Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Democrats Unfit for Leadership

Artist UnknownWhat Could Have Been: The Democrats declined to help with the effort in Iraq. They have relentlessly pursued Bush and any policy he formulated. Democrats and their henchmen the 'press' have sought to restore their political power regardless of cost to the United States.

The merits of going to Iraq and the mistakes made there are legitimate topics for debate. The "whether or not" we should go should have been a topic before we went into Iraq, and the "mistakes that we made" should be the critique after we have left Iraq. But the Democrats saw things differently they saw political opportunity! They wanted Bush to fail so bad that they undermined the effort in every way they could.

Democrats realize that they provided hope for the enemy. Their plan was to hand George W. Bush a defeat in Iraq by encouraging the Islamic extremists. Their reckless disregard for our service men and women is beyond belief. Tantalizing our enemy with visions of the United States, leaving Iraq before the new Government could sustain itself meant a longer war and needless deaths of our soldiers. Have you Democrats any decency at all? Is your quest for political power so great that you could be so callous as to put this Nation and its soldiers in such peril?

What if the Islamic Radicals viewed the United States as a country determined and united about the War on Terror? Do you not think they would behave differently? The actions of the Democratic Party and the leftist press continued giving the impression to the Islamic Radicals that our will to win was broken and we were ready to give up. This 'give up' attitude encouraged the radicals and gave them hope. They continued with their suicide missions as long as they thought that they were gaining ground. Thanks a lot, Democrats!

The only thing getting attention from the Democrats is the election. Their total effort is to defeat any positive outcome by Bush. The loud echo chamber of the leftist press helped to demoralize Americans and change their attitude from victory to one of surrender. Even today, the Democrats choke on the thought of a victory in Iraq and having a Democratic partner in the Middle East. Their goal was a defeat for George Bush in Iraq, and political victory in 2008, regardless of the cost in lives to both our soldiers and the Iraqis.

It is my belief that the Democrats crossed a political boundary that disqualifies them from any position of leadership for this country. I am tired of hearing from Democrats about how bad this Nations is, and everything bad in the world is the fault of the United States. Whether it is the 'torture' at Guantanamo or how we are ruining the world with pollution. When is the last time you ever heard anything positive about this country from any Democrat? It is apparent that the Democrats have lost their love for this country and see it as the world's pariah. Enough is enough. If you see the actions by the Democrats any differently, please let me know. I would love to be wrong about the Dems, but they do not give me reason for any conclusion except that which is stated above.



1 comment:

  1. The bad news isnt coming from democrats alone. It's coming from Bush. He was the one that told me about the financial crisis. He was the one that told me we are going to war with the wrong country. He was the one that told me, on tv, that the head of FEMA was doing a great job in New Orleans. His administration told me about secret non public trials. see my blog and learn:http://rolanddarbystattler.blogspot.com/


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