More than 85 thousand believers crowded into INVESCO Field to be a part of history. Political affiliations aside, Barack Obama's nomination was historical. Obama gave his speech before the largest audience for a political convention ever. The spectacle was nothing short of breathtaking, topped off with a large fireworks display.
The speech itself was not substantive but promised something for everybody as is the custom for Democratic Rhetoric. It was however, an open demonstration of just how far left Obama is. It was clear that he adamantly believes that the Government is the solution to every perceived problem imaginable. It was also clear that he aimed his rhetoric at the vast minority of citizens in this country. He failed to recognize that the majority of the American citizens are doing well, and that only a very small percentage of Americans are actually having a rough time of it.
He was quick to point out the problems in Michigan, but what he failed to mention was that the liberal policies of taxation and greedy unions were actually responsible for the problems with the American automakers. He failed to mention that the foreign automakers in America were free of the burden of Unions and enjoyed major tax break incentives from those American locations. No, no, no, admitting the truth about how Liberalism has all but killed the prospects for those good jobs that he references would not be helpful to the young leftist seeking the Presidency. His policies, as outlined in his speech would amount to another giant leap to the left and further erode the America ideal that is responsible for America's greatness.
It all sounds so very good to propose helping the different groups by plugging corporate tax loop holes, but this idea is straight from the left. Nor did he define these loopholes. But according to Democrats, all corporations have deviously devised strategies for not paying taxes. By his removing incentives for a corporation to stay in the United States, more companies will locate elsewhere. Those that do stay and receive a tax break for not leaving will still make less as he actually proposes to mandate the wages that they pay. His proposal is a lose-lose proposition for America. His proposals sound reasonable to the people who can only see the top of the water without any regard for its depth, but in reality, he puts a gun to the head of corporate America. They have the choice of gaining a tax break and then losing the money saved with the tax break by having the government set the wages or, they can move to a place that is friendlier to business.
He also proposes to hire an army of teachers and building new schools and other goodies. Under his administration, the Government would take over most of our institutions. Remember the old saying, "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions." The Liberal way is to make a mess of things and then blame the problems on whatever scapegoat that is handy. Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security are prime examples of mismanaged programs that have bankrupted us, but these programs were all well intentioned.
He said nothing about corralling the lawyers who under the pretense of helping the abused have forced defensive actions from businesses and doctors. Malpractice insurance and huge monetary awards severely cripple the price of healthcare. Personally, I do not believe that our doctors are malevolent and intentionally mess up. They deserve the benefit of doubt and not forced into ruination by a lawsuit. The real beneficiaries in those lawsuits are the lawyers with their take of 40%, and they suffer nothing. Lawyers are directly responsible for the high cost of insurance. The insurance companies have to prepare for the multi-million dollar lawsuits that are so common. Still, Obama was mute about lawsuit abuse. Could it be that he is silent about lawsuit abuse because lawyers are one of his largest contributing blocks?
Examine the extreme leftist speech by Barack Obama and decide for yourself. There are numerous transcripts of it on the internet. Think about what he is proposing and what the takeover of our institutions by the government would mean. Yes it all sounds good, but do we really want the government taking over everything? Have we lost our determination to rise out of bad circumstances? You will have to answer that and more in November.
As a footnote, the whole spectacle last night was reminiscent of an old Pentecostal Revival. You may be familiar with the routine at those gatherings. First, they get everybody in the mood with music, and then the preacher comes out and passes the plate. They are careful to put the congregation in the right frame of mind before passing the plate. The shindig last night was a lot like that.
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