Friday, July 11, 2008

Does McCain Really Want to Be President?

John McCainSo far, there has been very little indication of a desire on McCain's part to really want to be President. But the Moderates have their man. McCain is a moderate, non-confrontational dink that refuses to stand on his hind legs.

McCain's poor leadership and lackluster campaign are burying the Republican Party. The Democrats talk about this being their year, and McCain is doing all he can to make sure that it happens. People are asking, "Who is the real Obama?" But the real question should be, "Will McCain stand and be counted?" Already the polls are swinging to Obama. The latest figures show an increase of 2 points giving him an 8 point lead. McCain is drowning in his own milk toast.

McCain's speech to La Raza gave no reason to vote for him. He just delivered a bunch of flowery compliments to Latinos. On issues that are important he sends out surrogates instead of stepping up to the plate and taking the issues on. One reason he does that is for cover just in case taking a position proves to be unpopular. When a surrogate says anything that draws the ire of the press, McCain publicly chastises that surrogate or fires him.(or her)

All of this would be fascinating if he were not running against a leftist elitist who sees the United States at fault for everything. Listen to what Obama says. Every criticism that comes out of his mouth condemns the United States in some way. It does not matter the problem, it is our fault according to Obama. He condemns our health care system. What an idiot! No, our health care system is not perfect but it beats the socks off the ones he wants to pattern it by. He also thinks he can tax us into prosperity. The man is not fit to be President and yet John McCain refuses to mount an effective campaign.

OK, I will stop complaining, but I do not like being forced to support a candidate without the gumption to step up to the plate. McCain's candidacy gives me an empty, hollow feeling. Certainly it is not an inspiring nor uplifting campaign that brings the voters to the polling booth.



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