It is the political season. But it has been the political season for the last 3 years. We suffered through the mid-terms, and then the primaries, and now the main event, the presidential sweepstakes. The only losers in the political dramas unfolding across this land are the American people.
Did I say losers? Americans, fragmented over the different issues, all want their issues dealt with. Every different group has staked out their demands in such a way that the candidates, lacking issues of their own to champion, pander to these different groups for their votes.
The results are campaigns that run around playing 'gotcha' politics instead of providing leadership to the American people. Running for election depending on the opposition candidates 'gaffs' to get you elected is not leadership. A candidate that feels the need to agree with every special interest group is not leadership.
The packaging of candidates to appeal to everyone shortchanges the Americans out of knowing whom the person is that is running for office. If elected, the person who wins will have to make decisions. For help in making decisions, the elected person has advisers. But every decision made will also be filtered through the elected persons own experiences and bias's. It is our system.
Such a system is fine. But in today's world, we never get to know the candidate. This is especially true about a candidate who has a short resume. The candidates resume gives the electorate a glimpse into what the man stands for. His previous stands on a wide range of issues have more standing than the cheap pandering promises made to the different groups. Experience matters because it offers a window into the real candidate.
There was a time when the press dug into candidate's background to expose their true stand on issues. But today's press core is nothing but sycophants and in the process, cheats the voters with their bias towards a candidate.
This leaves only the promises of the candidates for the electorate to make a judgment about voting. But always bear in mind that candidates will, can, and do say anything to appease your interest. When there is no track record to look at, the voter plays a dangerous game in selecting a slickly packaged candidate. People packaging is a serious business with a track record for success. I only ask you to look beyond the hype and promises. Everything that glitters is not gold.
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