Friday, November 7, 2008

Trashing Sarah Palin

Sarah PalinIf you are alive, then you know them too. They are those trusted co-workers that just can't wait to put a knife in your back. It seems like there is always that certain individual who proves to be an unloyal co-worker. For reasons of resentment towards you or other motives, this individual wants to harm you and your reputation.

Remember the old saying, "If I can make you look bad, it makes me look like a hero." In the world of politics, there are a lot of 'heroes'. Whether it is for attention from the press or just mean spirited, character assassins abound. The old saying, "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer," does not apply in the case of Sarah Palin.

Part of the make-up of Mid-Westerners is having trust in someone until they give you a reason to not trust them. The latest salvo disparaging Sarah Palin after the election came from within the campaign staff. This same staff sandbagged Sarah into thinking that she had a phone call from the French President. The question is who benefits from trashing Sarah?

Evidently, someone wants to destroy Sarah's prospects from being a candidate again. Who can that be? Only two people come to mind at the present. Obama may want to degrade her possibilities as a candidate in 2012, or maybe Hillary Clinton has her eyes on another run in 2012. Whoever is responsible for trashing her has to be motivated out of fear of any plans that Sarah may have. One of her biggest obstacles is the 'inexperience' label. Without Washington experience, the press would devastate her, so she might run for Senator and use that office as a springboard to the 2012 campaign, a la Barack Obama.

It is plainly evident that somebody doesn't want to have to contend with her in some future election or there would be no need to trash Sarah now with the election over. What that possible opponent is overlooking is Sarah's toughness. Sarah Palin has demonstrated her metal throughout this campaign. It will take more than a 'wardrobe flap' and petty allegations to diminish the good will she has established with conservatives.

Although she is a professional politician now, it wasn't always so. Her career did not start out as an Ivy Leaguer with lofty ambitions. No, her political career started out as a concerned citizen over a newly enacted sales tax in Wasilla. She ran for city council out of fear that the city would waste the money. Nothing about her political beginnings even hinted that she had lofty political ambitions.

Sarah Palin is one of those rare individuals who believes she can make a difference in this world of avarice and greed. Standing for the good and decency is always a struggle when you faced against those who seek to justify their disgusting lifestyles. Only the Democratic Party puts the welcome mat out and gives voice to these misfits. Any political party that legitimizes these groups is repulsive to me. Instead of making improvements to the fabric of our society, Liberals are doing everything they can to tear us down, all for political power. The further down the road to depravity we go, the worse off this nation becomes.

At the risk of sounding like a Palin sycophant, I say hang in there Sarah; better days are ahead for you and by extension, all of us.



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