Losing Our Self Reliance:
I just got sick listening to Barack Obama in a speech that was carried by Fox News on Sunday night. It was not that he pointed out all of the ills of the United States, or that he made his getting an education paid for by the government a model for everyone, no, what made me ill was that he really believes that regardless of an individual's effort, the government should play the part of mama to everyone.
Obama railed about losing good jobs here in America, but never a word about the liberals taxing our manufacturers into oblivion. He never spoke about the demands from labor unions that bear some of the responsibility for losing so many domestic jobs. He never once said anything about our shortage of domestic energy because a few liberal green activists are Hell bent on pushing us back into a 12th century world. He never once spoke about the fabricated global warming hoax that will cause us to lose more of our good jobs. The jobs will not disappear, they will just move to different countries where those companies can exist.
Health Care: Please bear with me on this. I am insured and have two doctors that I routinely visit. The first is a general practitioner for ordinary health care. The second is a heart specialist for containing the damage from a-fib episodes and their prevention. Besides the monthly premiums for my wife and me, I pay an annual deductible and a small fee per office visit. But guess what? The doctors are so busy, just to make an appointment you have to get it at least a week in advance. (If you are lucky.) Try and find a doctor with a European name. Apparently, the American young are not studying to be doctors. The bottom line here; what kind of health care can we expect with socialized medicine? Even now, whenever I have an episode that cannot wait a week for an appointment, it is off to the Emergency Room. It is so crowded with Illegal Immigrants that the wait is sometimes up to 4-6 hours. The fact that I am insured does not mean a whit in the Emergency Room. The State requires Emergency Rooms to treat everybody regardless of their ability to pay. When Obama speaks so glowing of giving everybody health care, all I can do is wonder where are all the doctors going to come from? More Charity Hospitals would help if the public would finance them. But still the question I have is where are all the doctors going to come from? I know that I could not be a doctor. Doctors are special people that are married to their profession. They make good money, but they also sacrifice a lot of their freedoms to help their fellow man.
Obama mentioned the plight of some poor people he met without jobs and had an inability to pay for the gas to go find a job. Then he railed against the Oil companies for the high price of fuel. What he neglected to say was that his party is preventing us from having nuclear power. He failed to say that his party is preventing exploration for domestic supplies of energy. He did call for a windfall profits tax on the oil companies. It is the absolute stupidity and pandering to the ignorant among us that made me sick. I finally changed the channel and found a movie on T.V., 'Star Wars'.
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