The Liberal 'Wants' list:
1. Green Energy
2. Stimulus package
3. Small, high mileage cars
4. Jobs
5. Get out of Iraq
6. Get Ben Laden
7. Close Gitmo
8. Impeach Blagojevich
9. Gay Marriages
10. Unfettered abortions
11. Higher taxes for the rich
12. Open borders
13. Amnesty for the undocumented in this country
14. Degrade the values of morality (right and wrong)
15. Socialized medicine
16. More money for a broken school system
This is a sequel to the article about the first three items. This second article will cover item four. Because of its length, no other topic will be covered today.
My Comments on the 'List' Article 2
Jobs: this is an honorable goal. Work eligible Americans need jobs for both their own livelihood and for perpetuating the economy. But there needs to be some perspective about how we create jobs.
Our Government receives money from the taxpayers. The total take comes from various and sundry taxes. -- Import taxes, export taxes, income taxes, license fees, and road and fuel taxes do not make up the complete list, but you get the idea. Some of the taxes are a little incestuous because they are all dependent upon working Americans. For instance, the import taxes are only possible because of Americans wanting to buy and use foreign products. In the end, the American consumer generates the revenue for the Government. One could argue that the foreign governments pay import taxes from where the products originate. But the real payer is the user of these products. Any taxes collected at the entry port just add to the cost of the product and thus returned to the originator. The originator of the product reimburses itself with the increased price of the product. Usually, import and export taxes are political tools and not intended to be a revenue stream. These tools are a way to reward those countries that are friendly to us with unfettered access to our markets. Countries that we find objectionable are less competitive in our markets because of the higher prices, thanks to the tariffs, on their products.
The point is that most of the money, by far, collected by the government comes from working Americans one-way or the other. Government jobs and Government projects are only a redistribution of the wealth collected from the private sector. That is why a government created job is so objectionable. Growing the Government beyond a certain point can only have one outcome. For instance, government workers do not pay taxes. Every dime they receive is from the private sector via taxation. Their checks may have a deduction labeled as taxes, but in reality, that deduction is not new money for the treasury. It only amounts to a little less money paid to the employee from the treasury. It is important to note that only new money collected from the private sector can add to the take at the treasury.
Continuing to grow Government whether it is by directly hiring people or Government projects can only have one outcome, the takeover of our private sector. Growing Government means more Government employees, and the administration of more Federal projects. As the Government grows, the private sector comes under increased pressure to provide the funding. Continued growth will reach a point where the shrunken private sector can no longer support the needs of Government. It is at that time that the Government will complete the takeover of the private sector and end the free enterprise system. The free enterprise collapse also ends the hopes and dreams of those who strive to succeed to the limits of their abilities. The American dream will have perished into the maws of complete centralization.
So, I do not look forward to the Government takeover of the economy. Government created jobs do not add one dime to the treasury. Spending our way to prosperity is not possible. The brief jump in economic activity is on borrowed money and time. Who is going to repay that money? Every person hired by the Government, or works on a Government project robs the private sector of a real contributor. The more people Government hires, the fewer taxpayers there are contributing to the treasury. Fewer payers mean a larger burden on the dwindling private sector workforce. Private sector growth is the real solution to a bad economy.
Look for volume 3,
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