Thursday, May 22, 2008

Pollution and Global Warming

City SmogLike most that grew up in the 50's and 60's, the images of "smog" were indelibly burned into our conscience. Everyone realized that this was a man made phenomenon. Compounding these images were our daily experiences of man's pollution.

Amoco Oil demonstrated the distasteful stuff coming out of our automobiles utilizing leaded fuel by attaching a large clear balloon to the tailpipe of an automobile. The balloon quickly filled up with black nasty gases, this was beside another automobile burning their new lead free fuel. These were eye opening demonstrations and paved the way for the acceptance of unleaded fuel.

Lastly if you ever traveled by bus, it is hard to forget the diesel exhaust that permeated those bus stations. You could hardly get your breath around those places.

Getting the public to accept a theory that blamed the activity of humans for global warming was relatively easy. The public already had experiences with man made pollution, so it was easy to accept that burning fossil fuels was causing global warming by the discharge of CO2. I also fell for the idea that man was responsible for the problem. I even wrote an article for '' about the hazards of CO2.

I penned another article for my sister website
After a lot of research including the writings of a lot of the world's pre-eminent scientists and climatologists, that research prompted several articles on my websites about CO2, Venus, and Mars. There is only one conclusion a reasonable person can make. Global warming is not from any efforts of man. You can read my rewrite of the article of global warming here:

What I want you to understand is that smog and the effects of other pollutants were resolved by real science, not an emotional, nearly hysterical proclamation by those with ulterior motives. So look into the issue for yourself and don't allow this issue to steal your freedom. Be deliberate in your quest to find the truth. is a good place to start.


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