Thursday, May 22, 2008

George W. Bush and the RNC

Animated BushThere is leadership, and then there is leadership. George Bush went for the gold ring but botched it for 3 years. For three years we saw and endless stream of death and destruction to the Allied forces and our Iraqi friends. It was maddening to see the horror of the roadside bombs and the suicide bombers taking such a grievous toll on the lives in Iraq. George Bush had to be beaten down politically before he finally made a change in the operation. Today, it looks like we are going to finally get a Government based on democratic principles in Iraq. But the cost has been horrific.

These have been my chief complaints against Bush. His failure to recognize that the war was going badly and doing zippo about it was maddening. It created a lot of animosity towards him. But these same attributes run in the Republican National Committee.

The RNC has not stood up for anything. I was once proud to be a donor to the RNC, but not anymore. I have this thing about throwing good money away. They stuff my mailbox with their requests, but I ignore them. My email is overflowing with RNC requests for support, but I ignore them. It gets tiresome to see unvetted candidates with all kinds of moral problems admitted into the system. Republicans do not lead by example, they try and demonstrate to the world a lesson in what not to do if elected. There were the disturbing episodes of Vitter, Tom Foley and the great bathroom stall incident. By themselves, these episodes were inconsequential. But if you are going to sell yourself as the party of decency, then you should behave like one.

The RNC is also not a fighter for the Republicans. They choose to not engage the Democrats on any level. It does not matter how egregious the Democrats behave, there is never a peep from the RNC. Phooey on any group that does not have the stomach to stand on their hind legs and be counted.

Lastly, there is no way to make a comment to these high and mighty leaders of the RNC. Their website does not have a method of contacting them (except for donations). Ditto for their emails that choke my inbox. This group just wants you to send money without any input from the donors. It will be even more painful when the next President becomes the beneficiary of a veto-proof Congress. Republicans are starving for leadership. But what did we get from the primaries? An old man who really does not have core beliefs nor does he have the stomach for standing up to the Liberal worm that is eating this country alive.


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