Sunday, August 17, 2008

New Political Debate Standard

Fox News PhotoIt was the most amazing side-by-side comparison of two political aspirants that I ever witnessed. They each had an hour and had to answer the same questions. There were no 'gotchas'; just good questions any of us would want to ask.

If you did not get a chance to see the forum from Saddleback Church, then try to find a transcription or video of it. Barack Obama went first, he did very well, and he was relaxed for the event. However, it was apparent that his nuanced answers made him appear to be hesitant at times. To me, personally, this way of answering questions shows a weakness in the candidate. One answer in particular, Obama could not bring himself to answer. The question was on the abortion issue and Obama would not commit an answer to when life began. He gave a stumbling statement and declared that a definitive answer was above his pay-grade.

That was an incredible answer considering his support for abortion. It is remarkable that Obama could have supported abortion all this time and not have a conviction about when life begins. When life begins is the crux of the whole debate between the "Right to Choose" movement and the "Right to Life" crowd. If he did not understand the debate over abortion, why did he pick a side to support? Maybe he used the time tested 'eenie, meenie, miney, moe' method to decide which side he would support, or he just blatantly chose the side that helped him the most politically.

Obama demonstrated by his answers that he has no bedrock core. But then, I am a conservative and core principles make up who conservatives are. We look for, and cherish our leaders that demonstrate core values.

During McCain's hour, the differences between him and Obama could not have been starker. McCain was direct, knew how he stood on issues, and left no need to parse his answers. His substantive direct answers clearly demonstrated both his love for this country and what you could count on during a McCain administration. My prediction is that McCain will soon eclipse Obama in the polls and thoroughly trounce him in the upcoming election. And by the way, McCain had no hesitation about when he thought life began. His immediate answer was, "At the moment of Conception." McCain was definitely on his 'A' game during his hour. He mopped the floor with Obama.

Support McCain,



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