Tuesday, May 27, 2008


CuriosityI Can't Find the Answers: Basically this commentary is about questions that I have about several subjects. It seems as though unbiased and accurate answers are in short supply. The best explanations I have come across for the following questions are agenda driven theories. The problem with the theoretical answers is that you have to choose the one you like, because for every theory about a subject, there are counter-theories. Hard definitive answers may be locked up in a theory, but in which? The theories source cannot be ignored when searching for answers. Egos are often obstacles that get in the way of objectivity, as well as the quest for research funds. Political goals also play an important part in obfuscating poor science. So I present my questions. I hope that some of you share my concerns.

Sun's Origin: Obviously, the Sun coalesced from a pool of hydrogen that just "happened" to be in the neighborhood. My question is about all of the other stuff that is in the Sun's sphere of influence. It wasn't the fusion activity of the Sun that created all of the matter that surrounds the Sun. If fusion created all of the elements of the periodic chart, then there had to be other stars that were created and died before our Sun was created. So, do we know how many other Stars had to come and go before our Sun came to life? Have we got the total age of the Universe all wrong, as well as the process of Galaxy formation?

Evolution: I don't question the fact of the biomass evolving, but I don't see any evidence that what has evolved was just a "chance" occurrence. My question is how is it that the changes that occurred were always just what was needed for a particular species to survive? How is it that the Make up of our D.N.A. is programmable? Biologists have been 'gene-splicing' for years to change the inherent programming of bacteria. Some are reprogrammed to do toxic waste cleanup among a other customized tasks.

What is God? One argument is that God is omnipotent and can just go "poof" and things miraculously happen. Others, myself included, believe that God has to manage his 'miracles' within the bounds of the possible. For instance, if God creates something, there has to be a vehicle of possibility for it to happen. Whenever we discover how something works, that doesn't preclude God from having used that same method for some of his accomplishments. No magician, just super smart. The difference between God and man is a wide gulf of knowledge about how things work, both physical and biological. What is your opinion of God?

What's Heating the Oceans? That' a fair question. Of course, over a thousand sub-sea volcanoes and the Sun can't be the explanation. When you listen to Al Gore, you have to believe that CO2 that makes up only 00.54% of the atmosphere is creating the entire problem. The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is so small it is measured in parts per million rather than as a percentage. Never mind that CO2 is a very minor greenhouse gas, very small in comparison to water vapor. Are politics and ulterior motives driving this scam about CO2? Who stands to benefit from this swindle?

Enough Already: Okay, I'll Stop. You get the idea though. We are force fed a lot of hooey in the media that is designed only for either political or monetary gains. This message is meant to encourage you to be skeptical and try and find the truth about the things you are told. There is no excuse in not looking at all sides of any issue now that the Internet is up and running. True, there is a lot of bogus information, but if you check the bibliography of what you read, and research the stuff that isn't well documented, you can have an informed opinion. Being informed isn't a bad thing, it is a good thing.


1 comment:

  1. the problem with these questions is that none of them can be solved using scientific method, (observable, repeatable, measurable) and so all answers are theory only. theories that cannot be proven are basically belief systems. So one's view on how things came into existance in the past, by nature a one time event, is based soley on opinion and beliefs. That is why evolution is as much a faith driven view as is intelligent design.



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