Friday, May 16, 2008

Complaining Rush Limbaugh

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He is beginning to sound like a cracked record that is stuck in one groove. Not just Rush, but the entire conservative talk radio crowd is griping and complaining. They do not like McCain, Nancy Pelosi has outsmarted the Republicans, Bush does not provide the leadership that they want, and they dislike Barack H. Obama.

From my perspective, all I hear is talk and no solutions from these Pied Pipers of wisdom. Obviously, the Republican Party does not want Conservatism, the Democrats choke on the word Conservative and the Republicans that we elect are trying to out Liberal the Democrats. Rush and other radio hosts are quick to tell us what is wrong, but not a hint on a course of action for conservatives to take.

There is no leadership stance from the complainers-in-chief. I believe Rush would put together a movement for a third party if he thought it would be successful. But there are questions. Does he have the gravitas to put together a third party? If he is not confident, then he will opt for the safety of just complaining. It would be a big risk; Rush would be gambling his conservative beliefs against his radio empire for the success of a third party. Would he take such a risk? Probably not, the sweet smell of the money he makes is too much for such a gamble.

The conservatives want leadership, but it seems that those with the ability to lead are too fat and happy to really be concerned.

The next 2 years will prove to be interesting. You Conservatives can just go suck an egg. Enjoy your old man who has run out of fight and left you in the lurch. Even if the moderates muster up enough votes to elect McCain, he will be one of the most feckless presidents ever. Veto proof majorities in the House and Senate will make sure the Democrat's agenda gets passed, old man McCain will have to just suck it up and live with it. I hope they have plenty of mush and other soft foods stored at the Whitehouse.


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