way or the other or they can refuse to hear the case. They write their opinions in that magnanimous legal jargon that is supposed to convey omnipotence.
The decisions passed down by the Supreme Court are 'flavored' by the makeup of the Court. Politically left justices tend to rule in favor of issues that favor Liberal causes, while politically right justices tend to rule in favor of Conservative causes.
If the Constitution does not address an issue, their decision sets a precedent that serves as a guideline for future courts to use. Justices from the right or the left would not dare send an issue to Congress for a decision by the people using the amendment process. The Supreme Court Justices reserve the power to amend the Constitution through their decisions. That is why their makeup is so important politically.
In a perfect world, the Supreme Court would only decide issues addressed by the Constitution. Amendments that clarify the position of the will of the people on the social issues of our times should be proposed. For instance, if you think abortions should be legal, put the proposal through the amendment process. If the proposal gets 38 states to ratify it, then it becomes the law of the land. If not, then the people have spoken, abortion would not be granted status. You might ask: "Why would we need an amendment for this issue?" Well, if Congress passed a law allowing abortion, it would be challenged and go to the Supreme Court. Since the Constitution does not mention abortion, we would be leaving the decision of rewriting of the constitution to 9 men in black robes instead of the will of the people.
It is time to utilize the amendment process. The people need to decide the social issues of our times. The beauty of the amendment process is that if the people make a mistake, they can undo it with an amendment. Let the Justices decide on those cases covered by the Constitution and not have the power to continually rewrite it through decree.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Will Obama Get the Nomination?
For all the world, it looks like Obama has won the Democratic nomination. But hold on! Their convention is months away, and Obama's poll numbers are weak. If more revelations that are sordid come out about his associations, it is possible for him to start losing those 'super delegates'. The super delegates are not the same as pledged delegates.
As a Conservative, Obama is the perfect candidate to run against. It would be much harder to beat an Al Gore for instance. If Obama does not win the nomination on the first ballot at the Democrats Convention, things could get interesting.
It is only my belief, but I do not believe that Hillary can win on a second ballot. Giving Hillary the nomination over Obama would be too divisive for the party.
Look for another Democratic figure to get the nomination who would be a party unifier. A Democrat with hero status! A Democrat who is out to save the world! The only person who has the clout to bring together all elements of the Democratic party is Al Gore. The Democrat Elites want to win so bad that they will ignore their own primaries.
As a Conservative, Obama is the perfect candidate to run against. It would be much harder to beat an Al Gore for instance. If Obama does not win the nomination on the first ballot at the Democrats Convention, things could get interesting.
It is only my belief, but I do not believe that Hillary can win on a second ballot. Giving Hillary the nomination over Obama would be too divisive for the party.
Look for another Democratic figure to get the nomination who would be a party unifier. A Democrat with hero status! A Democrat who is out to save the world! The only person who has the clout to bring together all elements of the Democratic party is Al Gore. The Democrat Elites want to win so bad that they will ignore their own primaries.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Blame the Oil Companies?
If you are a Democrat, the object of your ire for the high price of gasoline is the oil companies. But no one has stepped forward and said how more taxes on the oil industry will produce more fuel.
The stockholders of more than 5 billion shares of Exxon-Mobil will receive approximately 8.5 billion dollars this year in stock dividends. Those stocks are in the portfolios of most with an IRA account, retirement fund, and private investors. Taxing the energy companies such as Exxon will only hurt everyone involved. A tax will not increase the oil supply, nor will it reduce the price of gasoline. More than likely it will increase that price.
Why then does a Liberal congress want to screw the American public? For one thing, there is the global warming swindle. Manipulating the idea of manmade global warming into a power grab is at the root of the problem. That is why we are prevented from achieving energy independence. Drilling and exploration off the continental shelf, ANWR, and failure to take advantage of the plentiful shale oil formations in the Rocky Mountains has created the shortages we see now. The power hungry Liberals sell this crazy scheme to the public as saving the planet by forcing us to use less fuel. Preventing the predicted catastrophe of global warming takes precedent over the national economy, or the well being of the citizens. The application of logic is not in their system. The Liberals insatiable thirst for power is at the root of their stupidity.
The coming winter is going to be even harsher than the previous one. What are the mindless Liberals going to do about heating homes this winter, raise taxes again on the oil companies? Like that will solve a shortage problem. Liberals can't resist any excuse to raise taxes. It should be obvious that they want power and control, and he who has the money, has control. If left to the Liberals, the Government will control the capital and they will control the Government.
The stockholders of more than 5 billion shares of Exxon-Mobil will receive approximately 8.5 billion dollars this year in stock dividends. Those stocks are in the portfolios of most with an IRA account, retirement fund, and private investors. Taxing the energy companies such as Exxon will only hurt everyone involved. A tax will not increase the oil supply, nor will it reduce the price of gasoline. More than likely it will increase that price.
Why then does a Liberal congress want to screw the American public? For one thing, there is the global warming swindle. Manipulating the idea of manmade global warming into a power grab is at the root of the problem. That is why we are prevented from achieving energy independence. Drilling and exploration off the continental shelf, ANWR, and failure to take advantage of the plentiful shale oil formations in the Rocky Mountains has created the shortages we see now. The power hungry Liberals sell this crazy scheme to the public as saving the planet by forcing us to use less fuel. Preventing the predicted catastrophe of global warming takes precedent over the national economy, or the well being of the citizens. The application of logic is not in their system. The Liberals insatiable thirst for power is at the root of their stupidity.
The coming winter is going to be even harsher than the previous one. What are the mindless Liberals going to do about heating homes this winter, raise taxes again on the oil companies? Like that will solve a shortage problem. Liberals can't resist any excuse to raise taxes. It should be obvious that they want power and control, and he who has the money, has control. If left to the Liberals, the Government will control the capital and they will control the Government.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Dooming the United States
No, it will not be atomic weapons, nor will it be terrorism. The straw that kills the greatest country on Earth will be ignorance.
All a person has to do is look around you and see what we are doing to ourselves. We are the most self-absorbed bunch of Ostriches on the planet. The current population does not even want to tender the thought that others are plotting the demise of this Nation. No, we are too absorbed with our own preoccupations to care and even get hostile to those trying to prevent our annihilation.
If whatever is going on in the world interferes with our 'tanning booth' appointment or other such nonsense, we get mad. We get mad at any distraction of our normal activities. Because of our preoccupation with our personal selves, we see the world through rose-colored glasses. If another country does not like us, then we must have done something that made those other countries mad at us. After all, we do not hate anybody. To quote Rodney King, "Can't we all just get along?"
There is a leadership vacuum in this country. On one side, there are the environmentalists, conspiracy theorists, Bush haters, and socialists. The leaders of these groups take advantage of the ignorant and work them up into a frenzy over baseless ideas. They are the banner carriers, and the demonstrators, well intentioned, but their protestations are generally unfounded. There has been no leadership to guide these people except from the left. Remember, that these are not people prone to examining issues for validity. Instead, they listen to what they hear through the media. The majority of the mass media only presents one side of a story in a good light. If the media mentions the other side of the issue, it is presented in the most unfavorable light possible.
Most of the mass media is agenda driven and nothing but the propaganda arm of the Liberal extremists. The goal is to take control of you and your freedom. Every day you as a person have to make small decisions that affect your daily lives. The decisions you make can be either inconsequential or serious.
Whenever I speak of stealing your freedom, I am not speaking of incarceration. But little by little you are losing the ability to decide on details of your life. Instead of you making the decision on what type of light bulb to use, liberals use the heavy hand of Government to make that decision for you. Liberals are not satisfied with just educating and letting you make the decisions, no, they want to reserve those small decisions for themselves.
The fat police want to use taxation to control your diet. Never mind that education and giving the population reasoned logic for not abusing fatty foods would solve this problem. No, the Liberal elites have no faith in you to make up your own mind.
The freedoms that we have lost so far were lost because of hype from a Liberal media. The template is always the same and uses the guise of either saving people from their disgusting habits or saving the world from a bogus global warming threat. Liberal proposals are always presented in a way that frames the good that they will do. Never do you hear that giving the government the power to make these small decisions for you is stealing your freedom.
If we don't get our schools in order and put discipline back in the classroom, we are going to be consumed by ignorance. People need to know how to think and not have to rely on others to make decisions for them. All you have to do is read some of the left-wing blogs like 'The Daily Kos', 'Media Matters', or 'Move" to see just how ignorant we are becoming as a society. Dumbing down our population is a disaster in waiting for this nation.
All a person has to do is look around you and see what we are doing to ourselves. We are the most self-absorbed bunch of Ostriches on the planet. The current population does not even want to tender the thought that others are plotting the demise of this Nation. No, we are too absorbed with our own preoccupations to care and even get hostile to those trying to prevent our annihilation.
If whatever is going on in the world interferes with our 'tanning booth' appointment or other such nonsense, we get mad. We get mad at any distraction of our normal activities. Because of our preoccupation with our personal selves, we see the world through rose-colored glasses. If another country does not like us, then we must have done something that made those other countries mad at us. After all, we do not hate anybody. To quote Rodney King, "Can't we all just get along?"
There is a leadership vacuum in this country. On one side, there are the environmentalists, conspiracy theorists, Bush haters, and socialists. The leaders of these groups take advantage of the ignorant and work them up into a frenzy over baseless ideas. They are the banner carriers, and the demonstrators, well intentioned, but their protestations are generally unfounded. There has been no leadership to guide these people except from the left. Remember, that these are not people prone to examining issues for validity. Instead, they listen to what they hear through the media. The majority of the mass media only presents one side of a story in a good light. If the media mentions the other side of the issue, it is presented in the most unfavorable light possible.
Most of the mass media is agenda driven and nothing but the propaganda arm of the Liberal extremists. The goal is to take control of you and your freedom. Every day you as a person have to make small decisions that affect your daily lives. The decisions you make can be either inconsequential or serious.
Whenever I speak of stealing your freedom, I am not speaking of incarceration. But little by little you are losing the ability to decide on details of your life. Instead of you making the decision on what type of light bulb to use, liberals use the heavy hand of Government to make that decision for you. Liberals are not satisfied with just educating and letting you make the decisions, no, they want to reserve those small decisions for themselves.
The fat police want to use taxation to control your diet. Never mind that education and giving the population reasoned logic for not abusing fatty foods would solve this problem. No, the Liberal elites have no faith in you to make up your own mind.
The freedoms that we have lost so far were lost because of hype from a Liberal media. The template is always the same and uses the guise of either saving people from their disgusting habits or saving the world from a bogus global warming threat. Liberal proposals are always presented in a way that frames the good that they will do. Never do you hear that giving the government the power to make these small decisions for you is stealing your freedom.
If we don't get our schools in order and put discipline back in the classroom, we are going to be consumed by ignorance. People need to know how to think and not have to rely on others to make decisions for them. All you have to do is read some of the left-wing blogs like 'The Daily Kos', 'Media Matters', or 'Move" to see just how ignorant we are becoming as a society. Dumbing down our population is a disaster in waiting for this nation.
Monday, June 9, 2008
McCain Will Not Learn
Even though McCain is against the premature exit from Iraq, his lack of core conservative principles clouds the air with indifference to many of the questions that have real consequences to this nation. McCain's willingness to compromise on important issues brings back memories from the past about leaders who were willing to accept less than suitable solutions to problems because of popular beliefs that these problems would just go away if they would just 'reach out' to their enemies.
Are we destined to never learn? Caving in to the demonstrators instead of taking a strong principled stand, we left Viet Nam prematurely. The power vacuum created by our premature exit there was responsible for the destruction of millions of innocent people. The appeasement of Hitler by Neville Chamberlain was a green light to savage Europe and Russia. Through appeasement, Hitler was able to determine that Germany's old adversaries would not get in the way of rearming Germany.
The many faces of appeasement are bi-partisanship, reaching out, inclusive, crossing over, and a plethora of other terms to gloss over the fact that a politician sells his soul for what generally becomes a watered down effort. We choke on mediocrity. Neither political party is willing to allow a successful effort by the 'other side' without stabbing the effort in the heart with 'compromises'.
The presidential elections in November will usher in a new paradigm. The Liberals will be in control of Congress and with the help of RINO Republicans, will be able to push their agenda on the American society. They will appease their 'big-tent' party. Some of these 'goodies' denied them by conservatives include same sex marriage, abortion on demand, legislating judges, higher taxes, carbon offsets, and open borders.
This will all be possible because of McCain's misguided notion of how to win the election for President. He sees as his ticket to the Promised Land a campaign based on bipartisanship and compromise instead of standing on principles. Even the Bible comments on the half-and-half believers with the statement about it being better to be hot or cold because, "The tepid ones shall be spat out of the mouth of the Lord". Personally, I cannot accept a fence straddler. They do not stand for anything. It is like being in the middle of the river without the firm footing on either side. I disagreed with Ted Kennedy politically and morally, but I did respect him because of his strong defense of his liberal views. Misguided leadership is dreadful, but those who do make a stand for their beliefs and not just political whimsy will always win respect.
Are we destined to never learn? Caving in to the demonstrators instead of taking a strong principled stand, we left Viet Nam prematurely. The power vacuum created by our premature exit there was responsible for the destruction of millions of innocent people. The appeasement of Hitler by Neville Chamberlain was a green light to savage Europe and Russia. Through appeasement, Hitler was able to determine that Germany's old adversaries would not get in the way of rearming Germany.
The many faces of appeasement are bi-partisanship, reaching out, inclusive, crossing over, and a plethora of other terms to gloss over the fact that a politician sells his soul for what generally becomes a watered down effort. We choke on mediocrity. Neither political party is willing to allow a successful effort by the 'other side' without stabbing the effort in the heart with 'compromises'.
The presidential elections in November will usher in a new paradigm. The Liberals will be in control of Congress and with the help of RINO Republicans, will be able to push their agenda on the American society. They will appease their 'big-tent' party. Some of these 'goodies' denied them by conservatives include same sex marriage, abortion on demand, legislating judges, higher taxes, carbon offsets, and open borders.
This will all be possible because of McCain's misguided notion of how to win the election for President. He sees as his ticket to the Promised Land a campaign based on bipartisanship and compromise instead of standing on principles. Even the Bible comments on the half-and-half believers with the statement about it being better to be hot or cold because, "The tepid ones shall be spat out of the mouth of the Lord". Personally, I cannot accept a fence straddler. They do not stand for anything. It is like being in the middle of the river without the firm footing on either side. I disagreed with Ted Kennedy politically and morally, but I did respect him because of his strong defense of his liberal views. Misguided leadership is dreadful, but those who do make a stand for their beliefs and not just political whimsy will always win respect.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Modern Liberalism Hurts
Liberalism Eludes Me
No matter how diligently I search, I can find no logical reason for being a Modern Liberal. Today's Liberals have skewed the attractiveness of this philosophy into a scheme for the accumulation power.
For this scheme to work, the Liberal elites have to keep baiting the under classes with promises that glitter. But glitter is all they ever get. The followers of the Liberal never get the gold unless they are one of the elite leaders. Power and money all come to those who make themselves part of the governing class. This can be any public office from local District Attorneys to the President.
Have you ever seen a poor political office holder? The power brokers elected by we the people use their power for self-aggrandizement. They constantly need money. They constantly look for ways to extract money from those they govern. The art of raising money, honed over time, always gives the impression that someone else pays. That is why we have so many different taxes. Certain groups are targeted for taxation, for instance, the Hotel Tax. The hotel tax is a favorite of local politicians who want to give the impression that the 'visitors' and not the local people will pay for the latest "needs" of a community. The sin taxes only target those who smoke, and drink.
The more money that the politicians rake in, the more powerful they become. The politicians can use the money for any cause. The more causes they raise money for, via taxes; the more prominent, and important the politicians become. The money is all green so it does not matter where it comes from. Those who finance and contribute to the campaigns of the politicians expect and receive a quid-pro-quo favor for their support.
Both political parties exploit the citizens in their care, but the Liberals are the worst offenders. Today's Liberals are modern day Robin Hoods. Their taxation schemes have run most of our manufacturing jobs into business friendlier countries. One of the guiding principles of business is to be competitive. Any manufactured product has to be attractive to a customer. The product will not sell if not priced competitively. Manufacturers cannot make a competitive product with Liberal politicians constantly breathing down their necks with taxing schemes.
Like previously stated, taxation is a shell game. Instead of the politician selling his scheme to the voters and increasing the voter's taxes, he taxes the corporations and brags how he held down the taxes for the folks. But the voters pay in the end. Either the manufacturer's product is more expensive or the manufacturer takes the manufacturing jobs that pay good wages and moves them to a country that appreciates the opportunity to have good paying jobs. Or the business owner can just go out of business. The citizen cannot win in the long run from the onerous taxation policies of the Modern Liberal.
So I keep looking for a way to appreciate Liberalism. I read and digest thousands of pages, but have not found one redeeming reason to be a Modern Liberal.
No matter how diligently I search, I can find no logical reason for being a Modern Liberal. Today's Liberals have skewed the attractiveness of this philosophy into a scheme for the accumulation power.
For this scheme to work, the Liberal elites have to keep baiting the under classes with promises that glitter. But glitter is all they ever get. The followers of the Liberal never get the gold unless they are one of the elite leaders. Power and money all come to those who make themselves part of the governing class. This can be any public office from local District Attorneys to the President.
Have you ever seen a poor political office holder? The power brokers elected by we the people use their power for self-aggrandizement. They constantly need money. They constantly look for ways to extract money from those they govern. The art of raising money, honed over time, always gives the impression that someone else pays. That is why we have so many different taxes. Certain groups are targeted for taxation, for instance, the Hotel Tax. The hotel tax is a favorite of local politicians who want to give the impression that the 'visitors' and not the local people will pay for the latest "needs" of a community. The sin taxes only target those who smoke, and drink.
The more money that the politicians rake in, the more powerful they become. The politicians can use the money for any cause. The more causes they raise money for, via taxes; the more prominent, and important the politicians become. The money is all green so it does not matter where it comes from. Those who finance and contribute to the campaigns of the politicians expect and receive a quid-pro-quo favor for their support.
Both political parties exploit the citizens in their care, but the Liberals are the worst offenders. Today's Liberals are modern day Robin Hoods. Their taxation schemes have run most of our manufacturing jobs into business friendlier countries. One of the guiding principles of business is to be competitive. Any manufactured product has to be attractive to a customer. The product will not sell if not priced competitively. Manufacturers cannot make a competitive product with Liberal politicians constantly breathing down their necks with taxing schemes.
Like previously stated, taxation is a shell game. Instead of the politician selling his scheme to the voters and increasing the voter's taxes, he taxes the corporations and brags how he held down the taxes for the folks. But the voters pay in the end. Either the manufacturer's product is more expensive or the manufacturer takes the manufacturing jobs that pay good wages and moves them to a country that appreciates the opportunity to have good paying jobs. Or the business owner can just go out of business. The citizen cannot win in the long run from the onerous taxation policies of the Modern Liberal.
So I keep looking for a way to appreciate Liberalism. I read and digest thousands of pages, but have not found one redeeming reason to be a Modern Liberal.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Quotes From the Wise
The following were accumulated from the IDG Connect Newsletter. Send them an email to subscribe to their news letter at . I hope that you find these quotes as amusing as I did.
1.) "Ability will never catch up with the demand for it."
- Malcolm Forbes
2.) "Always render more and better service than is expected of you, no matter what
your task may be."
- Og Mandino
3.) "The American Indians found out what happens when you don't control immigration."
4.) "Ahhh. A man with a sharp wit. Someone ought to take it away from him before he cuts himself."
- Peter da Silva
5.) "Your theory is crazy, but it's not crazy enough to be true."
- Niels Bohr, to a young physicist
6.) "Don't aim at success - the more you aim at it and make it a target, the more you are
going to miss it. For success, like happiness, cannot be pursued; it must the
unintended side-effect of one's personal dedication to a course greater than oneself."
- Viktor Frankl
7.) "All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence; then success is sure."
- Mark Twain
8.) "The most likely way for the world to be destroyed, most experts agree, is by
accident. That's where we come in; we're computer professionals. We cause
- Nathaniel Borenstein
9.) "Drive thy business or it will drive thee."
- Benjamin Franklin
10.) "Imagination is more important than knowledge..."
- Albert Einstein
11.) "I'm not concerned about all hell breaking loose, but that a PART of hell will break'll be much harder to detect."
- George Carlin
12.) "The reason lightning doesn't strike twice in the same place is that the same place
isn't there the second time."
- Willie Tyler
13.) "Statistics: The only science that enables different experts using the same figures to
draw different conclusions."
- Evan Esar
14.) "No man needs a vacation so much as the man who has just had one."
- Elbert Hubbard
15.) "You kids today have it easy. When I was a kid everything was HUGE. My dad
was nearly four times bigger than me. You couldn't even see the tops of counters...
Then gradually everything became smaller until it was the manageable size it is today."
- Bizarro (comic strip)
16.) "The brain is a wonderful organ. It starts working the moment you get up in the
morning and does not stop until you get into the office."
- Robert Frost
17.) "I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free."
- Michelangelo
18.) "Inanimate objects are classified scientifically into three major categories - those
that don't work, those that break down and those that get lost."
- Russell Baker
19.) "Humanity is acquiring all the right technology for all the wrong reasons."
- R. Buckminster Fuller
20.) "I'm sick of following my dreams. I'm just going to ask them where they're going
and hook up with them later."
- Mitch Hedberg
21.) "You can pretend to be serious; you can't pretend to be witty."
- Sacha Guitry
22.) "Good judgment comes from experience. Experience comes from bad
- Unknown, quoted by Jim Horning
23.) "Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory."
- Albert Schweitzer
24.) "If there are no stupid questions, then what kind of questions do stupid people
ask? Do they get smart just in time to ask questions?"
- Scott Adams
25.) "Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines."
- John Benfield
26.) "There is nobody so irritating as somebody with less intelligence and more sense
than we have."
- Don Herold
27.) "When you encounter seemingly good advice that contradicts other seemingly good
advice, ignore them both."
- Al Franken
28.) "He attacked everything in life with a mix of extraordinary genius and naive
incompetence, and it was often difficult to tell which was which."
- Douglas Adams
29.) "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics."
- Benjamin Disraeli
30.) "Employ thy time well, if thou meanest to get leisure."
- Benjamin Franklin
31.) "Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish."
- Euripides
32.) "A witty saying proves nothing."
- Voltaire
1.) "Ability will never catch up with the demand for it."
- Malcolm Forbes
2.) "Always render more and better service than is expected of you, no matter what
your task may be."
- Og Mandino
3.) "The American Indians found out what happens when you don't control immigration."
4.) "Ahhh. A man with a sharp wit. Someone ought to take it away from him before he cuts himself."
- Peter da Silva
5.) "Your theory is crazy, but it's not crazy enough to be true."
- Niels Bohr, to a young physicist
6.) "Don't aim at success - the more you aim at it and make it a target, the more you are
going to miss it. For success, like happiness, cannot be pursued; it must the
unintended side-effect of one's personal dedication to a course greater than oneself."
- Viktor Frankl
7.) "All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence; then success is sure."
- Mark Twain
8.) "The most likely way for the world to be destroyed, most experts agree, is by
accident. That's where we come in; we're computer professionals. We cause
- Nathaniel Borenstein
9.) "Drive thy business or it will drive thee."
- Benjamin Franklin
10.) "Imagination is more important than knowledge..."
- Albert Einstein
11.) "I'm not concerned about all hell breaking loose, but that a PART of hell will break'll be much harder to detect."
- George Carlin
12.) "The reason lightning doesn't strike twice in the same place is that the same place
isn't there the second time."
- Willie Tyler
13.) "Statistics: The only science that enables different experts using the same figures to
draw different conclusions."
- Evan Esar
14.) "No man needs a vacation so much as the man who has just had one."
- Elbert Hubbard
15.) "You kids today have it easy. When I was a kid everything was HUGE. My dad
was nearly four times bigger than me. You couldn't even see the tops of counters...
Then gradually everything became smaller until it was the manageable size it is today."
- Bizarro (comic strip)
16.) "The brain is a wonderful organ. It starts working the moment you get up in the
morning and does not stop until you get into the office."
- Robert Frost
17.) "I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free."
- Michelangelo
18.) "Inanimate objects are classified scientifically into three major categories - those
that don't work, those that break down and those that get lost."
- Russell Baker
19.) "Humanity is acquiring all the right technology for all the wrong reasons."
- R. Buckminster Fuller
20.) "I'm sick of following my dreams. I'm just going to ask them where they're going
and hook up with them later."
- Mitch Hedberg
21.) "You can pretend to be serious; you can't pretend to be witty."
- Sacha Guitry
22.) "Good judgment comes from experience. Experience comes from bad
- Unknown, quoted by Jim Horning
23.) "Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory."
- Albert Schweitzer
24.) "If there are no stupid questions, then what kind of questions do stupid people
ask? Do they get smart just in time to ask questions?"
- Scott Adams
25.) "Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines."
- John Benfield
26.) "There is nobody so irritating as somebody with less intelligence and more sense
than we have."
- Don Herold
27.) "When you encounter seemingly good advice that contradicts other seemingly good
advice, ignore them both."
- Al Franken
28.) "He attacked everything in life with a mix of extraordinary genius and naive
incompetence, and it was often difficult to tell which was which."
- Douglas Adams
29.) "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics."
- Benjamin Disraeli
30.) "Employ thy time well, if thou meanest to get leisure."
- Benjamin Franklin
31.) "Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish."
- Euripides
32.) "A witty saying proves nothing."
- Voltaire
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Primary Season Ends Today!
Nope, not Iowa or New Hampshire It turns out that none other than South Carolina shifted the balance of power. South Carolina was the place where the Black voters would stand up for Barack Obama. South Carolina was the place where the voters would decide the fate of John McCain.
Yes, South Carolina was the big momentum springboard for the rest of the primary season. Barack Obama solidified his position with the Black community, and John McCain was elevated to the top spot for the Republicans.
Today is thankfully the end of the primary campaigns. The primaries in Montana and South Dakota mean a pause in the political ads, at least until after the Political Conventions. This primary season has been unmercifully long and has dominated the airways since 2006. We have had an endless stream of debates, talk shows, and campaign rallies.
One has to wonder how the candidates are able to withstand the grueling schedules that they have to meet. The candidates give their stump speeches at every hamlet, town, and city. They give the speech so often it imprints on the candidates subconscious. One also has to feel for the reporters who follow the candidates. The reporters have to endure the stump speeches repeatedly.
The primary trail is a real life 'Groundhog Day' and I can't help but marvel at the way the candidates make their speeches sound as if they are giving them for the first time when actually, it is probably the hundredth.
Well, wind the clock back up, it is almost time for the kick off of the main event, the contest between the two primary winners. Back to the political ads until were sick of listening to them or one could take the opposite view that maybe we want those ads. After all, we send the money that finances all those ads. Our campaign contributions will give us another several months of entertainment TV, the talk shows, the late night comedy shows, and the daily news programs, not to mention all of those ads.
Yes, South Carolina was the big momentum springboard for the rest of the primary season. Barack Obama solidified his position with the Black community, and John McCain was elevated to the top spot for the Republicans.
Today is thankfully the end of the primary campaigns. The primaries in Montana and South Dakota mean a pause in the political ads, at least until after the Political Conventions. This primary season has been unmercifully long and has dominated the airways since 2006. We have had an endless stream of debates, talk shows, and campaign rallies.
One has to wonder how the candidates are able to withstand the grueling schedules that they have to meet. The candidates give their stump speeches at every hamlet, town, and city. They give the speech so often it imprints on the candidates subconscious. One also has to feel for the reporters who follow the candidates. The reporters have to endure the stump speeches repeatedly.
The primary trail is a real life 'Groundhog Day' and I can't help but marvel at the way the candidates make their speeches sound as if they are giving them for the first time when actually, it is probably the hundredth.
Well, wind the clock back up, it is almost time for the kick off of the main event, the contest between the two primary winners. Back to the political ads until were sick of listening to them or one could take the opposite view that maybe we want those ads. After all, we send the money that finances all those ads. Our campaign contributions will give us another several months of entertainment TV, the talk shows, the late night comedy shows, and the daily news programs, not to mention all of those ads.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Knocking out the Democrats
Issue that Knocks Out Dems
The Republicans are going to come out on the short end of the stick if they don't give the voters a reason to vote for them. The Iraq War that McCain is hanging his hat on is a hard sell mainly because the Dems are not going to simply surrender if elected. They do not want a defeat on their watch. Already Obama is talking about no
immediate withdrawal. A trip to Iraq in Obama's future will yield what he already suspects, that we are very close to winning there. When that happens, there will not be enough difference in McCain and Obama about the war. The only differences will be that Obama will claim a new strategy for getting us out. His new strategy will be what is already happening, just wrapped up in a different wrapper. So if he is elected, Obama will be able to claim credit for the victory and bringing home the troops.
The Obama camp will tar McCain as a continuation of the Bush strategy. But there is an issue out there, that the Dems cannot run away from. That issue is 'energy'. The Democrats have prevented us from both developing new oil fields and building new refineries for making gasoline and other refined products.
The Democrats have prevented us from building more nuclear power houses. The reason we have these high-energy costs is directly attributable to the Democrats and their policies. The only solution we hear from the Dems is a windfall profits tax. Yes, it is the same Democratic solution they offer for all problems, more taxes. The Republicans should be all over the energy issue. If ever there was a knockout issue, it is the energy issue. Maxine Waters stated publically that her answer was to "Socialize" the oil industry.
These paragons of elitists and ignorance do not deserve to win again in November. They do not deserve either the Whitehouse or the Congress. The main achievement of the Democrats since 06 when they won a majority has been obstructionism.
The Republicans are going to come out on the short end of the stick if they don't give the voters a reason to vote for them. The Iraq War that McCain is hanging his hat on is a hard sell mainly because the Dems are not going to simply surrender if elected. They do not want a defeat on their watch. Already Obama is talking about no
immediate withdrawal. A trip to Iraq in Obama's future will yield what he already suspects, that we are very close to winning there. When that happens, there will not be enough difference in McCain and Obama about the war. The only differences will be that Obama will claim a new strategy for getting us out. His new strategy will be what is already happening, just wrapped up in a different wrapper. So if he is elected, Obama will be able to claim credit for the victory and bringing home the troops.
The Obama camp will tar McCain as a continuation of the Bush strategy. But there is an issue out there, that the Dems cannot run away from. That issue is 'energy'. The Democrats have prevented us from both developing new oil fields and building new refineries for making gasoline and other refined products.
The Democrats have prevented us from building more nuclear power houses. The reason we have these high-energy costs is directly attributable to the Democrats and their policies. The only solution we hear from the Dems is a windfall profits tax. Yes, it is the same Democratic solution they offer for all problems, more taxes. The Republicans should be all over the energy issue. If ever there was a knockout issue, it is the energy issue. Maxine Waters stated publically that her answer was to "Socialize" the oil industry.
These paragons of elitists and ignorance do not deserve to win again in November. They do not deserve either the Whitehouse or the Congress. The main achievement of the Democrats since 06 when they won a majority has been obstructionism.
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