As long as Barack Obama remains in contention for the Democratic nomination, his presence is helping to create a miracle in the Republican Party. The Gaffs, semi-lucid statements, associations, and the expectations of the Black community combine to reunite the Republican Party as never before. His non-scripted responses are nothing but pure gold for future use by the Republicans. The only fly in the ointment for the Republicans is a weak Republican candidate who will not take the fight to Obama. But he may not have to.
Obama's surrogates are out demeaning McCain and his service, รก la General Wesley Clark. This West Point valedictorian has highlighted a mean spirit in the Democrats campaign. With plausible deniability, Obama can disassociate himself from the comments, with no real action to prevent further incidents. It is an old Clinton trick to get others to say what the candidate cannot say. Once the statement is out in the public arena, it becomes a life unto itself. All the candidate has to do is condemn the statement as if he were as pure as the driven snow.
Then there are indications of Black expectations that work against Obama in the general election. One such incident was the episode in Denver Colorado at the start of the State of the State address by the Mayor of Denver. They hired a popular Jazz singer to sing the National Anthem to start the program and she comes out and sings a hybrid version with words from the Black National Anthem. Most people were outraged, and some were downright angry over the incident. The incident only underscores the point that the Black community holds the election of Obama near and dear to their hearts. The race baiters in the Black community thrive by selling Blacks on ideas such as Black Reparations, and government care from cradle to grave. Whenever White people object to this kind of rhetoric, they get condemned as racists. The Black population looks to Obama as the man who will transport them to the Promised Land and have even threatened violence if he is not the Democratic nominee.
The Liberal Left cannot help themselves as they salivate over the prospect of a Democratic victory in November. But more and more Democrats are being turned off by the prospect of an Obama candidacy. The polls also reflect Obama's weakening position. His attempt to move to the center is starting to rile his Liberal base, and if he loses a portion of the liberal base to Ralph Nader, it would be calamitous for Obama. Nader is a Liberal alternative who objects to the war in Iraq.
The Democratically controlled Congress may also be in for a fight. Their stand on energy policy would bankrupt the nation and the public is starting to sense that the Republicans have the clearer vision for energy independence and lower gas prices. One of the stupidest arguments that the Democrats make for not drilling is that it will take 'ten years' for the new oil to come on line. Even if you give them that argument, you would think that ten years from now that Americans will appreciate the fact that we helped with their energy needs. It is certain that we sure could have used the oil development that President Clinton vetoed.
This election cycle does have promises of being a corker. Even the polls for the Congress are not reliable indicators of what is going to happen in November. I for one will enjoy the show.
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