Debating the Issues:
John McCain's desire to debate the issues is a non-starter. His stand on some issues may pass the test, but fail on others. It does not make sense to debate anything with a poor basic knowledge of the issue.
But McCain soldiers on. His comments about man-made global warming are the most stunning revelations of his ignorance. Or, he may just be pandering to that audience knowing that he needs the kooky left-wingers to vote for him. Whether the statement comes from ignorance or just a desperate plea to the loony left, it is offensive.
No one can doubt the pollution problems in the new manufacturing economies such as China and India, but it is incumbent on those economies to stop their pollution.The insatiable appetite that we Americans have for cheap foreign products only amplifies the pollution problem in these new manufacturing centers. But also let there be no doubt that the poisoning of rivers with industrial waste and sending toxins into the atmosphere do not make the case for global warming.
The link that the 'Greens' try to make with CO2 is laughable. CO2 may be a very minor greenhouse gas, but its connection with global warming is scientifically not there. Is it a good thing to release so much CO2 into the atmosphere? No, but do not sell it as a national disaster either. Only a very small amount of the CO2 increase is attributable to man's activities. The lion's share of CO2 release is out of the control of humankind. Theoretically, if man was not on the planet, CO2 levels would still rise and fall.
CO2 makes up less than 1% of the gas in our atmosphere. Compare that to the amount on Mars. Mars has an atmosphere that is almost entirely CO2, 95.3%, and yet Mars is cold. Go figure.
Make your conclusions about the sophomoric statements by McCain, by doing what he refuses to do and that is to make the effort to get information about these matters. Do not fall into the category of believing everything you hear. Politicians have this pitiful habit of lying and pandering. McCain is no exception.
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