Tuesday, August 5, 2008

More on Global Warming

Taking Earths TemperatureIn conversations with proponents of 'Global Warming', there is a common thread that works its way through all of their opinions on the subject. Few, if any, know anything about the 'greenhouse effect' and just relate opinions from someone they trust or are just going along with the crowd on the subject. I find that ignorance about how CO2 is supposed to be destroying the planet to be appalling. It is a subject that everyone just assumes that his or her trusted source understands the subject.

Global warming has become the darling of the left because it fits their agenda. It gives the left leverage over the engine of America's greatness. This one issue hands to the elite left, total control over the driving energy for our economy. They become the brokers of the Nation's energy supply and in the process diminish the greatness of this country.

But there is a fly in the soup. The CO2 theory does not stand up to scrutiny. It is a fallacious assertion that just happens to fit several political agendas. The left is not the only proponents of the CO2 global warming agenda. The right also embraces the scheme as a wedge to make the U.S. energy independent. Their aim is to stop surrendering rivers of wealth to other countries. The real losers in the process are the American people.

Energy independence alone should be motivation enough to change our infrastructure on energy. But sadly, it is not. There are too many special interest groups with their oars in the water. The farmers want to 'grow' our fuel, the environmentalists see pollution with everything that has any real chance of supplying our energy needs, and the everyday people want affordable fuel for their cars.

There can be no doubt that fossil fuels have their downside, but when put on the scales of balance, the good outweighs the bad. Science has cleaned up much of the pollution caused by fossil fuels and is making strides that will make them even better. As a nation, we have dug ourselves a deep hole when it comes to the supply of our energy needs. We can overcome this deficit in energy if we as a nation take the necessary actions.

For starters, we need to develop the energy sources available to us now. We have only tapped into 3% of the outer continental shelf. We need to explore more of it. Clean coal technology is also a big source of energy. We have enough coal to last for the foreseeable future. Then there is the nuclear option that once held such promise for the nation before the environmentalists scared the crap out of the American people with their campaign against it. That campaign received a big boost with the accident at Three Mile Island. Even in the face of objections from the environmentalists, nuclear power still has to be one of the alternatives for our future energy needs.

For the time being, fossil fuels are still our best bet for maintain our way of life. The so-called alternatives are not available in anything like the quantities we need to maintain our economy. The Democrats need to get off their duffs and approve offshore drilling.

There needs to be a non-political discussion about global warming. There is evidence that the Earth is actually cooling, just the opposite of what the proponents of global warming are contending. CO2 causing any type of global warming is political and not a scientific fact.



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