Monday, May 26, 2008

What Obama is Missing

Barack ObamaAt first blush, Obama looks and sounds like any other young liberal. But the elements missing from his resume disqualifies him from being President.

What is missing? Barack is missing the inculcation of Americanism. Most of us who were born and raised in the United States wear the imprint of our country. Americanism is comprised of many things like reciting The Pledge of Allegiance in our formative years, learning how and why we came to be the Nation we are. It is very important to be a part of America while learning of the historical exploits of our forebears. Barack's view, jaded by the fact that he spent his formative years in schools that did not imprint what being an American means, leaves him crippled in understanding America. Simply put, he sees the United States through the eyes of a foreigner, and not through the eyes of one brought up in this country.

Why is this important? It is important for the very same reason that people see other people as other people. When we hear about some calamity with others, it does not have the same impact as a similar event happening to a family member. Americans brought up in this country tend to see other Americans as 'family'. Barack is missing that American imprint.

American Presidents need more than just spell binding rhetoric. You have to trust that his decisions are rooted in a passionate love for this country. With Obama, that love of and appreciation for this country is missing.



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