Wednesday, July 9, 2008

We Need a Guest Worker Program Now

Immigrant WorkersThe longer we put off instituting a guest worker program; the chances of amnesty for the Illegals in this country go up.

Let us face the fact that we need the workers. What we do not need is granting citizenship to millions of unassimilated migrants. But both of our political parties want the situation to continue. The Democrats see future voters if they can, by hook or crook, pass legislation that would make them eligible. The Republicans, on the other hand, have many supporters that like the status quo because they get cheap labor without having to pay the usual taxes and benefits for them.

I say enough of the political posturing over this issue and think of what is best for the country. American citizens are tired of supporting these Illegal immigrants without them having to pay their share in their upkeep. The American taxpayer pays dearly to educate and furnish health services for these people. Not to mention the security angle of not knowing who is in the country and where they are located.

In a previous article, I stated that there are two things that Congress does exceptionally well and that is 'argue' and 'nothing'. There is no body of Government better at doing those two things. Will Rogers had a line that pretty much sums up the Congress; "When they make a joke, it becomes a law, and when they pass a law it is a joke."

A guest worker program would do a lot:

1.) It would allow us to know who is in the country.

2.) Those in need of laborers would have them legally.

3.) Reduce the tax burden on the American taxpayer.

4.) The now 'Legal' guest workers would have status so that they do not live in constant fear of deportation.

5.) A guest worker program would prevent granting citizenship to millions of unassimilated people.

No, I do not believe that there is a good solution to the problem, but a guest worker program properly organized could be a real benefit to both the worker and the American Citizen.



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