Friday, June 6, 2008

Modern Liberalism Hurts

SearchingLiberalism Eludes Me

No matter how diligently I search, I can find no logical reason for being a Modern Liberal. Today's Liberals have skewed the attractiveness of this philosophy into a scheme for the accumulation power.

For this scheme to work, the Liberal elites have to keep baiting the under classes with promises that glitter. But glitter is all they ever get. The followers of the Liberal never get the gold unless they are one of the elite leaders. Power and money all come to those who make themselves part of the governing class. This can be any public office from local District Attorneys to the President.

Have you ever seen a poor political office holder? The power brokers elected by we the people use their power for self-aggrandizement. They constantly need money. They constantly look for ways to extract money from those they govern. The art of raising money, honed over time, always gives the impression that someone else pays. That is why we have so many different taxes. Certain groups are targeted for taxation, for instance, the Hotel Tax. The hotel tax is a favorite of local politicians who want to give the impression that the 'visitors' and not the local people will pay for the latest "needs" of a community. The sin taxes only target those who smoke, and drink.

The more money that the politicians rake in, the more powerful they become. The politicians can use the money for any cause. The more causes they raise money for, via taxes; the more prominent, and important the politicians become. The money is all green so it does not matter where it comes from. Those who finance and contribute to the campaigns of the politicians expect and receive a quid-pro-quo favor for their support.

Both political parties exploit the citizens in their care, but the Liberals are the worst offenders. Today's Liberals are modern day Robin Hoods. Their taxation schemes have run most of our manufacturing jobs into business friendlier countries. One of the guiding principles of business is to be competitive. Any manufactured product has to be attractive to a customer. The product will not sell if not priced competitively. Manufacturers cannot make a competitive product with Liberal politicians constantly breathing down their necks with taxing schemes.

Like previously stated, taxation is a shell game. Instead of the politician selling his scheme to the voters and increasing the voter's taxes, he taxes the corporations and brags how he held down the taxes for the folks. But the voters pay in the end. Either the manufacturer's product is more expensive or the manufacturer takes the manufacturing jobs that pay good wages and moves them to a country that appreciates the opportunity to have good paying jobs. Or the business owner can just go out of business. The citizen cannot win in the long run from the onerous taxation policies of the Modern Liberal.

So I keep looking for a way to appreciate Liberalism. I read and digest thousands of pages, but have not found one redeeming reason to be a Modern Liberal.



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