When McCain went mining in Alaska, he struck it rich. He found pure gold, and possibly just what he needed to beat Obama. I am talking about Sarah Palin, the governor of Alaska.
No pant suits for Sarah; she is a self-confident woman who exudes a sparkle that have the Democrats running. So potent was this selection for vice-president that the Democrats have pulled out all the stops to denigrate her. They fully realize the threat she poses to their candidate. The threat is not for just this election, but she is also a harbinger of bad news for any hopes that Hillary Clinton may have had for 2012.
For all of you who wanted a woman on the ticket, your wish has come true. She stands for and lives by her stands on abortion and family. She exhibits those qualities that most women just talk about but can never achieve.
In the coming days, she will become Barack Obama and Joe Biden's worst nightmare. John McCain has finally given us a reason to support the Republican ticket. I take back all of those snotty things that I said about McCain. With this selection for vice-president, he has shown that he has the judgment that we want in a president. McCain's team lobbied for different candidates, but his final decision was one that once again solidified him as being a maverick.
The mud is already thick and heavy from the Dems, but they only make supporting Sarah easier. Democrats do not dare approach her from the standpoint of issues, but rather are trying to destroy her personally. Attacks that disparage Sarah Palin personally and against her family are going to backfire in a big way on the Democrats. All of us can identify with Sarah. No family is without its problems. The real test for anybody is how he or she handles what fate has dealt to him or her. Nobody is dealt a perfect hand, but Sarah Palin managed to make her hand a winning hand.
Thanks John McCain for selecting her to be your running mate. You absolutely picked a winner with her selection.
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