Saturday, March 29, 2014

Chronicles - 3 Long Lifespans

Adventure #3 Into the Weird

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Adventure Into the Weird Part 3

Alien World
Gabriel World

Posted on March 28,2014

Chronicles Part 3
If you have not read this saga from the beginning, please scroll down until you get to the first installment of this saga and start from the beginning.

Waking up in the morning with strange thoughts is startling at first, but after a while you have no choice but to accept the weird things that unlike dreams stay and mingle with your thoughts when you are awake. Some of the recalled dreams seem ridiculous, but then some of them make sense. I am now sure that what I recall is intermingled with my own thoughts as I tried to interact with the visions I was being shown.

Some of the visions were persistent. One such sequence dealt with how the Gabriel was able to live so long. Even today I do not understand these visions from a biological standpoint but will pass on my account of what was shown me. Here is the abbreviated version of how they achieved such an incredible lifespan.

From life’s inception, most cells are predestined to divide a preordered number of times. After using their last DNA proscribed division, the cell will eventually die and not replicate anymore. Vision after vision of this process was shown to me. The age factor comes from our cells exhausting their ability to metabolize food. Chief among those reasons is our diet.

It seems, according to what I was shown, that on a biological diet, some of the cell ingested food will form waste molecules that are too large to expel by osmotic process. These large molecules of waste accumulate and eventually begin to restrict the ingestion of nourishment. In defense, the cell divides and each division is a countdown of the total cell divisions allowed. Limited divisions help maintain our organ and body proportions, prevent runaway replication (cancer), and regulate our metabolism.

Within most types of cells there is a strand called the telomere that governs the number of times a cell can replicate. The diet is instrumental in determining cell division. And, after a lot of research aimed at the mechanisms that restructure and maintain the telomere, the Gabriel decided that changing the diet to one that excludes those foods that clog the osmotic exchange would be a lot less complicated. By keeping a cell nourished and preventing the cell from accumulating those large waste molecules, they could prevent many of the cell divisions and extend their active lifespan.

As I said, that is only the abbreviated version with much of the story left out. There were also DNA modifications and other adjustments made as time and their understanding of the aging process accumulated. So far their result is truly remarkable when comparing our life cycle to theirs.

Just to interpret their images I had to do a lot of research in order to come up with what they were trying to relate to me. I tried and tried to understand their diet but all I learned was it was made up of a combination of simple sugars and minerals. They still have a liver but its function has been reduced dramatically. They have very little waste to worry about as their energy exchange to the cells produce very little and there isn't much unused volume of what is ingested. However, there is some waste from some of the inorganic carriers that are used to deliver nutrients.

Some of their DNA alterations expanded their mental capacity and they have trained their brains to discard no longer needed information.

If all of this sounds strange, it is also strange to me. Believe me when I tell you that these thoughts come from somewhere as I have not been trained in the subject matter, nor have I ever thought of these things. The imaginations I have are alien to my world and thoughts. I do not pass this information for any reason except to record the strange thoughts and images I have. They are very persistent and seem to have continuity as if they are real. You can make of them what you want because I am not trying to sell any of the dream recalls or imaginations to anyone.

I am shone things that I can only guess about. I see a different science than I have been taught and it captivates me and my thoughts. In many instances of what I see, I have questions but receive no answers except for more images. Making sense of the images is a real challenge. For instance I know that they can vocalize, but with the images I have seen, vocalization only occurs during sex. Otherwise they communicate with images and emotions. When they do vocalize it is more of subtle grunts and other such indications of pleasure. There is no articulation of vowels or other indicators that vocal communication is meant to convey anything except physical pleasure.

I will write about their wars in another episode. Many nights were spent watching one horrific image after another. My wife accused me of running or moaning during my sleep. What is certain is that war is a scourge and any proponents of war should be hunted down and dealt with before their ideas can proliferate. War produces nothing but suffering, humiliation, and a puffed up pride that delights in the domination of others. Even when a cause is beneficial, and has a positive outcome – history, especially accelerated history demonstrate war’s folly by repeating itself and all of its miseries.

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"Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." - Unknown, quoted by Jim Horning, Will Rogers and others"

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Saturday, March 8, 2014

Chronicles - Part 2

Adventure #2 Into the Weird

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Adventure Into the Weird Part 2

Burning Bush
Burning Bush
An Alien Construction?
Photo from:

Posted on January 14,2014

As stated in my previous writing, the visions persist, I continue to get visions that repeat and seem very realistic to me. And, as noted, these may just be extensions of my imagination but they seem so real that I felt compelled to share them.

My mentors in these visions kept imaging a spherical device. I had no idea what it was until they revealed it to be central to one of their vessels. The vessel itself was larger than anything that could be imagined and this spherical object was at the heart of the vessel. My best guess at the time was that the spherical device was the propulsion unit for the vessel. That turned out to be incorrect. The large spherical device they showed me was a field generator.

Using a much smaller device they demonstrated the ability of the generated field to control the weight of an object. Repeatedly, just to make sure I understood the apparatus; they demonstrated using a small stage that looked similar to the head of a drum complete with a membrane of some sort. Then they placed an object on the membrane. The device, under their control could make the object float or lay so hard on the membrane that it fell through tearing the membrane.

But they were not through. They would focus the beam from the device onto the object and easily carve the material with the precision of a scalpel. The device could also soften the object without destroying it.

Night after night I saw this like an episodic event. Eventually I was exposed to what looked like an ordinary axis chart complete with a pictorial graph of the object going through the different changes under the device they showed to me. It appeared that when the object was on the positive side of the origin point, the graph was linear going from the origin neatly angled upward and to the right. It was very apparent that the object was getting heavier the further it went in the positive direction.

At zero, the object was weightless, and when the object was just slightly negative, the object became pliable. Any more negative and the object just went away. My take home thought was that they were demonstrating a device that could control mass. There was no indication of how massive they could make an object, but it looked to be several times the objects normal when it was at rest before they used the device on it.

The large spherical device was used to control the mass of the vessel. As they accelerated, they did not have to worry about mass as they had the ability to control it. Under the influence of their large vessel device, they did not have to worry about being thrown about because of movement of the vessel.

It was also made plain to me that there was no such thing as physical matter. What was conveyed to me was that there were only discreet fields that either banded together by attraction or repelled by the opposite process. Collectively the fields would yield atoms; not solid particles, but were able to mimic our ideas of solid particles. The fields were predictable and controllable. They could be broken, elongated, torn asunder and forcibly torn away from their attachments. – (Just passing this information along because it is over my head and differs from what I have been taught.) There will be no judgments from me about these revelations because I am not qualified to make them.

But according to the Gabriel, interstellar travel would be impossible without the ability to control mass. I use the term loosely because I only have images to guide me. However, it is clear that when in interstellar flight, they are able to generate a strong negative field in the direction they are travelling while maintaining the vessel at or near zero. This field breaks up any collective fields (atoms) and prevents the vessel’s destruction.

This will end part 2 of my recollections from dreams. Part 3 will follow soon..

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"Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." - Unknown, quoted by Jim Horning, Will Rogers and others"

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