Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Uniting the Democrats

Fox New's Hillary PhotoMcGovern tried to install the leftist agenda into the mainstream, but failed to do so. The Clintons took a crack at it, with only marginal success. Then along comes Obama with his appeal to the younger voters and the deal is almost a fait accompli.

What is abundantly clear is that Barack Obama has given the boot to the old Democratic guard. He has managed to shrug off the Clintons and set the Democratic table for himself. How was this possible? Hillary was supposed to be the Democrats' crown jewel for this election cycle, but Hillary's over confidence and failure to properly organize for a campaign against a vigorous young African American was her undoing. One could almost feel sorry for her as she paid homage to Obama in her speech last night. It was painfully obvious that the speech she gave was not the speech she wanted to give if a pasted on smile is any indication.

Tonight will be Bill Clinton's night to gin up enthusiasm for the Democrats. But the bitter taste of defeat is in his mouth so it will be a speech much anticipated by the press and others. Will he bow before the altar of Barack Obama? He has to know that Obama does not have a prayer of beating John McCain, so any thoughts of cowering before Obama just may not be in the cards. He can always take the neutral stand, brag about his Presidency, and include only lip service to Obama, or he may bow down and kiss the ring worn by Obama. Either way, it promises to be an interesting evening.

Laughably, the subject that Bill is supposed to talk about will be about National Security and defending the Nation. National defense is definitely not the Clinton's strong suit. The word is that Bill Clinton is angry over his assigned topic and even spoke derogatorily about Obama. It has implications because if we get to see an unfettered Bill Clinton tonight, then the roll call vote with Hillary's name in nomination could mean a major split in the Democratic Party.

One of the largest unanswered questions was why in the world Obama did not just pay the debts accrued by Hillary and tell them both to just go away. By paying off those debts, he would have had some leverage to shape the convention into a song of praises about himself rather than that unholy alliance with the Clintons on primetime television for two successive nights, plus getting a roll call vote on Hillary.

The new guard is struggling against the old guard, but do not count the old guard out completely. The pending defeat of Barack Obama will swing the pendulum back in the other direction. The leftist backers of Barack will have to think up a new strategy if they ever hope to install their agenda on America. Close but no cigar for the leftists.



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