The revelations about Tiger Woods only showcase the seedier side of humans. That seedier side has always been around, but we as a species, never seem to be able to get a handle on it. With the technology present in the here and now, human blemishes are hard to hide. It is not easy for anybody to escape the eyes of cameras or the instant recordings of the spoken word.
We can rail against Tiger, or others who have been caught up in the act of being less than they can be, but the awful truth is, all humans have this side of them.
Always remember, for every top, there is a bottom. The honing of our skills to perpetuate the darker side of our existence, only adds to that side. We don’t control porn because we do not want to control porn. And just like the tug of drugs to those addicted, sex is very addictive and among the highest treated causes in rehab centers.
When others get caught doing the same thing that most people do, it gives those not caught the invitation to be righteously indignant. The phoniness of this indignation is sickening. Every one of us wants to parade in public one set of values and do the things that enthrall us in private.
It may well be that we do not have the discipline to cure our prurient nature. If that is the case, we are headed towards a very disappointing life. The job of curbing that darker side of humans was entrusted to religion, but my personal belief is that the selfish, self-indulgent acts are getting worse. In that sense, religion is failing us.
As we pursue the pleasures of life, our culture is being dumbed down. We no longer have the attitude of a fiercely independent and proud people. How long will it be before the darker side of us wins the battle for supremacy? The lack of privacy in everyday events is numbing our sensibilities to those actions. Eventually, that which is considered abhorrent now, will become mainstream. The evolution of abortion clearly demonstrates this principle. This process will only get worse. There will always be a new revelation to get indignant about, and after the novelty of so many revelations about that activity, it too will become accepted into the culture.
It was easy to convince a person that killing the unborn was okay - because the unborn had no voice. Sexual deviancy will take a little longer. I invite you to read an article I penned for another website about unlimited sex. You will find it at
The spiral of the pursuits of pleasure only has one direction for this culture and that is downward. There is not much to recommend about the direction our society is going in the moral sense.
As I write this, I want you to know that I am also no prima donna. I have the same warts and blemishes as my fellow humans. My concern is how to make things better. Would that I could, I would get everyone to do some inward soul searching and recognize what we are becoming. This culture desperately needs to reestablish a boundary of right and wrong. If the older spiritual model can no longer enforce that boundary, then another model is needed.
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