It gets little attention, but an effort to control the Black population is thriving. This effort is a blight on the human race. True, we have elected an African descended person to the presidency, but the all out push by Liberals to elect an Afro-American President is just cover for a very sinister agenda.
The effort to control the Black population is carried out on several fronts. One of the most effective tools is population control of Blacks using Malaria as the executioner. Malaria was promoted to main executioner because of a book written by Rachel Carson called the "Silent Spring". Rachel Carson was a marine biologist/writer whose book made a case against pesticides and the dangers they posed against animals.
This from Wikipedia about the impact of the book:
"In the late 1950s, Carson turned her attention to conservation and the environmental problems caused by synthetic pesticides. The result was Silent Spring (1962), which brought environmental concerns to an unprecedented portion of the American public. Silent Spring spurred a reversal in national pesticide policy—leading to a nationwide ban on DDT and other pesticides—and the grassroots environmental movement the book inspired led to the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency. Carson was posthumously awarded the Presidential Freedom Medal by Jimmy Carter."
I have no problem with the work of Rachel Carson. She was a dedicated person and worked tirelessly on behalf of the animal kingdom. But, her book inspired others to crusade against one of the most beneficial and economical pesticides we have ever used - DDT.
The crusaders made DDT a political issue and were responsible for the eventual banning of DDT. DDT was made the boogey-man for breast cancer, bird eggshell thinning, and uterine cancer. All of which have been debunked by science, but public hysterics over these issues forced the ban on DDT. Even today, the public believes that DDT was, and is a bad and harmful chemical.
As it turned out, DDT was the main weapon against Malaria in Africa and other tropical countries. DDT was an effective and economical weapon against Malaria by killing the mosquitoes that spread the disease. DDT was helping, not hurting humanity by preventing a terrible ravaging disease from decimating the Black population and others in tropical climates.
There were those who knew the truth about DDT but wanted to capitalize on the results of banning DDT. These were political elites of the Liberal movement. Their efforts solidified the beliefs of an already hysterical population that DDT was bad. Because of public sentiment about DDT, Western cultures threatened to ban the exports of any nations that used DDT for pest control.
This left little choice to those Sub Saharan African countries. They were already dirt poor, and if they could not sell their meager exports, their suffering would be multiplied many times over. So, with a gun to their head, they tried other chemicals and methods of prophylactic measures against the disease. The new chemicals were mostly just expensive and did little to help their plight. Millions upon millions die because of the now uncontrolled ravages of Malaria.
The WHO (World Health Organization) approved the use of DDT for specific applications such as painting the walls of homes and with mosquito netting. It was welcome news by the affected countries because of its proven effectiveness against mosquitoes. But just yesterday I received an update from AFM (Africa Fighting Malaria) with this pronouncement:
DDT Update
The United Nations' Retreat From Science in Controlling Malaria
AFM's Roger Bate writes in The New Ledger, "For two years the United Nations paid lip service to the truth that the insecticide DDT is a vital component of malaria control, but last week UN abandoned science in favor of superstition. The result is UN promotion of more dangerous and less efficient malaria control techniques. On May 5th, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Environment Program announced plans to reduce DDT use by 30% by 2014 and completely eliminate it by around 2020. In the mean time, the UN will roll out initiatives in 40 countries to test non-chemical methods of malaria control. In particular UN wants to scale up the programs of Central America, which have relied on "pharmacosuppression". Essentially, uninfected people in high-risk locations are given the antimalarial drug chloroquine to suppress any future infection. In 2004, 3,400 malaria cases were diagnosed in Mexico, 6,897 in Nicaragua, and almost half a million in Brazil. But both Mexico and Nicaragua each distrib
uted more anti-malaria pills (mostly chloroquine pills) than Brazil. Chloroquine is a wonderful drug at combating malaria and has saved millions of lives when used therapeutically, as in Brazil,, but prophylactic use is not safe because it is quite toxic and has led to heart problems when used repeatedly. As scientists at the University of Colima in Mexico explained last year, chloroquine "can induce lethal ventricular arrhythmias." Ironically, chloroquine is only slightly less toxic than DDT yet people have to eat chloroquine pills, they don't eat DDT."
For those interested in this sad tale of frustration by those suffering at the hands of the same phony science that gives us 'Global Warming', subscribe to their newsletter at --learn and see a real life tragedy unfold before you monthly.
One of the other weapons against the Black community is the use of abortion. Other than needing their vote, the same people who claim brotherhood and protector of Blacks are systematically eradicating Black newborns. Read the following from Rev. Childress. If you have any doubts about why the Liberals are so insistent about maintaining abortion on demand, you may want to rethink the BS that they espouse. Abortion is a tool to help control Black population.
Abortion's Blackest Secret: First from Planned Parenthood---
"We do not want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the (Black) minister is the man who can straighten that idea out if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members."
Margaret Sanger
Founder, Planned Parenthood
Answer from: Reverend Clenard H. Childress Jr.
"Although black women constitute only 6% of the population, they comprise 36% of the abortion industry’s clientele. The leading abortion providers have chosen to exploit blacks by locating 94% of their abortuaries in urban neighborhoods with high black populations.
This high rate of abortion has decimated the black family and destroyed black neighborhoods to the detriment of society at large.
1,452 African-American children are killed each day by the heinous act of abortion.
3 out of 5 pregnant African-American women will abort their child.
"...For those of you that don't know, Barack Obama became a "minister" of Planned Parenthood a long time ago. He's so good at carrying out their racist, murderous, agenda against Afro-Americans and society at large, they gave him a 100% score on his voting record.
Planned Parenthood is following the strategy of their racist founder, Margaret Sanger, to the letter. Planed Parenthood is saying, “We have our poster boy!
Get him out in front as a lure for their women and men. Get them into our abortion clinics and dismember their children by the millions!”
You say absurd? No Way!
Planned Parenthood’s Valentine cards were sent out to hundreds of thousands of young people in the nation.
Whose face is plainly seen waving to them with a big smile?
Whose endorsement is given to this racist and calloused organization?
Who is used to lure children to give credibility to its hideous plot?
Barack Obama, that's who!..."
By Rev. Clenard H. Childress Jr.,
March 5, 2008
In the United States, the Democrats solidify their partnership with the Blacks by discouraging their success and keeping them dependent upon crumbs from Washington. Is there no reason why the Black Man feels like he has no hope? He keeps investing his one tool, his vote, into the vacant promises of the Left. But the Left does not intend to allow Blacks to succeed. Obama is just a showpiece to keep Blacks pacified.
I apologize to the true believers in Obama. You were sold a phony bill of goods. The Socialist elites pull the strings and stir the passions of a leader-starved population. But the Obama revolution is showing signs of disappointment and it will get worse as time advances. It is not in the cards for the USA to become a Socialist Left country. People love freedom too much to allow it. Failure is also a birthright, not everybody can rise to the same level, but by effort and lessons learned from our failures, we can be all that we can if allowed to do so. That is freedom. Freedom means that we all have the same opportunity to make our fortune, but no guarantees on an outcome, the outcome of our efforts depend on us.
Genocides such as the one in Dar fur or Rwanda continue in Africa while a 'civilized' world just watches. People in the Malaria ravaged countries suffer and die in their thousands while being denied the most effective pesticide that would help. And finally, we in the USA allow abortion to thin out their population and uphold abortion as a right.
The war against Blacks continues -- one day, they will remember.
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