Thursday, June 2, 2016

Holy War: The militancy of the Muslim religion makes fertile ground for those who are power hungry and use Islam as a tool to further their ambitions. Make no mistake, what is being fought in the Middle East is a holy war. Religion is the only basis for the commitment of the Muslim soldier. The Mullahs have groomed every young school aged child with a fervor for "Jihad".

Total Control: When I was in the Middle East, I was struck by the absolute power held over the populations by the Mullahs. It all starts in their schools, which are ran by the clerics, and they teach the Koran very forcefully to every child. Every child is indoctrinated (brainwashed) from a very early age. Upon completion of their training, they will willingly sacrifice themselves for Islam; they are soldiers for Allah. This training grants greater power to the Mullahs over the population.

Mullahs Wield the Power: So when a Mullah wants to extend his reach, he whips up his faithful ready built army, into a frenzy and away they go. Nothing is off limits to the army of Allah. They have no moral constraints against infidels. This tactic has conquered all of the Middle East, most of Africa and the southern Pacific basin. Presently the movement is making headway in Europe with significant Muslim populations in all European nations. They arrive with the consent of the host for their cheap labor, but through proselytizing and continued immigration, they achieve enough political muscle to usurp the resident government. The French are currently dipping their toes into this well and will eventually reap their reward.

Stopping the Spread of Fanaticism: The only way to stop this onslaught, is a national revival of our heritage. Should we ever lose pride in who we are, or fail to teach our children of their roots, then we as a freedom loving people are doomed to become what we are fighting in Iraq. Secularism helps to remove our national pride and identity. The Muslims have shot a cannon ball across our bow and if we don’t respond, it is only a matter of time before calamity visits this country. Democrats are the unwitting consorts for the destruction of this nation with their support for Secularism. Weaknesses of moral fiber, and a willingness to allow our schools to fall prey to political correctness, are the biggest offenders.

The Cheap labor Takeover: The USA is also guilty of allowing in cheap labor. Not in measured amounts but in large numbers which cannot be assimilated. These large blocks of people have no roots in our system or in our institutions, but are amassing sufficient numbers to recreate the systems, via the democratic process, which they left, to come here.

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