Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Obama's Judgment

Barack ObamaDo not take it to heart that Obama has changed his mind on several issues. Changing one's mind is the American way. After all, as a Nation, we changed our mind about slavery, integration, abortion, good education, being thrifty, and putting a premium on becoming an America Citizen. Yes, as Americans we do change our minds about issues, so whenever Obama changes his mind about an issue, he is just demonstrating that he is no different from the rest of us.

A person's judgment is different. What you do in life is a product of the judgment you use. We all have to make those tiny little decisions that demonstrate good or bad judgment. "You have chosen wisely," rings through my head whenever I manage to make the right decision. The quote is from an old Indiana Jones movie, but I think it says a lot. Obama has demonstrated that his decisions are based on ego and emotion rather than rational thought. Those past decisions are the only indicator we have at deciding the character of the man who wants our vote for President. I believe that those past judgments are an indicator of the type of decisions he would make if he became President.

Obama evidently liked those fiery anti-American and anti-white rants so much that he remained in that church for twenty years. What else are we to conclude? You would think that he would have exercised good judgment as a parent and not expose his children to the influence of such hatred. Or, one might conclude that Obama feels the same way as Reverend Wright and wanted his children to adopt that anti-white mindset.

Even if he was just using the Church as background cover for a political career, he should have known that belonging to such a biased and racist church could hurt him and his career. Obama demonstrated poor judgment in both his selection of a church and his choice to stay and be a part of the congregation. That accusation does not even address what his children may have absorbed there during their formative years.

Sean Hannity is always bringing up Obama's associations. Whom you associate with speaks volumes about your character as a person. But a young Obama seems to have sought out associates with a dislike for this country. There is no middle ground here. You can only make one of two conclusions about his associations. Obama also believes the way his associates do or he just has poor judgment when it comes to choosing friends.

Obama has decided to deliver his plan for Iraq before he travels there to assess the situation. This is really a scary decision. It conveys that he has already made his decision without firsthand knowledge of the situation there. How much more of his poor choices in judgment do we allow this bitter egotistical candidate?

Do you really want this man to be making the decisions for our country? It really is your choice. The way you decide also says something about your judgment.



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