Thursday, May 1, 2008

So - So McCain

McCain RallyBeing a conservative, I find it hard to get excited about the nomination of John McCain. But the realities of the upcoming election make it easier to understand why we need a nominee just like McCain.

If the Republican Party had nominated an ideologue conservative, we would not have a chance to advance in any category. The prospect of the Democrats getting a filibuster proof congress is high. They would have been able to impose their agenda with or without the approval of a conservative President. The only weapon that the president has is the veto option. That option would be feckless with a 60+ member Democratic Senate plus the rino (Republican in name only) Republicans.

McCain is a moderate on a lot of issues, and that bodes well for him in dealing with a Liberal congress. McCain may not win on all issues, but he and the Democrats see a lot of issues through a similar lens. This puts McCain in a position to be able to influence and possibly prevent a lot of Liberal social tinkering. A strict Conservative would be at loggerheads with Congress on all issues resulting in constant turmoil.

As I said, I am not enthusiastic about McCain. I just understand why his nomination is logical at this point in history. I will vote for him, but will not support his candidacy with any money. Call me hard headed but I blame McCain a lot for of the situation that the Republicans are in today. A constant critic of Bush, he became the darling of the liberal left. He only gets my vote because of the two extremely liberal Democratic candidates and the prospect of an overwhelming Democratic Congress.

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