Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Obama is an Empty Suit

A Frustrated ObamaNo, not political acquaintances, but I mean those whom Obama thinks of as a family friend. Everybody has acquaintances, but they also have friends. A friend is someone with whom you have shared experiences. A friend is someone who comes over to watch a sports-event with you. A friend is that special person with whom you socialize. A friend is that person who will help when the occasion arises.

Have you heard a name of any close pal or friend of Obama? We have all heard the names of those acquaintances like Reverend Wright and such, but to my knowledge, no names have surfaced to identify a real friend of Obama. Knowing the people a person calls 'friend' says a lot about that person and his or her judgment. And so does a person who does not have close friends. A man without close friends has nobody to stand up and be a supporter for the man. The only testimony you hear for Obama is from political cronies with selfish reasons to give their support.

I would be very interested to know if Obama and his wife have close friends with whom they socialize. But that part of Barack Obama is a blank slate. It would also be instructive to know about his relationships with the other members of his family (Not his immediate family). Is Obama an island?

McCain on the other hand has well known friends. He maintains his friendships from the North Vietnamese prison, and buddies from his navy days. He has also been in the Senate long enough for some of the politicians to qualify as friends. He and Senator Graham are practically inseparable. They share the same political philosophy and regard each other as a friend.
I repeat; where are the associates that Obama pals around with that he calls 'friend'. Drop a comment if you have information about any friend of Obama. It is very strange for a man to be in his forties and not have cultivated at least a few friends.

Listening to Barack Obama, all you hear is constant belly aching and complaining about the United States. He never has anything good to say about this country. Either everybody is destitute, losing their homes, or they are without hope. He finds nothing positive to say about anything American. His idea of change is to make the country into what his idea of a good country should be. Obama does not think we have a good country now even though he has had the best of everything handed to him that this country has to offer. But he knows how to make this a good country. -Give me a break!

We have an administration trying desperately to solve the housing problem. Monday the government took over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in an effort to inject liquidity and stability into the chaotic housing market. We have an administration dealing with a resurgent Russia, a belligerent Iran, and a still out of control North Korea. The question I have is, if Obama has solutions to all of these problems, where has he been for the last two years. The president could have used his wisdom to solve some of these problems. No legislation sponsored by or written by Barack Obama was even attempted. Maybe his goal is to let these conditions just fester, and cause misery so that he can step in, and be a hero with his solutions. What a laugh! This man is an empty suit with only a talent for destructive rhetoric.

It is equally sad that so many of our young, thoroughly steeped in liberal dogma from our colleges and universities, have swallowed his gobble-dee-gook and are among his biggest supporters. The enthusiasm that they exhibit for Obama is alarming to those of us old enough to recognize BS. But students with huge student loans are mesmerized by his 'chicken in every pot' and 'car in every garage' rhetoric. It is certain that Obama is not short on promises. All of his speeches target his audiences. In Michigan, he hangs out the carrot of recapturing their glory days of employment. On the O'Reilly Factor, he sounded very conservative. He is a master of giving his audience what they want to hear. In his acceptance speech, he would hire an army of teachers to solve the school crisis. The list of promises and money he proposes to spend is staggering. Still the show goes on.

The one bright spot in all of this is that McCain will mop the floors with this guy. Go McCain!



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