Sunday, September 14, 2008

Race has Nothing to do with It

New York times Photo of KatrinaMy email must be the junk capitol of the world. Some of the stuff I read, and some of the stuff I just delete. But the most obnoxious stuff that comes into my email box tries to equate Blacks with no ambition, lazy and other adjectives I would rather not mention. These emails have so many forwards that it is hard to get a fix on their origin.

One such email was a series of pictures. These photos compared the floods in the Midwest to the floods in New Orleans. Captioned under the Iowa and Missouri pictures were the questions, "Where is the looting?" "Where are the snipers?" "Where are the angry mobs?" "Where are all the FEMA trailers?" "Where is the Media griping about the slow service from FEMA?"

The intention of the email was to relate that the White Midwest had more ambition and more self-reliance than those caught up in Katrina. And it was the 'can-do' attitude of those Midwesterners that really mitigated the effects of the flood. Essentially, the email portrayed the White Midwesterners as being better able to deal with problems than the Blacks in New Orleans were.

The real tragedy at New Orleans did not have anything to do with race, but everything to do with Liberalism. The Democrats controlled everything, the Senators, most of the Representatives, local governments, and the Governorship. Democrats have been systematically creating a culture of dependency just to get the votes of the Blacks. They hand out political crumbs, just to get their vote. Programs such as Section 8 Housing Vouchers, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Affirmative Action, Child and Adult Care Food Program, Head Start, The Food Stamp Program, and The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) represent just a few of the Government Assistance Programs for minorities. Over time, these programs have stolen the self-reliance and independence from minorities. One such comparison would be of the spoiled child who demands everything and has no feeling of pride about his own accomplishments. Sometimes tough-love is the only method for a spoiled child to appreciate both himself and those that love him.

Any group, White or otherwise would react to sudden problems in the same fashion exhibited by those New Orleans citizens if they had lost their independence and self-reliance by always expecting the Federal Government to take care of them. It is as if they look to the Federal Government much as the pre-Civil War slaves looked to the plantation owner for their existence. The Democrats created this problem; it is not indicative of any failure of a race. No group of humans whatever their color would behave any differently if they were so dependent on someone else for their well-being.

So spare me those racial slurs through innuendo and put the onus where it belongs, on Liberalism. Lack of self worth and pride is destroying the Black communities. The race-baiters seek to exploit the never-ending cycle of poverty because it is from these pride-starved people that they derive their standing. Typically, a race-baiter delivers a few crumbs to the minority community. The minority community in turn holds the race-baiter in high esteem for what he has done. Never mind that his actions are just deepening the entrenchment of dependency.

Black ministers have found feeding minorities with soaring rhetoric that vilifies whites has found a very receptive audience. Whom else can they blame for their impoverished condition? So the Democrats get the Black vote on the cheap. A few handouts here and there have ensnared those wonderful people into the kind of disparity that comes from dependency. Whenever a black person does find his way out of the poverty cycle, he gets vilified as an Uncle Tom and worse.

Certainly, I have no answers for the short run, but I fear trouble on a much larger scale if Black leaders do not come forth to educate the minority population of why things are as they are. Education to explain the truth about dependency to the Black population is sorely needed. Restoration of self-reliance and pride has to be on the top of the agenda to prevent a complete meltdown between the races.

The Democrats realize the problem. That is why they are pushing so hard to elect Barack Obama. His election will temporarily mollify Blacks until they realize that things are no different. Barack Obama is just a Black face that will still continue and expand dependency to an already dependent people.

Written with love,



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