1. Green Energy
2. Stimulus package
3. Small, high mileage cars
4. Jobs
5. Get out of Iraq
6. Get Ben Laden
7. Close Gitmo
8. Impeach Blagojevich
9. Gay Marriages
10. Unfettered abortions
11. Higher taxes for the rich
12. Open borders
13. Amnesty for the undocumented in this country
14. Degrade the values of morality (right and wrong)
15. Socialized medicine
16. More money for a broken school system
This is the fourth in this series. This fourth article includes items 8,9 and 10. These 3 topics represent my opinion only. Feel free to disagree and to send your comments.
My Comments on the 'List' Article 4
Impeach Blagojevich: As stated above, this is only my opinion of the problems concerning the Governor from Illinois. To begin with, I think Blago made a deal with Jessie Jackson's son for the Senate seat. But then here comes Obama who wanted somebody else to take his old Senate seat. So now, Blago has to either give up the money from Jackson and appoint Obama's choice or try to shake down Obama to replace the money he would lose if he appointed Obama's choice for the job.
Blago took the second choice. But Blagojevich is not smart. Jackson feels jilted over the deal and informs Patrick Fitzgerald the Federal Prosecutor. Subsequent wiretaps of Blago catches him making incriminating statements and the rest as they say is history.
But there is a fly in the soup. Fitzgerald stopped his investigation before a crime was committed. Why? To begin with, Blagojevich knows where all the bodies are hidden. Putting him on trial with witnesses under oath has the possibility of opening more of Pandora's box than the Democrats care to have exposed. Forcing the resignation of Blagojevich would have been the cleanest path for the Dems to take, but Blago would not play that game. The Illinois Senate will start an impeachment trial to have Blago removed from office. Sounds like a reasonable solution, but if enough of those State Senators do not want their own dealings exposed, they may reach an agreement with Blago --privately of course. An agreement with Blago not to spill the beans could be privately negotiated before the trial begins.
Then the question arises, what will happen if Blago does not get removed from office? The ball would get bounced back into Fitzgerald's lap. Fitzgerald would have to make the decision to indict or not. It will be his decision to open Pandora's box or not.
Now that Blago has filled the Senate seat, some of the problems go with it. The seat is no longer a bone of contention between the interested parties.
Gay Marriages: My view on gay marriages is a tainted one. Or maybe I should say I feel as though we are experiencing tyranny by the minority.
With the exception of very few homosexuals who are born with mixed up hormones, the vast majority of gays choose that lifestyle. Most begin their gay life as either lonely people needing friendship, people who have had a rough time establishing satisfactory relationships with the opposite sex, or those just seeking the thrill of a different experience. The more mainstream the gay lifestyle becomes, the easier it is for those disaffected and lonely people to adopt the gay lifestyle. Usually, when one of these vulnerable people befriend a gay, more than likely that person winds up being seduced instead of helped.
There are dedicated gay couples, but again the vast majority of gays drift in and out of relationships. Why they even want to legally tie themselves to each other is a mystery to me. The idea of gays getting married is insulting to me. Having judges rule on such issues without the consent of the governed is also insulting. I view the subject as just one more step that is disintegrating the fabric of our society.
Unfettered Abortions: First, my view is against abortion on demand. I soften my view when such a procedure is medically necessary. In this day and time with a myriad ways to prevent pregnancy, there should be no problem. Without a lot of fanfare, maybe all of our young should automatically be put on birth control. In today's system of sex education, students are given tacit approval for having sex. Schools willingly hand out condoms and birth control to those who seek them. Some schools will even direct students to abortion clinics without informing the student's parents of a pregnancy. And some states do not require parental notification of an abortion.
Then there is the issue of morality. An abortion certainly takes the life of a child, but we have managed to cloak the meaning with such phrases as 'tissue-mass' 'a woman's right to choose' and other such terminology. The abortion pill is an acceptable alternative to me. Since it takes approximately 72 hours for the sperm to fertilize an egg, the abortion pill can prevent the pregnancy if taken the morning after an encounter and solves the moral question of killing a child. I understand that some religions do not support any form of birth control, but I feel that such a view is detrimental to the well being of a society.
Look for volume 5,
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