President Barack Obama has a past and his unwillingness to share it with the American people is astounding. Most of his past is kept shrouded behind legal barriers. A reasonable person could ask -why? Why would this popular president object to the facts of his birth? Why would he object to revealing the name of the hospital where he was born or his college records? Could it be that the birth skeptics are on to something?
The short version: Obama’s mother was in Africa and very pregnant. She was so far along that the airline would not board her. Her only alternative was to have Barack at a local hospital in Kenya and then proceed to Hawaii.
This is plausible because Barack’s birth certificate is the ‘short form’ which doesn’t include the normal items of a birth certificate such as the attending physician, nor the name of the hospital. But, short form birth certificates are legal. Those children born at home, or other places have to have a mechanism to obtain a birth certificate. For that reason, I believe the short form birth certificate to be genuine. However, the short form birth certificate also supports the idea of Barack not being a natural born citizen.
Citizenship is another matter. Bararck’s mother married an Indonesian who reportedly adopted Barack. He was then known as Barry Soetoro at that time and was enrolled into an Indonesian school as Barry Soetoro. See photo below of the supposed school enrollment paper. This document has not been authenticated and represents just a fraction of the documents that proliferate all because Obama chooses to not reveal details about his origin, college enrollment, and other such pertinent data that would satisfy the doubters about his eligibility to serve as president.
This writing will not publish the complaint of Philip Berg’s challenge to Obama. However, those of you who are interested in the details of the doubts surrounding Barack Obama, I include the web address where it can be found. This link will take you to that web page. I recommend that you read the full complaint if you are not familiar to the ‘Birthers’ point of view.
Legally Weird: The lawsuits (and there are many) against Barack Obama have never been argued before a judge. All complaints have been dismissed on technical grounds and therefore not judged on their merit. It seems that the legal system is not interested in making sure the Constitution of our Country is being adhered to. This is where I am interested. If there is a legitimate question about Obama’s citizenship, then there should be a hearing to decide with finality the answer to the question.
Apparently, Obama was not vetted properly by the DNC or these questions would not still be around.
Recently, Lou Dobbs of CNN has been criticizing publicly the lack of proof about Obama’s failure to produce any of his school records or the ‘longform’ birth certificate from a Hawaiian hospital.
According to Jon Klein the President of CNN stopped Dobbs from further assertions with an email stating: "In 2001 - the state of Hawaii Health Department went paperless. Paper documents were discarded The official record of Obama's birth is now an official electronic record Janice Okubo, spokeswoman for the Health Department told the Honolulu Star Bulletin, 'At that time, all information for births from 1908 (on) was put into electronic files for consistent reporting,' she said."
Lou Dobbs had to go on the air and repeat the statement in an effort to give finality to the flap over Obama’s legitimacy as president.
It was after the public retreat from the issue by Dobbs, that Janice Okubo of the Hawaiian Health Department issued this statement: "I am not aware of any birth certificate records that have been destroyed by the department. When the department went electronic in 2001, vital records, whether in paper form or any other form, [were] maintained. We don't destroy records. ... Any records that we had in paper or any other form before 2001 are still in file within the department. We have not destroyed any vital statistics records that we have."
Her statement highlights the audacity and lengths that the left will go to prevent Barack Obama from having to prove his eligibility to be president.
In another twist to this strange saga comes the latest salvo from the complainants. I received this email on Sept. 16th: This should prove to be interesting.
I and many other concerned veterans and citizens attended the hearing today in Federal Court in Santa Ana in the lawsuit against Barack Obama to determine his eligibility to be President and Commander in Chief. About 150 people showed up, almost all in support of the lawsuit to demand that Obama release his birth certificate and other records that he has hidden from the public.
Judge David Carter refused to hear Obama's request for dismissal today, instead setting a hearing date for Oct. 5, since Obama's attorneys had just filed the motion on Friday. He indicated there was almost no chance that this case would be dismissed. Obama is arguing this lawsuit was filed in the wrong court if you can believe that. I guess Obama would prefer a "kangaroo court"! Assuming Judge Carter denies Obama's motion for dismissal, he will likely then order expedited discovery which will force Obama to release his birth certificate in a timely manner (if he has one).
The judge, who is a former U.S. Marine, repeated several times that this is a very serious case which must be resolved quickly so that the troops know that their Commander in Chief is eligible to hold that position and issue lawful orders to our military in this time of war. He basically said Obama must prove his eligibility to the court! He said Americans deserve to know the truth about their President!
The two U.S. Attorneys representing Barack Obama tried everything they could to sway the judge that this case was frivolous, but Carter would have none of it and cut them off several times. Obama's attorneys left the courtroom after about the 90 minute hearing looking defeated and very nervous.
Great day in America for the U.S. Constitution!!! The truth about Barack Obama's eligibility will be known fairly soon - Judge Carter practically guaranteed it!
Video from the press conference after the hearing coming soon. Congratulations to Dr. Orly Taitz! She did a great job and won some huge victories today. She was fearless!
Jeff Schwilk, Founder
A California judge today tentatively scheduled a trial for Jan. 26, 2010, for a case that challenges Barack Obama's eligibility to be president based on questions over his qualifications under the requirements of the U.S. Constitution.
If the case actually goes to arguments before U.S. District Judge David Carter, it will be the first time the merits of the dispute have been argued in open court, according to one of the attorneys working on the issue.
In a highly anticipated hearing today before Carter, several motions were heard, including a resolution to long-standing questions about whether attorney Orly Taitz properly served notice on the defendants, which she had.
The expedited trial has been set for Jan. 26, 2010, just 4 1/2 months from now!
This news illustrates the point that this issue will not go away. If Obama should prove to be ineligible, he would be known as a usurper, and all legislation signed by him would be vacated since he was not a legitimate president. Wow!
I will point out to all of you birthright skeptics, this may be about a man who just wants to maintain his privacy and a large serving of crow could be in your future.
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