Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Hollywood's Shame

Elite AutoYou would think that the stars of Hollywood would be supporters of the American worker but that is not the case.

The stars are very up front with their support for Democratic candidates. But do they really support the base of the Democratic Party? General Motors is almost bankrupt and laying off thousands of their workers. The Democratic Party blames the job losses on the Republicans and their policies, but they give their Hollywood donors a pass.

You may ask, "What does Hollywood have to do with U.S. autoworkers?" Well, the iconic gods and goddesses of Hollywood refuse to patronize American products. If you should get a glimpse of one of the rich and famous Democratic elite supporters, you will see that they do not drive American cars. Most opt for Mercedes and BMWs as their cars of choice with a few snazzy Italian sports cars thrown into the mix.

When American cars are no longer a part of the American dream, then there is no reason for anybody to purchase them. Hollywood has singlehandedly raised owning a foreign car to the epitome of car ownership and in the process diminished those American products made by the same workers that they claim to support.

The General Motors story might be different if the elites of Hollywood would have taken a leading role in advancing the stature of the American automobile instead of disdaining it for the foreign models.

Sorry Detroit, your jobs, and families are not important to those elites that keep supporting a party that is anti-business. The stars of Hollywood keep their nose in the air behind the wheel of their shiny BMWs and Porsches. No Corvettes need apply.

So the next time a Democrat preaches jobs to you, tell them to get their buddies in Hollywood to stop glorifying foreign cars and maybe you can keep the job that you have. The condition in Michigan is a sad affair. It did not have to happen, but the elite Liberal leaders of Michigan thought that they had a never-ending supply of cash from the auto industry. But nothing spells the death knell to an industry faster than no business. Liberal policies of over taxation, Hollywood elitism, and greedy unions have all combined to decimate the American auto industry. The American produced automobile has finally reached the point where with the combined taxes, benefits and production cost create a product that is no longer competitive. It now cost more to produce than the competition. So with crippled sales, we all have to watch the sad disintegration of another fine American enterprise caused from Liberal policies.

Wake up America!



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