Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Christianity Under Siege

Christianity Under SiegeThis was written to all of those who are out to destroy Christianity. Should you succeed in destroying this faith, inadvertently you will be destroying the very freedom that you enjoy. No doubt, the understanding of Christianity and its importance has not been taught to you or you would not be so doggedly determined to destroy it. First, you should know that Christianity is a faith-based religion. It is not a scientifically provable equation. There are certainties that are accepted as faith. Christians believe that Jesus was the sacrificial lamb whose blood redeemed all who would believe in Him. Just as the Jews had to sacrifice a lamb while they were in Egypt, and put the blood of the lamb on their doors to keep the angel of death from where they lived, Jesus fulfills that same purpose for all of mankind. Promises that are included to Christians of faith are inner peace, and everlasting life.

Christians are admonished to live within the Secular systems that they find themselves; hence the “Render unto Caesar” lesson in the New Testament. And to be peaceful by, “Turning the other cheek”. Christians are required to live God fearing, useful lives, and to accept Christ as their Savior. For the believers in Christ, their faith transcends the fear of death. They have an understanding that there is something better for them after death. Having faith is a far better way of life than living in fear of what is to come. Any person, who has the knowledge that his life has been one of devotion to God, and his Son, is in an immensely better position to face his own mortality than the person who has rejected God and his teachings.

There is nothing to fear from Christians in and among a Society. And yet, Christians are attacked at every level. Why? Simply put, Christianity represents having to make a choice between right and wrong. There are a lot of people who want to live certain lifestyles that are prohibited by God. So they see the teachings of faith as an obstacle to do what they crave for their own pleasures. Those who are weak and refuse to obey God, turn to the Secular to make things right for them. They want laws changed to address their concerns. The problem with shaping the Secular laws to suit the wants of people is that it’s like re-arranging the deck chairs of the Titanic. Their mortality still approaches and God has the final judgment, not man. Those who reject Christ need to ask themselves if a few years of depravity is worth an eternity of damnation.

Likewise, to those who have the authority to shape Secular law. By attempting to sanctify that which is prohibited by God, are you also not in danger of losing Paradise for yourself?

For the sake of not being misunderstood, I want to be clear that rules are necessary for the governance and protection of a society. But I want to explore the differences between the Secular and non-Secular adhesion to rules. It is these differences that define whether we are held hostage to “Big Brother” or allowed the freedom to maintain our societies.

There is a difference between having to obey Secular laws and a willingness to obey God’s laws. Secular laws are mere boundaries. They represent limits for which a transgression can be either criminal or just a fine. There is no guidance in navigating these boundaries. A person is free to bounce around in his Secular society as long as he doesn’t run afoul of one of these boundaries. There are Secular boundaries everywhere, but no guidance. You are allowed to drive your car down the highway as you choose as long as you don’t go over the speed limit, make an improper turn, fail to yield, not stop for a stop sign, and on and on. The lesson here is that society wants you to drive safely so as not to harm yourself or others. Hence, we have the establishment of all those boundaries. (Laws)

The differences I am talking about are profound. For instance, when a person who rejects faith approaches a stop sign and sees nobody, he may or may not run the stop sign. Running the stop sign gives him no remorse, because after all, there wasn’t any oncoming traffic. However, because there is no remorse, the lesson to him is that it is okay to disobey a Secular law. Remember though, all of the intersections won’t be empty. Others can be put in danger if it isn't realized that on this day, he was lucky.

Same scene with a Christian at the stop sign, and he also determines it is safe to run it. Now however, he knows he has done wrong, and it bothers him. His conscience will not allow the broken law to go unnoticed.

The Secular world without Christ just bounces one around from one boundary to the next. The only price to be paid, if caught, is maybe a fine or it could be a life behind bars, depending on the boundary that was violated. The emptiness of such a life is real. The search for “neat” things in the Secular world will expand exponentially because nothing can quench this thirst. The search for satisfaction eventually runs afoul of the Secular boundaries. The person is left with nothing. He becomes an island of despair, and turning to the Secular world for help is also empty. Nothing in the Secular world can help because the help that is needed is spiritual. No pill can mend what is broken.

When we accept Christ as our Savior, we also accept the responsibilities for our actions. Whenever a Christian does the wrong thing, there is this tug at his conscience that tells him about it. Guilt is spawned out of doing wrong, whether by disobedience to God’s Law or Secular Law.

The love of God creates a goal that is beyond Earthly goals. It is for that reason Christians are constantly aware of their actions here on earth. Once a person becomes a Christian, they receive an indescribable joy in their hearts. This spirit will guide them for the rest of their days. They will renounce sin and pray for forgiveness when they falter. And, all will falter, contrition is vital if there is to be any relief from the relentless tug of the conscience knowledge of transgression. It is our conscience reminding us and guiding us that makes life bearable for all of society.

Should this Nation lose it’s faith and succumb to nonbelief, the goodness that has bound us together since our founding will be lost. No more will we be guided by our conscience into doing the right thing, for we will have rejected the premise of right and wrong. The common trust between everyone will dissolve into avaricious behavior for riches and power. The great United States would be powerless in the face of such fractious behavior. Anarchy would reign.

So be of good faith, and know that your faith is the ultimate guarantor of freedom. There can be no freedom without faith. Remember, it is faith that creates the need for a decent life, not the threat of punishment from Secular laws.



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