Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Chronicles Part 6

Adventure #6 Into the Weird

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Adventure Into the Weird Part 6

Alien World
Gabriel World

Posted on May 6,2014

Chronicles Part 6

If this is your first time here, you should first scroll down until you get to the title “Adventure into the Weird”. It is the start of this series.

This series is not so much of an adventure as it is just descriptions of what has been passed on to me through dreams. The visions and revelations come to me from an alien race that I have named the Gabriel because of how I interpreted the pictorials of their description. No vocalization is in these dreams, only mental images that I try to decipher. Some of my interpretations may not be correct but it is all I have to work with. It is only because of the persistence of these nighttime images that I write them down at all. My descriptions are not meant to try and sell you on them, but instead, just record them for any value they may contain.

It cannot be stressed enough the importance of a longer lifespan. It was what enabled journeys without relying on generations to make a trip. One of the main benefits of living long enough to make a trip was the maintenance of their known science and retention of knowledge about their culture. All too often, with generational travel, important information was lost or not taught to succeeding generations on their voyage.

Many of their landing crafts would become the last homes of the ill prepared settlers. They were physically weak from not having the influence of gravity to help strengthen them for the gravity on the planet’s surface. Oh yes, there were rotating chambers aboard the ships to mimic gravity, but the daily training routines in them was considered bothersome and unnecessary by a lot of the voyagers. When the ships landed, gravity was overwhelming to any who had decided that training in the gravity chambers wasn’t necessary. Not all of them perished, but those who struggled with and eventually won the battle and became accustomed to the impact gravity; there was the ever looming prospect of having to survive.

Survival meant having to discover which plants and animals were edible, sources for fresh water, and the thousands of other details concerning survival. Lost were the science, culture, and history of where they were from. As the generations passed, there was scant any memories of their beginnings as so much of their energies was expended on survival.

Such were the conditions that the follow-up visits revealed. They found Earth to be a virtual paradise and that the remnants of the settlers had regressed to hunter-gatherer status. Compounding the problem in reacquainting these descendents with their past was the biologic nature of the Earth and those descendents. One of the penalties of the extended life enjoyed by the Gabriel was a loss of immunity to all but a small set of biological agents. They were extremely susceptible to contamination from practically all biologic life forms. They no longer ingested any form of the biologic system leaving their bodies defenseless with the introduction of foreign microscopic spores or bacteria. The diet that gave the Gabriel a longer lifespan was simple and did not require resident organisms in their gut to help break down complex biologic matter. Since those symbiotic relationships were no longer necessary to the Gabriel, their tolerance for biological substances decreased leaving them vulnerable to them.

The discovery of what had become of the descendents of the original settlers to Earth was a shock. In a comparison to the Gabriel, one had advanced in a dramatic fashion and the other had regressed backwards to the time before the Stone Age. The human population had replaced logical pragmatism with a spiritually dictated persona. Direct contact with the humans while wearing their biological protective garb made the humans fearful and treated the garb encased Gabriel as gods.

Also of note, the Gabriel had long ago forsaken vocal communications. Symbolical representations won acceptance as the preferred method of communication. Visual symbolism eventually replaced their vocal speech. Symbolized speech gave way to mental imaging. Brain research paved the way for DNA changes that made mental imaging possible. Over time, mental imagery became their preferred method for communicating. The most confusing thing to me was and still is how they can address a single individual in a crowd. Does each person have an address? It just seems logical to me that the mental channels would be very noisy – but they seem to communicate just fine.

Auditory communications with the humans was not possible. The Gabriel tried but could not articulate the nuances of human speech. Imagery was their best method for communication other than demonstrations with their tools showing what could be done with them. But imagery was tricky and often was misinterpreted by the humans. Making matters worse, they had to find the appropriate time for imagery communication. The only time that the Gabriel could install an image into the humans was while the humans were either under hypnosis or in a deep sleep. The awake and alert human could not distinguish between his visual senses and the attempted communications by the Gabriel.

The Gabriel took up the challenge of guiding the humans back to the realization of who they were. The task would be daunting, and recording their many missteps and successes is where I am at the present. I have only scratched the surface. There is so much to write and I have the problems of trying to record all of this faithfully to accuracy while leaving out my own biases. The beginning is next. We will visit the failures as well as the successes in the building of a civilization.

Part 7 is just around the corner, we will speak again, soon.

Robert can be reached via Email:
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"Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." - Unknown, quoted by Jim Horning, Will Rogers and others"

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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Chronicles Part 5

Adventure #5 Into the Weird

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Adventure Into the Weird Part 5

Alien World
Gabriel World

Posted on April 23,2014

Chronicles Part 5

If this is your first time here, you should first scroll down until you get to the title “Adventure Into the Weird”. It is the start of this series.

This series is not so much of an adventure as it is just descriptions of what has been passed on to me through dreams. The visions and revelations come to me from an unknown race. I have named them the Gabriel because of how I interpreted the pictorial of their description. No vocalization is in these dreams, only mental images that I try to decipher. Some of my interpretations may not be correct but it is all I have to work with. It is only because of the persistence of these nighttime images that I write them down at all. My descriptions are not meant to try and sell you on them, but instead, just record them for any value they may contain.

A side note to answer one of those questions that so many of you have asked. Please bear in mind that I am no scientist, but the described birthing machines maintain purity with respect to the traits deemed acceptable by the Gabriel. The best information sorting through their communications and research is that they manage to control the active proteins in their DNA by manipulating them using RNA. Their abilities include using RNA to build specific proteins and insert them into the DNA. These are really remarkable machines as they serve to eliminate the unwanted traits that would otherwise show up without this control. The then fertilized egg is put back into the female for development and birth.

The Gabriel were not always interstellar (faster than light) travelers. There was a period in their development that they were classic generational voyagers. Most of their voyages were for the purpose of colonizing. Before they had long life capabilities, they went in search of new worlds trusting in the generations that would be born during their transit. Along their journey, they set up semaphores for relaying their progress back to their home world. Even using radio signals that approached the speed of light, many of their transmissions took years to arrive. Two way communications was not possible in any real time sequence. Only narratives of progress from the colonists and from the home world, the colonist received messages containing scientific advances that might be useful.

The ships were not slow, but their speed was restricted by the sophistication of their scanning detectors which enabled the colonists to detect and have time to dodge any potential cosmic debris. Several ships were lost due to collisions with undetected objects in their path during the early days of exploration.

It was the distance and poor communication between the home world and these colonized worlds that brought about the trouble. Whenever a colonizing ship left the home world, supply ships for them would be launched regularly to make sure that the colonists would have what they needed after their arrival at any prospective planet. This arrangement worked out well in the beginning. The struggling colonists needed those supplies for survival until they could get things going on their new world.

Some of the new colonies didn’t make it and perished while others thrived. Any livable world would typically have multiple colonies. It should have been foreseen – the different colonies would start squabbling with each other over the supply shipments. Their squabbling led to conflicts and most of the time one colony would prove the stronger and take over. Other results ended with several colonies staking out their territory and defending it. These outcomes were not planned but were very instructive to the Gabriel about colonizing. One of their conclusions was that different colonies on the same world actually strengthened these settlers and gave them a rallying point that bound them together.

In the years that followed, the home world for the Gabriel was also undergoing changes. Supplying the colonies became a political issue because of its cost. As new leaders assumed their roles, they called for a cessation of the supply shipments. The colonies were left on their own. Communications also slowed as the links were weak to begin with and the time involved in sending and receiving a message made effective communication impractical.

Any expressions of time by me in these writings are only guesses. I never was able to piece together those images meant for relating time. So suffice it to say that after a long period, the Gabriel discovered a non-biological diet that satisfied them physically and slowed down the aging process. This was an important development as it meant that a single generation could make long voyages. The voyages themselves were still aggravatingly long. Speed was still a concern because of the occasional debris found in space. The large debris could be detected easily and avoided; but it was the smaller stuff that wreaked havoc on their ships when travelling at high rates of speed.

Their discovery of a way to control the bindings of atoms was crucial. By being able to control the attraction of the discrete fields that made up matter, they could in effect control mass. Interstellar flight became possible because of their ability to control the effective attraction of the basic fields that make up atoms and the affinity that atoms have for each other.

As I keep reiterating, these developments did not come about over night. It took them a long time to develop a method of shielding their ships from the debris of space. The shield that they devised used the same technology that they used to control mass. They were able to cast a strong negative field that extended far in front of the vessel.

I take their word for it as I have no other point of reference or background in such matters. But these were important advances because now they could reconnect with their colonies in a much more timely way. Earth was one of their early colonies and when they tried reconnecting, they found a much regressed civilization. In the next episode I will describe what they found on Earth and how they set about to change the conditions here.

Part 6 is just around the corner, we will speak again, soon.

Robert can be reached via Email:
Send comments to - editor@robfg.com

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"Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." - Unknown, quoted by Jim Horning, Will Rogers and others"

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Thursday, April 3, 2014

Chronicles Part 4

Adventure #4 Into the Weird

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Adventure Into the Weird Part 4

Alien World
Gabriel World

Posted on April 3,2014

Chronicles Part 4
If this is your first time here, you should first scroll down until you get to the title “Adventure Into the Weird”. It is the start of this series.

This series is not so much of an adventure as it is just descriptions of what has been passed on to me through dreams. The visions and revelations come to me from an unknown race I have named the Gabriel because of how I interpreted the pictorial of their description. No vocalization is in these dreams, only mental images that I have to try and decipher. Some of my interpretations may not be correct but it is all I have to work with. It is only because of the persistence of these nighttime images that I write them down at all. My descriptions are not meant to try and sell you on them, but instead, just record them for any value they may contain.

Gabriel science is not like anything I have been taught. It is as if practically all of the smart people who regularly teach science to us have things wrong.

Their animation over our ideas and illustrations of the “Big Bang” are treated with light hearted scorn and amusement. Their smiles are the tell tale that produces my reaction to the idea of a “Big Bang”.

‘Matter’ to you and me is a construction of various solid particles. But the Gabriel maintains that matter is nothing but discrete fields that bind together in an orderly way. It is this order and the strength of their bindings that we call atoms. Because of their ability to weaken those bindings – as opposed to overpowering those bindings with force that they were able to create interstellar flight. As a matter of simplicity, I will continue to refer to these field concentrations as matter.

All matter is attracted to one another including the roles of the disparate polarities and their alignments. The more matter, the greater the attractiveness becomes. The best analogy I could come up with is a coiled spring. Matter cannot grow beyond a certain point without reacting to eject enough of it to once again be in its comfort zone until it attracts more than it can cope with once again. This limit is important to note. If it is true that mass has a limit, then the idea of the “Big Crunch” is rendered untrue.

Like a pitcher of water, once the pitcher is full, it runs over. It is the same with matter – once so much matter has accumulated, it will not accept anymore. It is that ejected material that once again starts to accumulate and create the stars that we see. Each Galaxy is a creation of the give and take of the countless discreet fields that inhabit the zone of the Galaxy.

According to the Gabriel, the whole Universe is a place of recycle. The provincial notion stating that just because it is there, it had to have a beginning is just that, a limited idea about the true nature of the Universe. According to the Gabriel, the Universe is a place of constant renewal.

Their science is beyond any imaginations that I possess, but I can tell you that I saw night after night, renditions of their ability to weaken or strengthen the fields that bind matter together. I saw demonstrations that took solid blocks and made them pliable. I saw demonstrations of their ability to slice through solid material as if they were using a fine scalpel. There were so many nights dedicated to what they had achieved by controlling the binding fields for atoms that I became fearful of even going to sleep. I turned to sleep aids with the hope of not reliving those many scenes over and over again. However, eventually, things started to make sense. I realized what I was seeing. After the light came on somewhere deep inside my brain, I wanted to see more of what they were capable of.

Part 5 is just around the corner, we will speak again, soon.

Robert can be reached via Email:
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"Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." - Unknown, quoted by Jim Horning, Will Rogers and others"

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Saturday, March 29, 2014

Chronicles - 3 Long Lifespans

Adventure #3 Into the Weird

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Adventure Into the Weird Part 3

Alien World
Gabriel World

Posted on March 28,2014

Chronicles Part 3
If you have not read this saga from the beginning, please scroll down until you get to the first installment of this saga and start from the beginning.

Waking up in the morning with strange thoughts is startling at first, but after a while you have no choice but to accept the weird things that unlike dreams stay and mingle with your thoughts when you are awake. Some of the recalled dreams seem ridiculous, but then some of them make sense. I am now sure that what I recall is intermingled with my own thoughts as I tried to interact with the visions I was being shown.

Some of the visions were persistent. One such sequence dealt with how the Gabriel was able to live so long. Even today I do not understand these visions from a biological standpoint but will pass on my account of what was shown me. Here is the abbreviated version of how they achieved such an incredible lifespan.

From life’s inception, most cells are predestined to divide a preordered number of times. After using their last DNA proscribed division, the cell will eventually die and not replicate anymore. Vision after vision of this process was shown to me. The age factor comes from our cells exhausting their ability to metabolize food. Chief among those reasons is our diet.

It seems, according to what I was shown, that on a biological diet, some of the cell ingested food will form waste molecules that are too large to expel by osmotic process. These large molecules of waste accumulate and eventually begin to restrict the ingestion of nourishment. In defense, the cell divides and each division is a countdown of the total cell divisions allowed. Limited divisions help maintain our organ and body proportions, prevent runaway replication (cancer), and regulate our metabolism.

Within most types of cells there is a strand called the telomere that governs the number of times a cell can replicate. The diet is instrumental in determining cell division. And, after a lot of research aimed at the mechanisms that restructure and maintain the telomere, the Gabriel decided that changing the diet to one that excludes those foods that clog the osmotic exchange would be a lot less complicated. By keeping a cell nourished and preventing the cell from accumulating those large waste molecules, they could prevent many of the cell divisions and extend their active lifespan.

As I said, that is only the abbreviated version with much of the story left out. There were also DNA modifications and other adjustments made as time and their understanding of the aging process accumulated. So far their result is truly remarkable when comparing our life cycle to theirs.

Just to interpret their images I had to do a lot of research in order to come up with what they were trying to relate to me. I tried and tried to understand their diet but all I learned was it was made up of a combination of simple sugars and minerals. They still have a liver but its function has been reduced dramatically. They have very little waste to worry about as their energy exchange to the cells produce very little and there isn't much unused volume of what is ingested. However, there is some waste from some of the inorganic carriers that are used to deliver nutrients.

Some of their DNA alterations expanded their mental capacity and they have trained their brains to discard no longer needed information.

If all of this sounds strange, it is also strange to me. Believe me when I tell you that these thoughts come from somewhere as I have not been trained in the subject matter, nor have I ever thought of these things. The imaginations I have are alien to my world and thoughts. I do not pass this information for any reason except to record the strange thoughts and images I have. They are very persistent and seem to have continuity as if they are real. You can make of them what you want because I am not trying to sell any of the dream recalls or imaginations to anyone.

I am shone things that I can only guess about. I see a different science than I have been taught and it captivates me and my thoughts. In many instances of what I see, I have questions but receive no answers except for more images. Making sense of the images is a real challenge. For instance I know that they can vocalize, but with the images I have seen, vocalization only occurs during sex. Otherwise they communicate with images and emotions. When they do vocalize it is more of subtle grunts and other such indications of pleasure. There is no articulation of vowels or other indicators that vocal communication is meant to convey anything except physical pleasure.

I will write about their wars in another episode. Many nights were spent watching one horrific image after another. My wife accused me of running or moaning during my sleep. What is certain is that war is a scourge and any proponents of war should be hunted down and dealt with before their ideas can proliferate. War produces nothing but suffering, humiliation, and a puffed up pride that delights in the domination of others. Even when a cause is beneficial, and has a positive outcome – history, especially accelerated history demonstrate war’s folly by repeating itself and all of its miseries.

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"Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." - Unknown, quoted by Jim Horning, Will Rogers and others"

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Saturday, March 8, 2014

Chronicles - Part 2

Adventure #2 Into the Weird

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Adventure Into the Weird Part 2

Burning Bush
Burning Bush
An Alien Construction?
Photo from: http://johnthweatt.com/

Posted on January 14,2014

As stated in my previous writing, the visions persist, I continue to get visions that repeat and seem very realistic to me. And, as noted, these may just be extensions of my imagination but they seem so real that I felt compelled to share them.

My mentors in these visions kept imaging a spherical device. I had no idea what it was until they revealed it to be central to one of their vessels. The vessel itself was larger than anything that could be imagined and this spherical object was at the heart of the vessel. My best guess at the time was that the spherical device was the propulsion unit for the vessel. That turned out to be incorrect. The large spherical device they showed me was a field generator.

Using a much smaller device they demonstrated the ability of the generated field to control the weight of an object. Repeatedly, just to make sure I understood the apparatus; they demonstrated using a small stage that looked similar to the head of a drum complete with a membrane of some sort. Then they placed an object on the membrane. The device, under their control could make the object float or lay so hard on the membrane that it fell through tearing the membrane.

But they were not through. They would focus the beam from the device onto the object and easily carve the material with the precision of a scalpel. The device could also soften the object without destroying it.

Night after night I saw this like an episodic event. Eventually I was exposed to what looked like an ordinary axis chart complete with a pictorial graph of the object going through the different changes under the device they showed to me. It appeared that when the object was on the positive side of the origin point, the graph was linear going from the origin neatly angled upward and to the right. It was very apparent that the object was getting heavier the further it went in the positive direction.

At zero, the object was weightless, and when the object was just slightly negative, the object became pliable. Any more negative and the object just went away. My take home thought was that they were demonstrating a device that could control mass. There was no indication of how massive they could make an object, but it looked to be several times the objects normal when it was at rest before they used the device on it.

The large spherical device was used to control the mass of the vessel. As they accelerated, they did not have to worry about mass as they had the ability to control it. Under the influence of their large vessel device, they did not have to worry about being thrown about because of movement of the vessel.

It was also made plain to me that there was no such thing as physical matter. What was conveyed to me was that there were only discreet fields that either banded together by attraction or repelled by the opposite process. Collectively the fields would yield atoms; not solid particles, but were able to mimic our ideas of solid particles. The fields were predictable and controllable. They could be broken, elongated, torn asunder and forcibly torn away from their attachments. – (Just passing this information along because it is over my head and differs from what I have been taught.) There will be no judgments from me about these revelations because I am not qualified to make them.

But according to the Gabriel, interstellar travel would be impossible without the ability to control mass. I use the term loosely because I only have images to guide me. However, it is clear that when in interstellar flight, they are able to generate a strong negative field in the direction they are travelling while maintaining the vessel at or near zero. This field breaks up any collective fields (atoms) and prevents the vessel’s destruction.

This will end part 2 of my recollections from dreams. Part 3 will follow soon..

Robert can be reached via Email:
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"Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." - Unknown, quoted by Jim Horning, Will Rogers and others"

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Monday, January 13, 2014

Adventure Into the Weird

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Adventure Into the Weird

Burning Bush
Burning Bush
An Alien Construction?
Photo from: http://johnthweatt.com/

Posted on January 14,2014

Dreams or Imagination It all started sometime in 2001. In the wee hours of the morning, I would wake up with ideas that were foreign to anything that ever circulated in my conscience world. Some of them are scary but at the same time curious which is why I have chosen to write them down. While I am well aware that the following may be the product of pure imagination, I cannot say with certainty that these are not chronicles of real events.

This is actually the second time to include some of those revelations publicly. The first was right after the thoughts occurred to me; fascinated by them, I thought they would make a great backdrop to a science fiction novel. That is when I wrote “The History of the Future”. I even put it online in its own web site.

The revelations continue though and I really don’t know what to make of them. I wake up in the middle of the night with new images and thoughts about our world and the beginnings of life here on Earth. In my dream recollections, I am being fed information from a group of other worldly creatures that call themselves the Gabriel. (I cannot relate images to phonetics very well, but Gabriel is as close as can be estimated.) They do not vocalize to me but rather use mental images as a method of communication. I, on the other hand, do not know how to communicate with them, except through my emotions or my conjured up mental images. But whenever they communicate with me, they seem to respond to my reactions. It took me a long time to understand their images and what they were communicating to me, but after a while, those images started to make sense.

According to the Gabriel, they found planet Earth during exploration and determined that it could be claimed for life. There wasn’t any free oxygen on the newly discovered planet, so they utilized DNA specific organisms from their world to plant on this new planet. It was a long and tedious process to establish a self sustaining atmosphere that could accommodate life.

The Gabriel themselves are a people that are long lived. They had quit using the biosphere for food on their home world many millions of years ago. (It was hard to nail down a time line, so my using millions of years is only symbolism for a long time.) The subject of rejecting the biomass for food was actually the basis for that science fiction tale I wrote.

Their rejection of the biomass made them extraordinarily sensitive to biologic invaders as they had lost most of their resistance to the microscopic world of would be infectors. They went on to illustrate why evolution was so important and necessary for creature development. As creatures including humans develop, they have to accumulate the built in protections from the environment that only evolution can bestow. Whenever the Gabriel did seed a prospective planet with life’s basics, they do not know in advance the twist and turns that evolution would take. They only knew that the evolving mass would develop defenses against predation and pathogens. Survival of any evolved life form would be dependent on how well they developed and maintained their defenses.

Once a planet was seeded, the Gabriel could only visit wearing protective outerwear against the biology that was evolving or else risk being infected by opportunistic alien pathogens. It was the developing biomass that actually changed the planet and made it possible for land based life.

One caveat, they stressed with emphasis that they did not invent the life process. It has always been a mystery to them. They also stressed their deep abiding faith in an original creation. Planet seeding was a change from the normal utilization of a livable planet. There was a time in their history that they would colonize a planet themselves. But eventually competition and political differences led to devastating wars between themselves and their colonial planets.

It was these wars that made them decide to maintain their numbers and not expand by colonization. They can and do reproduce but reproduction is only to replace the numbers lost through accident such as an occasional mishap handling biological material. Sex is primarily recreational without any guilt. Feelings of possession and jealousy are alien to them. The use of birth machines is preferable to natural birth because of the control over the genes inherited by the offspring. Normal DNA of the Gabriel still contains genes from bygone times. Those older genes are usually dormant, but occasionally a naturally born offspring would be born with unwanted traits because of those genes. But with the invention and development of birthing machines, they gained control over inherited genes.

I was struggling with the flow of information. I knew that this was either planted thoughts or an over active imagination that had watched too much “I Love Lucy”. The curious part was that the glimpses of this alien society only occurred during my deepest sleep. I always wake up with remembrances of what had happened. It was startling to say the least. Ordinary dreams, while sometimes startling, make almost no sense and are difficult to remember. Ordinary dreams also morph from one irrational thought to another. But this is not the case with the episodic encounters of the information flow from the Gabriel.

Some of the piecemeal information related to their interactions with humans (us). One such incident had to do with certain problems encountered by the observing teams sent to Earth to monitor progress. The Gabriel used small flying machines, but powering them was a problem whenever they were far afield from their deployed ship. The solution they came up with was to induce the human population to build ‘resonate chambers’ (my term) that could channel energy to these small flyers. That shape was a pyramid of defined parameters that could supply energy to their flyers.

Another problem cropped up whenever the Gabriel approached the humans. Their appearance in their environmental protective suits was received and treated with great reverence by the indigenous populations. The Gabriel finally resorted to relayed visions of what was required to the humans, but without fail, those visions got interpreted in terms of the localized religions. The resulting constructions were always an extension of those religions. A few of the constructions actually served their purpose and could recharge their flyers, but not all. Some were so elaborate and ornate that they were useless. Others were not the correct dimensions and were useless.

The dimensions shown me were as follows: The perimeter of the base if it were a circle would have a height equal to the radius of that circle. The construction had to be aligned with the planet rotational poles. Size was always a problem in developing these structures. They needed adequate girth and height to be effective. But, as I said, a few were built that could do the job.

The Gabriel was always sensitive to the barbarism displayed by the humans. They worked very hard to infuse a code of ethics that would tone down the natural tendency towards barbarity. But because of the bio hazard present, face to face meetings were practically impossible. They tried several times to approach the humans, but because of the bio hazard, had to wear full protective garb.

They tried genetically altered hybrids to act as 'go-betweens', but the idea was fatally flawed, it never worked as intended. But then, a breakthrough! The Gabriel discovered that they could mimic human sounds using combustion. After much experimenting, and consulting, it was decided to take advantage of the spiritual nature of humans and speak to them directly using modulated combustion to mimic the audible communications by humans. Their construction for this purpose was a small tree made of tubes decorated to resemble the appearance of vegetation – but this tree burned and could talk. Fire became the medium of choice to communicate with humans. Some of the sound producing mechanisms used also included arcs of electrical discharge.

As weird as this may sound, the whole impetus for creating these communicators was to lead humans to a less barbaric state. No, it would not be an overnight process, but by helping the different societies to adopt ethical principles, which if adopted universally, could drastically improve the fortunes of human kind.

There is much more to relate, this is only the first of the many revelations of divulged to me.

Robert can be reached via Email:
Send comments to - editor@robfg.com

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"Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." - Unknown, quoted by Jim Horning, Will Rogers and others"

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