Monday, November 17, 2008

Christianity Under Attack

A RainbowObvious attempts from the left to destroy Christianity are everywhere. Holiday has replaced Christmas, the Easter Bunny has been renamed 'Peter Rabbit' among other secular names, TV programs challenge the veracity of the Bible, and the judicial branch declares prayer out of bounds at school, and as a result of this onslaught, our society is fragmenting.

It seems that everyone wants to get in on the act of Bible bashing with little regard for the consequences of their actions. A friend of mine is all too happy to point out apparent errors he finds in the Bible as proof positive that it is a fraudulent book. "Where did Cain's wife come from?" "The Earth is older than what is related in the Bible." "The book of Daniel finds that the author knew more about the future than the supposed present, raising the question if the writer was writing in the time he was referring to as the future." These are just a few of the many, many statements and questions I hear from the skeptics about the Bible.

Certainly, this article cannot answer the analytical questions perceived by readers of the Bible, but I do want to offer a few caveats about seeking to destroy the beliefs of others.

A society is a little like a crowd at a football game. At any game, there is the home crowd and the visiting crowd. In the case of the football fans, common support for their team unites them. The more victories their team has, the more enthusiastic and larger the crowd. But if the victories wane, and losing becomes regular, the crowds diminish along with support for the team. The same people who united in support of their team become disillusioned and less interested in going to the games.

There is a parallel to our American Society and the football crowds. There was a time when our faith bonded us together, but now we are enduring upsets. The crowd is thinning and that feeling of belonging to an American brotherhood, united and defiant has lost its luster. The American Society has been under assault for a long time now. One of the first dominoes to fall was the prayer in school defeat in the Supreme Court. Madalyn Murray O'Hair an atheist, best known for the lawsuit Murray v. Curlett which led to the landmark Supreme Court ruling that ended the practice of daily prayer in American public schools. That Supreme Court ruling drove a dagger into the heart of Christianity. The very Liberal Warren Court made that decision.

Another Supreme Court ruling that intruded upon Christianity was Roe v. Wade. That ruling legalized abortion and devalued human life. And now, Liberal courts in several states have defiled marriage by ruling that a union between people of the same gender constitute a marriage. Defeat after defeat has left the Christian community reeling. It seems like this society is in a mad long dash to destroy itself.

I want to remind the Christian readers of this piece that your religion is not an analytical entity. It is an institution built on faith. I cannot begin to understand the motives of those who would tear down societies bond but the question arises, what do they want? Do they reject the premise of a right and wrong? Do they want to be free of the shackles of conscience so they can live a disgusting lifestyle? Do they want a fragmented, divided society to destroy it? The end game eludes me as to why anybody would want to declare war against Christianity.

Abortion is responsible for the destruction of millions of babies. What is that all about? A person steeped in conspiracy ideas could make the connection between a reduced White population and his influence at the ballot box. A popular conspiracy theory is that abortion is a way to do two things, reduce the White population, and keep the Black population under control. I don't want you to think that I am espousing the idea, but from others, they believe it. It is all part of the confusion and disbelief about what is transpiring in this country.

But take heart Christians, our detractors cannot win this war. Every person has in his heart a spiritual side that seeks deliverance. No burden is as heavy as the one that accumulates from not being able to give that burden to our Savior. Without help from Jesus our Lord, we become pitiful and wretched. Our lives deteriorate into so much turmoil that the turmoil keeps us from having any lasting peace. There is a right and a wrong, evil and good, and a salvation and expulsion. We all have to choose our paths. The Bible just makes it easier to recognize which paths we should take. Human behavior has already explored all paths. Some are good and some are not, but the Bible makes it a lot easier to discern the good ones.

So don't embrace discrepancies in the Bible as your excuse to venture down paths that lead to turmoil. Understand, that Christian faith is not a science it is faith. God wants to be beside you, so make a little room for Him.



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