Monday, June 30, 2008

Liberal Weapon: Sex

Sex Education
I can remember when a visiting pastor holding a revival at our church held a 'Pack the House Night' with the come on, free ice cream. Pack the house night was the night that you invited and urged your friends to come to the revival and get free ice cream. Well it worked, especially with the young. They would dutifully sit through the sermon just to get at the ice cream that followed.
Using bait is also how we fish. We promise a good meal to the fish and when the fish takes us up on the offer, we spring our 'hook' surprise.

Liberal philosophy needs equality among the masses. Individualism is the antithesis of Liberalism. To the Liberal, everyone must be a smoke grey in color (no distinguishing characteristics). Everyone will depend on the national government for their welfare. In the Liberal world, only those in the Government would yield any power or say so.

The question was how were they going to mollify the public and at the same time destroy their individualism? Their answer was 'sexual freedom'. But sexual freedom in a moderately straight-laced society had many obstacles. The largest of these obstacles was Christianity, closely followed by the family unit represented by a strong father figure at its head.

The Liberals would attack both using various methods. Among the earliest of these was the Liberal Supreme Court that threw out school prayer. After all, God was a competitor for leadership of the people. The tactic worked. The kids grew up in schools that no longer demonstrated that there was something greater in life. That one decision was a knife in the heart to Christianity. No longer would Christianity be a threat to the sovereignty of the State. The State, not God became the arbiter of right and wrong.

To combat the strong family units, popular TV shows like "All in the Family" made the head of the household look like a buffoon. The era of family shows with a moral theme ended. Television played a major role in convincing the general population that a family unit designed around a strong father figure was foolish. The threat of leadership by family fathers was also under pressure from the Feminist. The bra-burnings and free love era of the sixties forever changed the landscape of the family unit. Sexual freedom was at hand.

The Liberals wanted everyone out enjoying sex. The 'pill' could now manage unwanted pregnancies so that accidents were not likely anymore. And sex was no threat to the Government. Sex kept the public interested in self-satisfaction instead of directing their abilities at achievement.

The Liberals gained a foothold in our schools with the Supreme Court Decision on school prayer, and solidified it by unionizing the teachers. The takeover by Liberals was now almost complete. In addition to a large segment on the population depending on the Government, they now had control over our schools.

The dichotomy of sex in our schools is laughable and typical of liberals. They encourage our young to be sexually active. Sex education, condom distribution, and even school day care for the students who have children are commonplace. Our young are out there banging away with each other, having children, with the Government picking up the tab for this madness. The family no longer has any say in the matter. The only taboo that Liberals seem to enforce is that of a person over the age 18 having sex with someone under 18. What is the reasoning behind this dichotomy? Clearly, sex is encouraged by the Liberal establishment. The answer is simple. The mature women do not want the competition of these young hotties. So God help any poor soul who enjoys the fruit of one of these sexually active young girls.

In short, sex is everywhere. Liberals have concluded that you would rather be self indulgent than succeed. So far, their gamble has paid off.



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