Watching television makes my blood boil anymore. Entrepreneurs seem to dominate the airways hawking their many methods of getting Uncle Sam to pay for things. It is no wonder that our taxes are sky-high.
Taxes: Are you behind on your taxes? Do you owe more than you can repay? Have you failed to file your taxes for several years? Hiring a tax lawyer can solve most of your problems with the IRS. The airways are full of ads from attorneys who for a fee will get your taxes settled for pennies on the dollar. Personally, I don't have any sympathy for tax-cheats. I think that everybody should pay their taxes and not try to wriggle out of it. It saves a lot of pain, anguish, and worry. Letting tax cheats off the hook hurts the rest of us. By not collecting those taxes, the Government may decide they need to raise taxes to make up for the lost revenue.
Blood Sugar Testing Supplies: Insurance companies want to nail the Government for you blood sugar testing supplies. They'll even kick in a free meter to be able to send a UPS truck around when you need more strips, lancets, or batteries for the meter. Why should the Government do this? My medical insurance pays for mine. All I needed was a prescription from my doctor. Medicare also provides for blood sugar testing supplies. So the question remains - why would I want to stick the Government with shipping and handling expenses to get these supplies sent to me from out of state.
Power chairs: Power chairs are another example of a way to pick the pockets of the Government. The purveyors of those motorized wheelchairs hold out the carrot of little or no expense to the chair recipient. It is a hard sell showing only the sunny side of having a power chair. What the commercials do not talk about is the need for assistance to go anywhere with the chair. The commercial shows people rolling happily around in their yard, the park, and the mall - but not a word about how the chairs get to those locations. The truth of the matter is that anybody wishing to just go into the back yard will need someone to help with the chair. Those chairs are heavy and can be unwieldy, even on a ramp.
Loading and unloading the chair from a vehicle can also be a hassle, especially if you cannot afford one of the electric lifts to raise the chair into the vehicle. Most just use a ramp, but again, the ramps need a strong person to help with the loading and unloading. Then the mobility challenged person also needs to be loaded in most cases. I am not trying to throw a wet blanket on the idea of a power chair, but getting the chair is only the start of many problems to solve. In many cases, the fold up wheel chair is better suited for a person's mobility outside of the home. They are light and easily handled by most grown-ups, and are more easily stored in a vehicle than a power chair.
As useful as a power chair may be to some, my position is that I do not think it is a Federal responsibility to furnish them. And believe me; getting a power chair is much like buying a boat. The buyer will find an endless parade of doo-dads to purchase in order to get the full value of the chair. Those extras are generally not part of the original purchase of the power chair.
But the sellers of these chairs have found willing financing through Medicare etc. And they milk it for all that it is worth.
The Racket of Student Loans: There was a time when student loans were about the most beneficial benefit around. But in the last decade or two our colleges and universities have taken advantage of it. Like all government programs from health care to college loans, the idea of educating or healing our citizens may have had the best of intentions, but the real losers were Americans. Government sponsored programs just bring out the greed in people. Colleges have put their prices so far out of reach of ordinary citizens that getting college degrees now means that the students have to take out government loans. Gone are the days when a person could work his or her way through school - the cost is just too much.
It is an arrangement that works well for Liberals. The Universities and colleges know where their money comes from and how to get more, so for their part; these institutions promote and produce brainwashed students in Liberalism. Colleges and Universities are the perfect place to take advantage of our young people because it is at that age that we are naturally idealistic.
Conclusion: Given enough time, we will have to give more to the government to meet our obligations. There is no limit to the number of hands out to receive this manna from the taxpayer. The government will consume everything in a few years and we will become a totalitarian state. Our once vaunted and admired population of self-reliant people will have become just another self-indulgent population wanting everything done for them.
President Obama is doing everything possible to hasten that day.
The surest way I know to save on taxes is to stop electing Democrats.
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